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Somebody's Getting Married?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeay. Thank you for the new chapter Ru.
Great to see all the games and pretensions abandoned. This time it's for real, or so we'd like to believe.
Oh, please post more when ready... Looking forward to all the people there for the ceremony.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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<you may want to cover your ears for this>

<deep breath>



Ahem. Sorry about that.

<bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy frog hug, pig hug Ru hug bouncy bouncy bouncy>

They're finally getting maaarrrriiieeddd now!

Oh Kermit! I love you, you frog you! Thanks for finally telling her you big dope!

Ruahnna said:
“Oh—there you are,” said Kermit, not even looking at her. “Piggy—I need you to look these papers over and sign them before we do the wedding again.” Inwardly, Piggy groaned. Script changes, she thought irritably. As if there wasn’t enough stacked on her plate. But when she looked at the papers, they didn’t look like script changes. They looked like certificates of some sort—and they looked official. Now very uneasy, Piggy looked closer at what was clearly a marriage license.
<dances> <bounces> <general rejoicing>

“Why do I have to sign this for the movie?” she said nervously, looking around for Kermit. He seemed to be very close at the moment, standing just behind her.
You don't!! Sigh... standing close to her...

“You don’t have to sign it for the movie,” Kermit said gently.
“Then what—“
“You just have to sign it to marry me.”
<happy, girly squealing> Oh, that's so sweet!!!

The pen dropped from her nerveless fingers. “Wh-what?”
Kermit stepped forward and slipped his arms around her, looking intently into her blue eyes.
“Please, Piggy,” he said softly. “Sign the paper, won’t you?”
Aw... I like the way he asked that, and wrapped his arms around her and ooh, I'm so happy!!

Those big blue eyes filled with tears. Piggy looked around, wanting help from any quarter. None was forthcoming. Without warning, she withdrew from Kermit’s embrace and fled back toward her dressing room, but Kermit caught her before she could go very far. He was laughing, and his arms held her close.
“Please,” Piggy said desperately. Of all the mean jokes! “I don’t want to play this anymore. I just want to go—“
<heart lurch> Oh! She thinks it's a joke! Well, I can see why I suppose, poor dear. "I don't want to play this anymore." Wow... stabby stab stabby. It's been rough for her, for both of them over the years. No wonder she's tired of the game.

Kermit kissed her. They had shared many kisses in the course of their relationship, some more memorable than others. This one, out of all of them, took the cake and the bakery with it. After what seemed like a very long time, Kermit released her lips, but he didn’t let her go. Piggy stared at him, put her hand to her flushed lips. Kermit smiled.
"Took the cake and the bakery with it." Oh, my! And in public too. I think he's serious, Piggy dear!

“Marry me,” he said earnestly. “I don’t want to play this anymore, either.”
<<<<<<hugs>>>> for Ruahnna!!! Yay!! Oh, that's so great!

Piggy just looked at him, unable to make her brain shift into gear. “But—but when we filmed the scene this morning, and Bob said, let’s see what he does if we—and then you were all huffy about the—and I thought you were mad about….”
Oh, she's all flustered and babbling! That is so sweet, and Kermit wouldn't know about Bob's involvement anyway! Yippee!!!

Piggy looked like she might swoon, and Kermit tightened his hold on her. It felt good, Kermit thought, holding her tight like this. He intended to make a habit of it.
<purrs><giggles><bounces> sigh... that's a very good habit you're picking up, Kermit.

“Oh, but, Kermie—“ Piggy said, and Kermit felt like a band around his heart had suddenly broken free. She had called him Kermie, again—it was going to be okay.
<tears up> Oh dear, and I made it this far too...

