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Say Cheese!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Ohhhhhh......what a wonderful update. The scene with Rowlf and Robin was priceless. So cute. I loved it from the line about "the weak sound of soft flippersteps" all the way to "I miss your piano Rowlf" and his response of "me too" Well worth the wait, I really enjoyed this chapter alot.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Blink. Was that a new chapter?!? Yeay for the new chapter!

Oh, it's all there...
From the hilarity of the washcloth critter biting the sink faucet off and the Chef battling it with his rolling pin...
Robin and his troubled innocence concerning some of his froggy classmates...
Rowlf finally dispensing some well-needed wisdom...

"I miss your piano Rowlf."
So de we all. And now, you know this had to come...
More please!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Oh don't you worry Ed, I'll have more later today! But first, half a day of school to tend to...

Okay so technically it's probably more than half a day...

But I'm trying to be optimisstic.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey... Just so long as you narrow the gap between this story and Prawny's, that's all I ask for. That, and you post soonish as soonish as you get the chance to do so. Or, maybe, just maybe... Update Flippersteps too? Please?
Everybody wants more Flippersteps... Right?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<Folds arms> Well now which do you want? Do you want me to work on Cheese, thus narrowing the gab between this story and my other half's, or do you want me to wrestle with the timeline of TMS season one until Vim is threatening to do a Crazy Harry impersonation and hope that I can get something vaguely resembling a chapter done before then?

Although Thanksgiving is among my favorite holidays, it also happens to be a time of great familial tension in my house, so I'd prefer to take the less-explosive route for now.

I have some more cleaning to do before I post the next chapter...

I am looking forward to the next chapter, though. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being one of my favorites. It took a little culling from the years I took piano lessons, which unfortunately were long enough ago that remembering them took a little more effort than I thought it would. Still, it's a nice chapter. Or at least it is in my opinion. And since I'm the only one who has read the chapter right now, I guess my opinion is the only one that applies! Which is neat. But I'm just rambling now, and I have cleaning to do, so...


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chapter Fifteen

Rowlf thoughtfully watched the vacant piano. “Hey Robin,” he said, “Wanna learn?”

Robin looked up at him. “Learn what?” he asked.

Rowlf tipped his head towards the piano. “Learn,” he said significantly.

Robin looked at the piano. He slowly turned back to Rowlf. His eyes began to light up, and he smiled.

Rowlf smiled back. He turned to the piano. “Come on,” he said with a wave of his colorful cast.

Robin followed and watched excitedly as Rowlf opened the piano bench, revealing many strange books, each about a half-inch thick.

“Can you read sheet music?” Rowlf asked, looking through the books.

“No,” Robin said apprehensively. “I just learned how to read English.”

From under the other books, Rowlf pulled out a considerably thinner one that had once been brightly colored, but had since faded. “Then we’ll start with this one,” he said.

He closed the bench, sat down on it, gently set the book on the piano, and gestured for Robin to sit in his lap, guessing that the added height would help the small frog to reach the keys.

Rowlf tenderly opened the fragile book and affectionately turned the well-worn pages. “Been a while,” he murmured under his breath. He found the page he was looking for, set it down, and thoughtfully laid his sunny-side-up eyes on the keys. “Hm,” he said. “I may need your help hitting the keys.”

“Okay!” Robin looked at his hands. “How?”

Rowlf gently held Robin’s wrists. “I’ll point, how about that?” He decided not to mention that he had originally been speaking to the book. After all, he needed Robin’s help, too.

“Okay!” the young frog said.

Rowlf looked at the keys and thought. “Where to start,” he murmured.

Robin smiled up at him. “Let’s start at the very beginning,” he sang. “A very good place to start…”

Rowlf smiled. “When you read, you begin with-“


“When you sing, you begin with-“ he lifted Robin’s hand to press Middle C, slowing the tempo. “Do…” He took Robin’s hand to the next note, “Re…” and then to the note after. “Mi…”

Robin carefully pressed each note again. “Do… Re… Mi…”

They sang and pressed the notes together. “The first three notes just happen to be, do… re… mi…”

“Do… re… mi…” Robin repeated.

Rowlf slowly guided their hands up the keys. “Do… re… mi… fa… so… la… ti… do!” He brought their hands back to Middle C. “Do…”

Robin sang, “A deer, a female deer.”

Rowlf brought them to the next note. “Re…”

“A drop of golden sun…”


“A name, I call myself.”


“A long long way to run!”


“A needle pulling thread…”


“A note to follow so…”


“A drink with jam and bread!”

Then they sang together, “That will bring us back to do!”

Robin played the line of notes on his own. “Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do!”

With his left paw, Rowlf gently played a chord to end the song. “Very good,” he said. “Now that’s fine for singing. But usually, we call notes by letters. For instance, that first do. Play that for me.”

Robin pressed the key down and listened to the note.

