I'm just worried they're rushing this. I don't want them to start filming until they got the script perfect. I'm willing to wait another three years for another movie, I just want them to take their time and not rush the script just so they can have the movie out soon.
Let's not judge until we see and hear more details.
On another note I for one am just beyond excited that this finally happening. I honestly wasn't expecting any kind of news until next year. But like I said when Kermit hinted back in June that they were aiming to start filming early next year I knew that was a sign something was up and the script was finished or close to being anyways!!! And
IT'S HAPPENING because Disney really wants this movie
ASAP as well!!! I'm not saying money doesn't have anything to do with it but I for one would prefer to just put that aside for now! And the last film was suppose to come out around Christmas time and they ended up bumping the date so who knows. More then anything I just can't wait to hear about the plot of the film! I had no wavering confidence that this movie
WASN'T gonna happen.

Plus I am excited because that means even
MORE Muppet merchandise coming out!!!
By the way is it just me or is anyone else getting tired of hearing "Jason Segal" won't have any involvement in the film?