“Yes, Piggy?”
“What about your parents?”
Kermit pointed and Piggy looked over to see Mr. and Mrs. The Frog waving at her merrily from behind a doorway. Piggy waved back faintly. All the doorways seemed filled with people—friends, cast-members, family. Piggy turned in a slow circle, looking at all the smiling faces, then turned back to Kermit, bewildered and flustered. To her consternation and delight, Kermit dropped to one knee in front of her and reached for her hand.
<waves frantically at everyone> Oh, and that last line! Oh, that's so exciting!!!

“Oh, Kermie….” Piggy began, but trailed off, gazing at him as though there were nothing else in the whole wide world.

“Piggy, will you marry me?”
<Double squeal!!>

Piggy looked at him helplessly. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t move, she didn’t--
“I—oh, Kermie, I—“
“Say YES!” shouted Hortense, and everyone began to laugh.
“Yes,” Piggy said wetly. “I will.”
<triple squeal!!!> <hugs Hortense> I think Piggy needed that. Oh, that's lovely, Ru, sweet and happy and just, <sigh> perfect. I'll be smiling all day now. Thank you so much!!! <dances>


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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LeylaOh, she's all flustered and babbling! That is so sweet, and Kermit wouldn't know about Bob's involvement anyway! Yippee!!!
Wait--go back to the very first page--who do you think is responsible for all of those ministers flinging themselves in Piggy's path? I like a devious frog, I do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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This is IT, folk! They're finally getting married!

Okay--I officially can't wait, so I hope I haven't left anything out. Here we go....

They ran the whole scene again, and though the cameras were rolling, this video would never grace any commercial movie screen. This time, Piggy’s mother sat down front, where the bride’s mother was supposed to sit, and while her father declined to “give her away,” he walked her down the aisle with pride. James and Jane the Frog sat opposite them with a whole row of frogs, beaming at everyone who looked their way.
“Finally got his clump,” James murmured, leaning on his cane. “It’s about bloody time, don’t you think?”
“Hush, Dear,” Jane said, patting her husband’s knee affectionately. “Kermit’s just a late bloomer, that’s all.” They looked toward the front of the church where Kermit stood waiting for his bride beside a beaming Fozzie. Freed from the need for secrecy, Kermit had wasted no time asking his long-time friend to stand up for him, and Fozzie had been moved and honored to do so.
When the last ‘I do’ had been spoken, this time with a great deal more enthusiasm than the first time, the scene once more erupted into happy chaos. The doves, which had been perching calmly around the ceiling took to flight in a flurry of feathers and added to the festive air.
Father Bob had come down from behind the altar and pressed a fond kiss on Piggy’s cheek. “Hope you won’t hold this against me,” he said. “I did my best, but I was so afraid you wouldn’t take the bait that I pushed things along a little.”
“A little?!” Piggy protested, but she kissed his cheek anyway. Even Gonzo had been forgiven, amnesty being offered through the groom’s side of the family. For the first time she (or anyone else) could remember, Piggy didn’t have anyone’s name on her list.
She was floating around in a daze, and the only constant was Kermit’s arm settled firmly around her waist. Everyone was there, and while she had certainly looked forward to visiting with them as fellow members of the cast, she was now doubly moved by the fact that everyone she knew and loved best had come to bear witness to this happy, happy day. There was cake, there was punch, there was a huge reception on the soundstage across the lot from them. Piggy would remember most of it in very sketchy flashbacks if at all, because the only thing she had eyes for that day was Kermit—Kermit who loved her and wanted her and asked her to marry him. She loved him immeasurably for asking, and loved him even more for proceeded to marry her on the spot when she’d said yes.
They were dancing now, full of champagne, caviar and good wishes. The Electric Mayhem’s music filled the room with sound. Kermit felt a preemptory tap on his shoulder and looked up in surprise.
“Um, hello, Mr. Lee,” he said respectfully, returning the older boar’s firm handshake. His new father-in-law put a hand on his shoulder and looked him straight in the eye. Beside him, Kermit felt Piggy inhale sharply, then stop breathing altogether.
“Son,” Pignatius Alyoicious Lee said in his deep, gruff voice. “Pigathia hasn’t been a little girl for a long time, but she’ll always be my little girl.” He gave Kermit a hard look, an astute look, man to man, um, pig to frog. Kermit bore up under it without flinching. “But now, I guess, she’s your girl. You take care of her.”
“I intend to, sir,” Kermit said firmly. He heard Piggy catch her breath and start breathing again as Pignatius leaned in and brushed a dry little peck across her cheek.
“You be good, now,” he said sternly.
“I will, Daddy,” she whispered, and leaned forward to press a kiss against his weathered cheek. When she did, Piggy saw something she had never, ever seen before. She saw a tear running slowly down his face. She put her soft hand against his face and looked him in the eye. “Thank you, Daddy—for coming.”
“’Course,” he said uncomfortably. “Had to.” He allowed the smallest glimmer of a twinkle to appear in his eye. “Your mother would never have let me hear the end of it if I hadn’t.” It was just enough of a truth to be a lie—they both knew why he’d come.
Without another word, he turned and strolled away.
They had only had time to exchange glances—Piggy’s flabbergasted and Kermit’s self-assured—when Hortense bore down on them like a ship steaming toward port.
“Where’s Pignatius?” she demanded. “I thought I saw him with you a moment ago.”
“I think he went to get some punch, Mother,” Piggy lied creatively.
“Oh.” Hortense turned her penetrating gaze on the new groom and regarded him levelly. Beside her, Piggy felt Kermit trembling ever-so-slightly. Standing up to her Father was one thing, but standing up to her Mother
To the happy couple’s supreme surprise, Hortense reached out at last and patted Kermit awkwardly on the head.
“Well,” Hortense said at last, “I guess you’ll do, won’t you?”
“Yes ma’am,” Kermit said, glad his voice didn’t break. The corners of the older sow’s mouth turned up slightly in imitation of a smile, but her little eyes held some genuine warmth. She turned abruptly and walked away.
When the were alone again on the dance floor, Kermit put his arms around Piggy and held her extra close. “Everything okay?” he asked softly.
Piggy leaned into his embrace, letting him hold her as close as he wanted, which was very. Her voice was very small. “No,” she said softly. “It’s perfect.”

