Okay here's the conclusion of the third story-arch.
Since the Dark Crystal was made operational again in the future the one set up in the past has grown really huge and powerful terrorizing and worrying all the people of the city.
Wiseman tells Prince Diamond it is time to go back and unleash the Dark Crystal's power. The Prince is angry with him for disobeying his command and destroying his brother. He tells him that even if Sapphire was a traitor the decision to execute him was not Wiseman's to make and after the conquest is complete he will answer for his insubordination. The Wiseman chortles to himself knowing that he has the power to wipe out the foolish Prince anytime.
Meanwhile back in the past Tuxedo Mask has entered the Dark Crystal to try to find a way to destroy it. The Scouts all bust inside after him later on and a trap door opens and closes under Moon's feet cutting her off from all the others. She finds herself in a chamber with Prince Diamond who tries to hypnotize her into declaring love for him again. Her strong will resists his mind games and she appeals to his reasoning about how his poor brother tried to warn him about the influence the Wiseman is putting upon him when he was silenced forever. She says she has four good friends (the sisters) who used to work for his cause, who have found how wonderful living in peace and harmony instead of making war upon the earth is. Prince Diamond remembers what became of his beloved brother and finally begins to question the Wiseman.
Wiseman turns up and tells the Prince she is lying to him, but he says he isn't deceived anymore. The Wiseman says it doesn't matter. He has generated enough energy through the Dark Crystal to unleash the Doom Phantom and doesn't need Diamond anymore. Diamond now realized Sapphire was right all along and duels with Wiseman to avenge his death and also Emerald's. During the battle Wiseman attempts to blast Sailor Moon but the Prince protects her taking the deadly attack and wounded zaps the Wiseman blasting him into little pieces leaving his cloak and crystal ball. Prince Diamond slowly dies in Sailor Moon's arms expressing bitter regret over his actions. All he wanted was for his people to be able to leave their realm of banishment and live on the beautiful planet earth once again but he became too twisted up with desires of hatred and revenge. How he wishes he had the time to mend his ways and learn what Katzi and her sisters have come to learn. He says in effect that maybe all of us, Rubeous, Emerald and all the others Sailor Moon had killed in battle, may have been able to live in peace with her people of the earth Kingdom. Sailor Moon cries for him as he departs and he tells her she has a good heart. Unbeknowst to either of them the pieces of the Wiseman have been slowly fusing themselves together again. Perhaps the Doom Phantom was using his own diabolical power to resurrect his own servant and just as Diamond expires, he attacks her again but is deflected by a rose from Tuxedo Mask and the other Scouts appear a split second after his arrival. The Wiseman mocks them saying there's nothing they can do and Wicked Lady appears to do battle with them.
They all attempt to reason with her again but she won't listen. The Wiseman speaks against their words of love. Finally Sailor Moon uses the power of her Imperium Silver Crystal to transform herself into the exact image of her future self, Neo-Serenity, Queen of Earth. The sight of her shocks some sense into Wicked Lady and she closes her ears to the Wiseman. She realizes that she truly is loved and embraces Serenity and Tuxedo Mask. There is a brilliant flash of light and Wicked Lady turns back into sweet little Rini.
The Wiseman cries it is no consequence anyway since his master the Doom Phantom has now been unleashed and has taken up residence inside his body. Using him as a vessel the Doom Phantom will completely eradicate all life throughout the universe. Sailor Moon, still in the form of her future self vows to defeat them totally and fights with the power of the Silver Crystal. The Doom Phantom is too strong for her though she fights valiently. Rini starts to cry and one of her teardrops turns into another Silver Crystal. Rini realizes that when she touched the Crystal in the future and it vanished it went inside her body and only came out just now. Tuxedo Mask is reluctant to let her fight at first but he realizes they need to combine the Crystals of the Past and Future's power and so Rini transforms into a little princess and fights by her mother's side. The other Scouts add their power too and between them all they are able to obliterate the Wiseman and the Doom Phantom for good along with the Dark Crystal.
Afterwards it's time for everybody to say good-bye to Rini. Serena finds it the hardest of all and cries as she cuddles with her. Rini says "Thank you for everything, mummy." Then she uses the time key to go back home to the future. Serena reckons it's good-bye then. Darian puts his hand on her shoulder comfortingly and reminds her that they will see her again. In the future.
The story ends with Rini arriving back in the 30th century and re-uniting with the future-selves of the Scouts and her parents. Neo-Queen Serenity hugs her saying, "You have helped to save our world. Welcome home darling."
This isn't really the end of the series strictly. The fifth episode on the final disc consiste of bits and pieces of all three story-arches with the Scouts voices-over remarking upon their past battles and also debating whether Serena should still be the leader or if another one of them should better qualify. In the end they agree that Serena should stay leader and they should prepare to fight a new possible enemy that one of them has apparently seen in a dream. Also another one claims to have seen two more Sailor Scouts who ran away like lightning before she could address them. Maybe they'll be new allies. Sailor Pluto could have let them into their past through the door to time.
However Dic declined to go on to dub this fourth story-arch into English and a different company, Cloverway, eventually did so. I've asked at my comics shop if there are any plans to release the Cloverway dub and they've promised to keep checking their catalogues for me.
For the record my episode reference book says even though they are not identified as such the two scouts who cameo in this unique episode are Sailors Neptune and Uranus.
So unless I can get more dvds one day I have to consider my reviews as they stand, finished.
So if you Ed, or anybody else care to ask me questions I will be happy to supply some answers at my leisure.