mmmmmmmmmmm, peer pressure, ain't it delicious?
I'm joining. Steve's awesome.
Ah, let's see, Steve as "baby" or "naughty school boy"? gosh, isn't there a middle ground? hm. ok, well, I'm just gonna wander off- no, meander off- randomly rambling to myself something like I am now, and yeah that's cool because I do that a lot and meow. No, not meow, MWoO. oy!
So yes, by the way, christy, I agree- great behinds in kermit's swamp years dvd.
<returns to an increasingly familiar position- tied in a knot of myself under an EM bus seat- while continuing to put off doing homework>
SWAEHB, is it? Well, then, SWAEHB it is. And no, that's not supposed to make sense. I stopped making sense a long time ago, because I decided it's more profitable to make dollars. Anyway. SWAEHB!