“We’re—we’re going away?” Piggy said, aghast. “But I’m not—I haven’t packed,” Piggy protested. She looked at Kermit accusingly, but he just smiled an insufferable smile.
“Don’t worry too much about packing clothes,” Kermit said, completely straight-faced. Piggy gave him a look, blushing furiously, but his expression remained bland. “Janice and Camilla are packing for you,” he said at last, taking entirely too long to finish his thought. His thought led to some thoughts of her own, and Piggy realized for the first time that tonight, Kermit would belong just to her. Her knees felt wobbly and she wanted to sit down. Kermit steered her expertly toward a chair and went to fetch her a cool, frothy glass of punch. If he was aware of the reason for her wobbly knees (and C’mon, guys—the frog knows, okay?) he didn’t mention it.
Piggy watched him go like someone in a dream. “My frog,” she thought suddenly. “My Kermie.”
Janice and Camilla appeared at her elbow, giggling, and drew her away with them into the relative privacy of the hall. They shoved a little package into her hands and waited, still giggling, while she opened it.
“Oh, Janice,” Piggy said. “Oh Camilla—this is, this is beautiful.” Piggy held up the sweet little negligee and looked like she might cry.
“Oh, like, don’t cry, Honey,” Janice said, enfolding Piggy in a warm embrace. “Your guy pulled a big surprise over on you—we just thought we’d help you return the favor.”
Camilla wrapped Piggy in her soft, feathery wings and held her close, then whispered something naughty in Piggy’s ear that made them both laugh.
“I’ll have to let you know,” Piggy said blushing to beat the band. “Just as soon as I find out myself!”

