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Somebody's Getting Married?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*In high-pitched Evilyn Quince voice: Ooooooh yeeees! Such rapture in ribaldry! But what mischievous escapades await our froggy hero and porcine diva? *Turning to Catherine... You'll certainly let us know, won't you?

*Normal voice: Oh and Leyla... You can get from London to Paris without traveling by plane... Just so long as you have a couple of tickets, you can take the Chunnel train and leave the Brits behind as the couple enjoys themselves in gaye Parie all in the same day.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Ah, gotcha. Thanks muchly. I didn't realise they were in London.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah... Said so somewhere in the story. Sure someone will point it out though.
*Walks off to catch up with other threads.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Ru, I still don't have time to rave properly... and as much as I'd like to just ditto Leyla again, I'd much rather actually write my own review this time... But until then, I'd just like to tell you that I'm still squeeling and giggling about it....


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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TogetherAgain said:
Ru, I still don't have time to rave properly... and as much as I'd like to just ditto Leyla again, I'd much rather actually write my own review this time... But until then, I'd just like to tell you that I'm still squeeling and giggling about it....
So glad this brought a giggle and a squee! I don't have to tell you and the other writers here how much it means to get thoughtful reviews on things I write, and they don't have to be gush-fests. I like a person who is willing to start a good, well-thought-out argument because it makes me think, makes me work, makes me a better writer. Would love a review when you get a chance, but would love more story from you better!

And Ed--please, please send me the typos, and THANK YOU for rescuing me from the whole England to Paris thing. I knew you had to change conveyances, but somehow it seems more romantic to write "We're taking the train to Paris" than "We're taking the train to our first stop, where we'll board a car or a boat, etc, and then well get off in France and take a train to our destination in Paris." You get the drift--thanks for the quick save!!!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK, here goes.
Alyoicious: Should it be spelled like this? Or were you trying to say "Aloysius“
Kermit: "I knew if we tried to film this as ‘Our Wedding’ then the whole thing would sortof degeneration into this big spectacle.”
It should be "degenerate", since it's being used as a verb right?
Posted by Grand UshyGushy Diva: "Kermit lifted Robin from Sweetums shoulder and gave him a peck on the check."
Shouldn't it be "cheek"? Is sokay, Kyle does the same thing.