“We call that C,” Rowlf said. “Now that just happens to be Middle C. See how it’s in the middle of the piano?”

Robin looked from side to side and nodded.

“Now hit the other do,” Rowlf said.

He did.

“Now see that’s a C, too,” Rowlf said, “Except it’s not Middle C, because it’s not the middle of the piano. Make sense?”

Robin frowned. “Why is it called C?” he asked.

“Because this note…” Rowlf guided Robins hand to a key two to the left of Middle C. “Is A…” He brought Robin’s hand to the intermediate note. “And that’s B.”

“What about the little black keys?” Robin asked.

“Those are flats and sharps. We’ll get to those. But the main notes are the white ones. Look at this.” Rowlf led Robin’s hand along the keys, letting him press each one. “A… B… C… D… E… F… G… and then back to A. And from here-“ He pointed to the first A. “To here-“ He pointed to the second A. “Is eight notes. That’s called an octave.”

Robin’s face lit up. “Oh!” he exclaimed. “So THAT’S what an octave is!”

Rowlf grinned his signature broad grin. “Yeah, that’s an octave!” he said. “Now let’s take a look at this music here. See all these lines on the page?”


“That’s to see what note to play.”

“How can you tell?”

“Well, by what line or space it’s on. See each line or space is for a different letter. This is an old book; I’ve got it all written in on the side here.” Sure enough, there in faded pencil and carefully crunched writing were the letters C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E, and F, bottom to top beside a set of lines.

“Oh,” Robin said. He studied the lines and studied the keys. “So where would this one be?” He played a note.

“That’s an E,” Rowlf said, and he pointed, cautiously touching his finger to the page. “That line.”

“What about this one?”

“That’s G- that line there.” He lifted his finger and gently placed it one line higher, refusing to rub these pages, lest the ink smear or the page be worn any further than necessary.

“And this one?”

They went on for a long while, pausing only for a snack, at which point all three occupants of the house agreed that it was nice to hear the piano.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh! I love this chapter to pieces.

So many memories of when I also took piano lessons back in the days of my youth.
It's such a nice heartwarming scene to have Rowlf teach Robin about the names and letters and positioning of the notes on both the piano and the pentagram (sheet lining).
But most of all... It's your three main roomies sharing a day together, well even if the Chef was wrestling with the washcloth thing and trying to fix the sink's faucet.

All I can say is... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Eight beautiful notes!
Although there's the little matter of explaining which hand Robin's playing the piano with.
If he's playing with his left, the middle finger goes over the thumb when you reach Sol or G when going up the octave; and then the thumb goes down and under the fingers when you reach the same note.
If he's playing with his right, it's the same process but inverted, and the fingers fly over or beneath each other when reaching Mi or E.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
I play eight notes going down.
Do Ti La Sol Fa Mi Re Do.
I play eight notes all over town.
Do Ti La Sol Fa Mi Re Do.
First I count, then I play.. Eight beautiful notes!
Oh, and more please.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Oh! Do a Deer! I love it! This was such a cute scene with Robin and Rowlf. Great idea having him teach Robin to play!!! Big warm fuzzies right now!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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The Count said:
Although there's the little matter of explaining which hand Robin's playing the piano with.
If he's playing with his left, the middle finger goes over the thumb when you reach Sol or G when going up the octave; and then the thumb goes down and under the fingers when you reach the same note.
If he's playing with his right, it's the same process but inverted, and the fingers fly over or beneath each other when reaching Mi or E.
So detailed! But very well explained, I must say. Rest assured, it will be explained.

redBoobergurl said:
Do a Deer!
A dear what? ...Sorry, couldn't resist.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... That's cause I remember how your hands need to be placed when playing the scales.
*Boomerang fish whizzes past.
Lew: Did someone say scales?

Musical scales Lew.
Lew: Oh, OK... Come on Jana, we need to find your sisters.
*Lew takes fish and walks out of thread.

Eh, whatever.
Gonzo: Yes?
No no, you're supposed to be rooming with Lisa this week.
Clifford: Not tonight, dude's got a date.
So when doesn't he have a date?
Gonzo: I have a date!

*Camilla bucks while talking to Lisa s the chicken's trying on dresses and jewel brooches to tuck next to her feathers where her neck would be.
Come on guys, let's leave the weirdo and his lovebird to their own devices.
*Herds Muppets out of thread so Lisa can post more please!
Rowlf: Herd of what?
Herd of cows.
Rowlf: Of course I've heard of cows.
No, the cows' herd.
Rowlf: I don't care if the cows' heard, I'm not ashamed.

Tune in next time when we'll hear Rowlf's patient say....
Cow: Can we moooove this along?
Rowlf: Why?
Cow: I have a steak in this too you know.
*All leave the thread back to the dorms.

Grover: I thought I heard a cow here before. Oh well, come on cow.
*Also exits, en route back to the dairy building.