“You’re not mad?” They were swaying together to the music, gazing at each other happily.
“Mad?” Piggy touched his face. “How could I be mad?”
“Because I tricked you?” His eyes looked worried.
“It was a lovely trick.” She looked at him, then ventured quietly. “But, Kermit—why didn’t you just ask me? Didn’t you know I’d say yes?”
Kermit looked uncomfortable. “Well,” he said, “Um,….”
Piggy let out a soft gasp and her face lit up with understanding.
“It was because of the movie, wasn’t it?”
Kermit squirmed some more. “Not entirely,” he muttered.
Piggy just looked at him in affectionate reproach .
“Um, maybe,” he admitted. “Sorta, kinda.”
Piggy waited some more. She could wait as long as it took. She had practice.
“Um, yes?” he said at last. “Please don’t be mad about it, Piggy. I knew if we tried to film this as ‘Our Wedding’ then the whole thing would sortof degeneration into this big spectacle.” He was silent for a moment, then decided to come completely clean. “I wanted the scene to play a certain way, and I knew if you knew it was the real thing you’d be looking at me the way you’re looking at me now.” His voice had gone all dreamy.
“Like how?” Piggy murmured.
“Like there’s nobody here but the two of us.”
Piggy sighed and snuggled her head against his shoulder. “I wish,” she murmured, and Kermit felt a jolt like an electric shock run down his spine. It took him a minute to get his voice back.
“Um, I let you pick the dress,” Kermit said hopefully.
“It’s a beautiful dress. It’s the dress I would have wanted for our wedding.” She was silent for a moment, almost afraid to ask.
“Did my ring actually come from Tiffany’s?”
“Yep.” He looked at her uncertainly. Do you—do you like it? Was it what you would have picked?”
You’re what I picked,” Piggy said softly, resting in his embrace. “That’s the only thing that matters to me.”
She was silent for a moment.
“Yes, Piggy?”
“I like the ring, too.”

“…and we hope you’ll come see us sometime soon,” Jane the Frog said softly. She held Piggy’s face between two feather-light hands, but her eyes were fathomless and gentle.
Piggy nodded. “We will,” she said softly, looking at Kermit. “When post-production is over.”
“Promise, Mom,” Kermit said, leaning forward to kiss his mother’s smooth cheek. Jane put one of those light hands against his cheek and held his cheek close to hers for a moment.
“I’ll hold you to that.” She stepped back and beamed at them fondly. James, beside her, looked at his pocketwatch pointedly.
“Gonna miss your train,” he observed.
Kermit looked at the watch face keenly.
“We’ve got a few more minutes,” Kermit said. “The train doesn’t leave for Paris until—“
“Paris?” Piggy said wonderingly. “We’re going to Paris?”
“Yep,” Kermit confirmed. Scooter appeared at his elbow, beaming at him and handing over the tickets and passports and baggage claim checks to his very happy employer. Kermit looked at Piggy earnestly. “It’s only for four days,” Kermit said unhappily, “because of filming, but I thought that would give us a chance to, um,….” Of a sudden, the frog was having trouble voicing some of his thoughts, and just as much trouble not voicing others in front of his parents. Best leave it alone, he thought firmly. He turned and embraced his parents one at a time. Piggy did the same. As they turned, they found all of their friends lined up to wish them well, offering hugs and handshakes and the occasional ribald comment. Sweetums even gave Kermit a noogie until the laughing amphibian cried “Uncle,” then Kermit lifted Robin from Sweetums shoulder and gave him a peck on the check.
“Be good for Grandma and Grandpa,” he said solemnly. Robin returned the sober look.
“And you be good for Aunt Piggy,” Robin returned in kind. Beside him, Kermit felt Piggy stifle the urge to laugh.
“I’ll, um, do my best,” he intoned soberly, then he and Piggy joined hands and ran for the door in a shower of birdseed. He handed Piggy into the comfort of the limo and followed her. Once inside, Kermit wasted no time at all pulling Piggy into his arms and kissing his wife with all the proprietary interest one might expect from an eager groom. Piggy twined her arms around Kermit’s neck, closed her eyes and spent the ride to the train station kissing her husband experimentally, trying to find the perfect combination of angle and timing. If they worked at it, Piggy thought dreamily, they might just get the hang of it by the time they had to go back to work. The thought made her smile, because, when they did go back to work it would be together. Just the way they should be.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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That's it! My take on the frog and pig wedding and the basis for a lot of the other gush, um, stuff that I write. Even if you don't agree, I hope that you enjoyed. This has been the consuming passion of my week, and I hope you had as much fun with it as I did.
Thanks to all of the MC writers who added immeasurably to the richness of this tale--Dave for creating Hortense, Lisa for her characterization of James and Jane, Leyla for all of her ushy-gushy encouragement and Ed for his helpful editing (durn typos) plus all of the other little bits and pieces that helped me pull this thing together. Hugs, all--and I'll see you next time on the Fan Fiction Board! (Waves merrily to all!)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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They got married!!! *penguins jump up and down*