And about the Chunnel... It's a grand modern train that starts at Waterloo Station in London I believe (might be wrong), travels all the way to the coast on traintracks, then submerges underwater into the tunnel along the bottom of the English Channel, resurfaces on the French/Norman coast, and keeps riding the rails until stopping in Paris. Know of it because I rode in it with my grandfather who accompanied me when a few of my Junior HS classmates and most of that year's Senior class got the opportunity to go to England and France for two weeks in April of 1995.
Hope this helps, have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Ah--might as well post what I've got. I am moving toward some specified point, not just meandering along, I promise.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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“They’re coming—they’re coming!” shouted Scooter excitedly. “It’s really them this time!”
“Oh, I was so worried,” said Fozzie anxiously. “I was afraid their train would be delayed again.”
“They’re getting out of the taxi now,” said Gonzo.
“Oh, like, look! They look so cute!”
“Wow—they’re really married now. I can’t believe it.”
“Yeah—the little green man must have taken leave of his senses,” came Floyd Pepper’s raspy voice. There was the sound of a smack, then, “Hey baby—I was just jokin’—you know I’m behind the frog.”
The studio door began to open.
If Kermit had entertained hopes of making anything resembling a discreet entrance, those hopes were dashed the instant he poked his head around the door frame and saw dozens of eager eyes all staring back. Kermit gulped.
“Um, hello everyone. We’re, um, back.” The rest of Kermit appeared, followed closely by the whole of Piggy. The scrutiny they received was friendly but intense, and Piggy pressed against Kermit’s back as though fearful of some unexpected attack.
This is awful, thought Scooter. I should do something, but he stayed rooted where he was, unable to move.
There was a sudden commotion at the back of the room and, seemingly without any social discomfort at all, Fozzie plowed serenely through the masses, walked right up to Kermit and embraced him.
“Welcome back, Kermit,” he said happily. “How was your trip?”
Without waiting for an answer, Fozzie released Kermit and moved to enfold Piggy in a warm hug.
“You look just lovely, Piggy,” Fozzie said simply. He turned with one arm around each of them. “C’mon guys,” he said sternly. “Let’s give a big warm welcome to Kermit and Piggy, Mr. and Mrs. The Frog.”
With enthusiasm, the crowd surged forward, the ice broken once and for always. When Gonzo got in line to hug Piggy for the third time, she forgot her shyness and swatted him hard enough to make him see stars.
“Thank you,” he murmured, staggering happily back toward his dressing room.
“Did you have a good time?” Bunsen Honeydew asked, peering myopically through his glasses but beaming at them fondly.
Beside him, Kermit felt Piggy stiffen with suppressed laughter. He dared not look at her while a blush suffused his cheeks.
“Um, yes,” Kermit said firmly. “Yes—it was very nice.”
“Bet you saw some beautiful sights,” Rowlf said, eyes wide. Kermit turned and met his friend’s eyes, more than passing aware of Rowlf’s devilry.
I will get you for this, Kermit’s look said plainly, but he nodded and smiled perfunctorily. “Oh yeah,” he said casually. “Gorgeous.”
Scooter finally snapped out of his reverie and began to herd people away from the somewhat flustered couple.
“C’mon, people,” he said, playing traffic cop. “We’re trying to get ready for the first shoot of the day, and I’m sure we’d all like to be done before lunch.” Grumbling, people dispersed.
At last, it was only Scooter and the happy couple. Kermit turned to Piggy, took her gently into his arms and kissed her chastely on the lips while Scooter tried not to gawp. Kermit released her and she floated blissfully toward her dressing room.
“Stage call in twenty,” Kermit called after her.
“Yes, Mon Capitan,” Piggy said obediently. Scooter fought to keep his jaw from hitting the floor. At last, he turned and grinned at Kermit in delight.
“So…married life is…good?”
“Oh yeah,” Kermit said fervently. “It’s terrific.” He looked at Scooter and the gopher actually saw him shifting gears from husband to director. “Catch me up, Scooter. What did you get done while we were, um, gone.”
Scooter heaved a quiet sigh of relief. He’d obviously been worried for nothing. Kermit was still the same director, the same boss, the same frog he had always been. That would never change.
“Well,” Scooter said. “We filmed part of the letter sequence scenes. I think they went well—you can take a look at them whenever you’re ready. Today, we’re supposed to do, um…” He flipped pages frantically. “Quelle difference, but that’s after lunch, and right now we’re queuing up for the bus terminal scenes. Oh, and I wanted to get You Can’t Take No for an Answer in the can today.”
“The Electric Mayhem ready?”
“Always—well, Animal probably needs to be walked first.”
They were moving now. “When do we go on location?”
“Later in the week. We’re still waiting on park permits. We’ll probably do the street scenes first, then let everybody but you and Miss, um—“ Scooter broke off suddenly, cheeks coloring a little, and looked at Kermit helplessly.
“It’s okay, Scooter. She may be Mrs. The Frog now, but she’ll always be Miss Piggy.”
“Oh, good,” Scooter said with a heartfelt sigh. “I just—I hadn’t thought about it.”
“There’s a lot to think about,” Kermit said with a twinkle in his eye. “I’m learning something new every day.”
For a second, Scooter just stared at him, not sure whether to be reassured or scandalized. Before he could formulate a response, Kermit was moving again, shedding his traveling clothes as he walked. “Anything else I need to know about the week?”
Scooter consulted his clipboard hurriedly. “No, I don’t think—oh. Well, the scene we’d talked about earlier—the one you weren’t sure about doing last week? We’re scheduled to do that on Friday.”
“Friday,” Kermit mused, his expression thoughtful. “I think by Friday it will be fine.” He turned and put a hand on Scooter’s arm. “Thanks for minding the store while we were gone. And on short notice, too.”
“Sure thing, Boss. Glad to help.”
They grinned at each other.
“Um, boss?”
“Yeah, Scooter?
“You need to change.”
“Oh!” Kermit looked down at the remains of his traveling clothes. “Yes. Guess I better.” He trotted off. Scooter stood for a moment, lost in thought. Fozzie came up and stood beside him.
“Good to have everybody home,” Fozzie said with a sigh,. “Now things can get back to normal.”
Scooter gave him a look. “Back to normal?” he teased. “Since when has anything around here been normal?”
Fozzie tried to look stern. “You know what I mean”
“Yes, I do,” Scooter admitted. “Hey—I wanted to ask you about your hibernation scene. Did you look at the new script pages?”
Fozzie gulped. “Um, yes,” he quavered. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that….”
They walked off together toward the dressing rooms, but Fozzie’s voice floated back clearly.
“Um, is it really necessary to have a coed cave?”