Fabulous ending Ru, loved all the mush and gush and references, I loved the line of Jane the Frog "He finally found his clump" I just can't say enough nice things about this story, it was great!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Is it wrong of me to like, no love this story just for the story itself?

Thanks Ru... Rully like seeing people's take on those little moments that make up the Muppets' back history with our crazy fanfics. Few little things I noticed that needed cleaning up... But I'll stay shut-mouthed this time.

Just simply enjoying the story and all the possible fanfic connection implications.

So she's now Kermie's Girl huh? Well, he'd better be careful... Heard Fleet Scribbler's on a campaign to wreck that happy marriage. Though the rumor-mongering's slowed down over the Christmas brake... Wonder if there'll be any updates on that soon.

Anyway, thanks for this great story.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Okay I don't have time to properly rave but I love it and THIS is the line that absolutely MUST tell you now made me go SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
“Finally got his clump,” James murmured, leaning on his cane. “It’s about bloody time, don’t you think?”
One: YOU REMEMBERED THE CANE!! (It just may be my favorite part of his character and the thing that I feel really makes him, him, as I made him.) Two: CLUMP! (Self-explanatory.) YOU GET MAJOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<HUGS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FOR THAT! Oh I love it love it love it love it love it.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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Ohhh!! This was great! I enjoyed it so much.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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I've taken my time about starting this review, simply because there are not enough E's in the English or French langauges to properly express my glee, and it would be selfish.

Oh, and about all those ministers... I remeber suspecting Kermit's involvement earlier, but then I got so caught up in the story I just plum forgot about it!

Ruahnna said:
They ran the whole scene again, and though the cameras were rolling, this video would never grace any commercial movie screen.
Mmm... I like that... they kept the fake wedding for the film, recorded this one for friends and family.

This time, Piggy’s mother sat down front, where the bride’s mother was supposed to sit, and while her father declined to “give her away,” he walked her down the aisle with pride.
<giggles> Modern fellow! I love the families being there... sigh... makes the reality of it all set in so nicely.

“Finally got his clump,” James murmured, leaning on his cane. “It’s about bloody time, don’t you think?”
“Hush, Dear,” Jane said, patting her husband’s knee affectionately. “Kermit’s just a late bloomer, that’s all.”
<rolls eyes> Very! Sorry, sorry. I'll keep the sarcasm to a minimum. I'm really on cloud nine here! Love, love, love, love, love, the clump reference. Huzzah for Lisa! Clumps clumps clumps clumps clumps! Sorry, I realise I'm babbling, but it's been ... a difficult day.

They looked toward the front of the church where Kermit stood waiting for his bride beside a beaming Fozzie. Freed from the need for secrecy, Kermit had wasted no time asking his long-time friend to stand up for him, and Fozzie had been moved and honored to do so.
YAY!!! Of course Fozzie would stand for him!!! I always wished he had in the movie!! YAY!!!! I can just picture how proud Fozzie would be!

When the last ‘I do’ had been spoken, this time with a great deal more enthusiasm than the first time, the scene once more erupted into happy chaos. The doves, which had been perching calmly around the ceiling took to flight in a flurry of feathers and added to the festive air.
Love that increased enthusiasm!

Father Bob had come down from behind the altar and pressed a fond kiss on Piggy’s cheek. “Hope you won’t hold this against me,” he said. “I did my best, but I was so afraid you wouldn’t take the bait that I pushed things along a little.”
Aww... I love Father Bob!!! And, of course, realizing just how machiavellian the frog's machinations were!!

“A little?!” Piggy protested, but she kissed his cheek anyway. Even Gonzo had been forgiven, amnesty being offered through the groom’s side of the family. For the first time she (or anyone else) could remember, Piggy didn’t have anyone’s name on her list.
Heeheehee! Love the offering of amnesty, and that Piggy doesn't have anyone on her list... she's gotta be absolutely floating.

She was floating around in a daze, and the only constant was Kermit’s arm settled firmly around her waist.
I... I swear I forgot about that. Anyway, yes. Floating... good thing Kermit's got a nice grip on her.

Everyone was there, and while she had certainly looked forward to visiting with them as fellow members of the cast, she was now doubly moved by the fact that everyone she knew and loved best had come to bear witness to this happy, happy day. There was cake, there was punch, there was a huge reception on the soundstage across the lot from them. Piggy would remember most of it in very sketchy flashbacks if at all, because the only thing she had eyes for that day was Kermit—Kermit who loved her and wanted her and asked her to marry him. She loved him immeasurably for asking, and loved him even more for proceeded to marry her on the spot when she’d said yes.
Sigh... I am ridiculously happy about this. Love that, as he should be, Kermit is the most important thing about the day for Piggy, and everything else tends to blur. This is so lovely... and I've been to about a thousand weddings this summer, and I think I'm gonna be stuck in permanent ushy gushy mode for at least another six months.

Nont that I mind.

“Son,” Pignatius Alyoicious Lee said in his deep, gruff voice. “Pigathia hasn’t been a little girl for a long time, but she’ll always be my little girl.” He gave Kermit a hard look, an astute look, man to man, um, pig to frog. Kermit bore up under it without flinching. “But now, I guess, she’s your girl. You take care of her.”
She's KERMIE'S GIRL!!! OOOOOEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! <gasp> Sorry. I just love that, love them meeting, love Kermit's not flinching, and Piggy's holding her breath... and she's KERMIE'S GIRL!!!!!! I like her dad! and her mom, or at least, I like your portrayals of them!

“I intend to, sir,” Kermit said firmly.

When she did, Piggy saw something she had never, ever seen before. She saw a tear running slowly down his face. She put her soft hand against his face and looked him in the eye. “Thank you, Daddy—for coming.”
<eyes Lisa> Wow... that is eerily similar to... well, nevermind. Not something of Lisa's, something of mine, only different, and, whoops, there I go again with the rambling, sorry. Anyway, very very touching!

“’Course,” he said uncomfortably. “Had to.” He allowed the smallest glimmer of a twinkle to appear in his eye. “Your mother would never have let me hear the end of it if I hadn’t.” It was just enough of a truth to be a lie—they both knew why he’d come.
Aww.... so sweet!

They had only had time to exchange glances—Piggy’s flabbergasted and Kermit’s self-assured—when Hortense bore down on them like a ship steaming toward port.
<laughs hysterically at Kermit being self-assured>

Beside her, Piggy felt Kermit trembling ever-so-slightly. Standing up to her Father was one thing, but standing up to her Mother
And that's why!!

To the happy couple’s supreme surprise, Hortense reached out at last and patted Kermit awkwardly on the head.
“Well,” Hortense said at last, “I guess you’ll do, won’t you?”
“Yes ma’am,” Kermit said, glad his voice didn’t break.
Yay!! "You'll do" Perfect line from mommy.