“Time to go,” Kermit said much later that day, his hands clasping Piggy’s plump arms and pulling her close.
“Home?” she asked, her expression tender. Home with Kermit, she thought giddily. I’m going home with Kermit.
“Um hum.” He leaned forward, unable to touch her without wanting to claim a kiss.
“Where?” Piggy asked. Kermit stopped in mid-pucker.
“Where?” he repeated blankly, scrunching up his whole face.
Piggy put her arms around his neck, slipping her hands beneath his frill. “Yes—where?” she repeated patiently. “Your place or mine.”
Kermit continued to look blank.
“I, um, I didn’t think that far ahead,” he admitted sheepishly.
Piggy started to giggle. “Um, my place is bigger.”
“Only in closet space. And you never have any food at your place.”
“You never have anything I can eat at your place, either,” she protested.
Kermit pulled her a little closer. “We’ll send out for something,” he murmured, leaning in for a kiss. Piggy dodged him determinedly, intent on settling the question at hand.
“But I don’t have any clothes at your apartment,” Piggy insisted, and inhaled sharply at the keen look of interest on Kermit’s face.
“And this is a problem?” he asked mischievously. Piggy put a hand over his mouth, blushing furiously and looking around to make sure they were not overheard. There was no one close by. Kermit pressed a smoldering kiss against her open palm, and when she jerked it free, he took advantage of her distraction to tug her in tight and kiss her. Her surprise quickly changed to enthusiastic participation, and they stood just outside Piggy’s dressing room door kissing to beat the band. If the entire cast and crew had wandered by, seen them and bought tickets it is doubtful they would have cared.
Kermit played his trump card. “My apartment is closer,” he murmured. Piggy let out a shaky breath.
“Okay,” she said. “I’ll get my coat.”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... So lemme get this straight...
You put the lime in the coconut...

No, seriously. We finish Somebody's Getting Married with Kermit and Piggy running off to the train station for their honeymoon... And then we sort of thought it'd progress with Getting Swamped.
But here you are returning to this one with a few added moments of what happened when filming TMTM after the honeymoon? Mmm, nice little back and forth you've got going on here.
I'm rully interested to see where this goes. And I liked how Fozzie was the one to break the tension after the couple got back to the studio.
Scooter... Good lad keeping up with the day's events briefing his boss...

Very much liked this Ru. Keep it coming!
32 exciting pageturners.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Oh, Ed, just so you know... the swamp visit takes place about two months after the wedding, so... unless they honeymooned for a REALLY long time... (not that I personally would object to that), all of this is happening well before the Swamp story.

Yippee! Always fun to see a good story keep going. I loved everyone's excitment at their homecoming... and the slow sinking in of Kermit and Piggy's new status. The innuendos and teasing are quite um... fun. I especially liked Rowlf's line in particular.

The newlyweds initial discomfort was very cute. And, mmm all the newlywed bliss was yummy and sigh-worthy. I love the haggling over where they're going to live... and the deciding vote! <grins>

“So…married life is…good?”
“Oh yeah,” Kermit said fervently. “It’s terrific.” He looked at Scooter and the gopher actually saw him shifting gears from husband to director. “Catch me up, Scooter. What did you get done while we were, um, gone.”
Scooter heaved a quiet sigh of relief. He’d obviously been worried for nothing. Kermit was still the same director, the same boss, the same frog he had always been. That would never change.
Does anyone else find that immensely comforting? ... loved it, Ru... loved it, loved it loved it!