The corners of the older sow’s mouth turned up slightly in imitation of a smile, but her little eyes held some genuine warmth. She turned abruptly and walked away.
Loved the imitation smile and the genuine warmth. Lovely contrast, and it soften's Hortense, and yet doesn't dilute her.

When the were alone again on the dance floor, Kermit put his arms around Piggy and held her extra close. “Everything okay?” he asked softly.
Piggy leaned into his embrace, letting him hold her as close as he wanted, which was very. Her voice was very small. “No,” she said softly. “It’s perfect.”
It really is!!! YAY!! <bounces><dances><squees>

“We’re—we’re going away?” Piggy said, aghast. “But I’m not—I haven’t packed,” Piggy protested. She looked at Kermit accusingly, but he just smiled an insufferable smile.
“Don’t worry too much about packing clothes,” Kermit said, completely straight-faced.
Yay! Honeymoon!! Um, Kermit, do you realise what you implied there, dear?

Piggy gave him a look, blushing furiously, but his expression remained bland. “Janice and Camilla are packing for you,” he said at last, taking entirely too long to finish his thought.
Ah, I see that he doesn't. <loves Piggy blushing>

His thought led to some thoughts of her own, and Piggy realized for the first time that tonight, Kermit would belong just to her. Her knees felt wobbly and she wanted to sit down.
Anyone mind if I join in with the wobbling? No? <Wobbles to the floor> Ah, that's better. Yep, you belong entirely to each other now, at long last... and this was way too public for him to deny it!!

Kermit steered her expertly toward a chair and went to fetch her a cool, frothy glass of punch. If he was aware of the reason for her wobbly knees (and C’mon, guys—the frog knows, okay?) he didn’t mention it.
<giggles> I love that frog!!

Piggy watched him go like someone in a dream. “My frog,” she thought suddenly. “My Kermie.”
Yep. You said it! One big giant unending niggling tormenting worry gone forever!

“Oh, Janice,” Piggy said. “Oh Camilla—this is, this is beautiful.” Piggy held up the sweet little negligee and looked like she might cry.
“Oh, like, don’t cry, Honey,” Janice said, enfolding Piggy in a warm embrace. “Your guy pulled a big surprise over on you—we just thought we’d help you return the favor.”
Aww... just gorgeous! I love the girls hanging out, and giving her the negligee, and of course, surprising Kermit!

Camilla wrapped Piggy in her soft, feathery wings and held her close, then whispered something naughty in Piggy’s ear that made them both laugh.
“I’ll have to let you know,” Piggy said blushing to beat the band. “Just as soon as I find out myself!”
<giggles> <blushes> <giggles more> "Blushing to beat the band"!!!! Oh!!!! <bounces> Sorry, I know this makes no sense... but I have recently developed a fondness for that particular phrase! <squees>

“It was a lovely trick.” She looked at him, then ventured quietly. “But, Kermit—why didn’t you just ask me? Didn’t you know I’d say yes?”
Kermit looked uncomfortable. “Well,” he said, “Um,….”
<blinks> He didn't know? After all the times she's tried to...he didn't know? Oh... so the movie inspired him... or... you know, I'm not sure I get that entirely. I love it, but maybe I don't understand it.

Piggy waited some more. She could wait as long as it took. She had practice.
<giggles> She certainly does!

“Um, yes?” he said at last. “Please don’t be mad about it, Piggy. I knew if we tried to film this as ‘Our Wedding’ then the whole thing would sortof degeneration into this big spectacle.” He was silent for a moment, then decided to come completely clean. “I wanted the scene to play a certain way, and I knew if you knew it was the real thing you’d be looking at me the way you’re looking at me now.” His voice had gone all dreamy.
Oh! Oh, I get it! Okay then! It's very true, and it would be a spectacle... ah, and ooh, ushy gushy, the way she's looking at him, and his dreamy voice! <squee>

“Like how?” Piggy murmured.
“Like there’s nobody here but the two of us.”
Piggy sighed and snuggled her head against his shoulder. “I wish,” she murmured, and Kermit felt a jolt like an electric shock run down his spine. It took him a minute to get his voice back.
<whistles> Lovely... and that's really all I can say about that.

“Um, I let you pick the dress,” Kermit said hopefully.
“It’s a beautiful dress. It’s the dress I would have wanted for our wedding.” She was silent for a moment, almost afraid to ask.
I'm glad she got to choose at least that much! And the groom, of course.

“Did my ring actually come from Tiffany’s?”
“Yep.” He looked at her uncertainly. Do you—do you like it? Was it what you would have picked?”
I wonder how Kermit knew Piggy would have gone for a big rock... :wink:

You’re what I picked,” Piggy said softly, resting in his embrace. “That’s the only thing that matters to me.”
<melts into a very happy puddle>

“…and we hope you’ll come see us sometime soon,” Jane the Frog said softly. She held Piggy’s face between two feather-light hands, but her eyes were fathomless and gentle.
Ooh, lovely, lovely description of Jane... fathomless, gorgeous word. I'm gonna have to go read Swamp Call again, and I'm so glad she approves of Piggy!

“Promise, Mom,” Kermit said, leaning forward to kiss his mother’s smooth cheek. Jane put one of those light hands against his cheek and held his cheek close to hers for a moment.
Ah, too sweet. I love how close they are.

“We’ve got a few more minutes,” Kermit said. “The train doesn’t leave for Paris until—“
“Paris?” Piggy said wonderingly. “We’re going to Paris?”
Ooh, that's exactly where she would want to go! <shifty eyes> I'm glad she gets to go with him this time... though I hope they are very careful at the train station. <very shifty eyes> Incidentally... they're either in Europe somewhere already or they'd better get off the train at some point and get on to a plane... 'cause that's a long time to hold their breaths, crossing the atlantic. :wink:

“It’s only for four days,” Kermit said unhappily, “because of filming, but I thought that would give us a chance to, um,….” Of a sudden, the frog was having trouble voicing some of his thoughts, and just as much trouble not voicing others in front of his parents. Best leave it alone, he thought firmly.
<giggles> Mmm... yes. Best, indeed.

the occasional ribald comment.
Gold star for Ru's using the word "ribald".

“Be good for Grandma and Grandpa,” he said solemnly. Robin returned the sober look.
“And you be good for Aunt Piggy,” Robin returned in kind. Beside him, Kermit felt Piggy stifle the urge to laugh.
<laughs> Yay! Oh, Robin is such a cute, funny little guy.

“I’ll, um, do my best,” he intoned soberly, then he and Piggy joined hands and ran for the door in a shower of birdseed.
<squee!> Funny, very funny, and I love the birdseed (not rice!) which of course is kinder to the birds, and what a nice image of them running out together... sigh...

He handed Piggy into the comfort of the limo and followed her. Once inside, Kermit wasted no time at all pulling Piggy into his arms and kissing his wife with all the proprietary interest one might expect from an eager groom.
Yay!!! Smoochies!!! (And, love "proprietary interest" and the eager groom!)

Piggy twined her arms around Kermit’s neck, closed her eyes and spent the ride to the train station kissing her husband experimentally, trying to find the perfect combination of angle and timing. If they worked at it, Piggy thought dreamily, they might just get the hang of it by the time they had to go back to work.
And she wastes no time trying to figure things out... lovely! I love her practicing!

The thought made her smile, because, when they did go back to work it would be together. Just the way they should be.
You said it, sister!! Whooo!!!! <bounces>

Boy, I used to be so much more dignified... ah, well! <squeals>

Awesome, awesome and lovely, and oh! Before I forget, shame on me, loved the background on Piggy's dad and all that discussion. Good for the thinking and I enjoyed it muchly!
