I'm now two thirds through disc 9.
There's a very unusual episode in which Serena gets detention with Miss Haruna for daring to eat in class and Anne is so tired from lack of energy that she also angers Miss Haruna and gets to share Serena's detention.
She leaves them behind to write an essay about why school is important to them while she goes off on a date with her boyfriend. Anne ends up challenging Serena that the one who writes the best essay will get to keep chasing after Darian, but she is still so tired. She tries unsuccessfully twice to steal a little bit of Serena's energy to give her strength though she doesn't even notice what Anne is up to.
Meanwhile Alan summons another one of their monster servants and seeing the guy Anne likes so much nearby, orders it to zap Darian's energy completely dry. But for some reason it doesn't seem to want to obey him and runs amok causing havoc and seldom getting much energy from people at all.
Back at the School Anne finally does get to syphon off some of Serena's energy just as the monster appears in the grounds below thrashing the other Sailor Scouts. Serena is alerted to the fight and transforms to help them. Alan has appeared and quietly explains to Anne he has no control over the latest monster, but they watch to see if it'll destroy the Scouts for them.
Sailor Moon doesn't feel up to fighting and Moonlight Knight appears just in time to explain that she's had some of her energy taken away but she can still win if she only believes in herself. She listens to him and destroys the monster with her magic scepter.
Afterwards she goes back to finish her essay. Anne has finished hers too and they decide they both have done equally well, so they both can keep going after Darian.
Interesting points is that Alan and Anne both desperately say that the Doomtree can't stay alive for much longer if the Scouts keep interfering with their plans, and if it dies, they also die. Furthermore Serena was earlier talking to Anne in the detention room in a friendly manner giving her compliments and Anne wonders to herself why is it that whenever somebody is nice to her she has visions of the Doomtree growing fit, strong and healthy?
In the following episode Alan and Anne are finally exposed for what they really are. Serena, Lita and Amy call on their apartment to find out how they are since they haven't been going to school lately. The truth is that the Doomtree is apparently dying despite all the energy they have stolen from people to feed it with and they don't know what to do. Serena is curious about a strange door. Alan and Anne tell her not to enter for they are keeping a secret science project in there. Actually it's where the Doomtree is housed.
The three girls leave, but Serena later goes back on her own on the pretense of being concerned. When she is alone she takes her chance to satisfy her curiosity about what is behind that door and is attacked by the branches of the Doomtree reaching out at her. The alien couple rescue her and while Alan is naturally very nice about it Anne tells Serena to get lost for being rude enough to poke around their home and she leaves thinking what a weird science project that must be.
A few days later, the Doomtree starts to bud again. Anne thinks it must be Serena's energy saving the tree and that they should feed her to the tree. Of course Alan is very loath to do such a thing and tries getting a monster to infuse the fresh growth with energy to make it grow, but to their horror it makes it shrivel up instead.
Meanwhile the Scouts have discovered a piece of the Doomtree inside Serena's hair and Artemis and Luna realize it sucks up people's energy. Everybody realizes that Alan and Anne are behind all those energy-sucking monsters but Serena is not ready to believe it. Despite everybody else's protests she goes back there again on her own to check things out. On the way she runs into Darian who is on his way to see Anne with flowers to cheer her up, because she helped him out so much when they were preparing the play about Snow White that was ruined. Serena isn't very happy about this and insists upon coming along.
Alan and Anne are both very happy to see Serena and Darian respectively and they serve a huge afternoon tea spread. After awhile Anne suggests to Alan that he take Darian out to the balcony while she has a little girl talk with Serena. Once alone Anne offers to show Serena the science project plant she was attacked by the other day. Serena is nervous, but she trusts Anne. So she goes with her. But as soon as the door is open Anne shoves her inside calling to the monster servant to drain all her energy and feed it to the Doomtree. Serena screams as she is seized but suddenly an anguished voice comes from the Doomtree itself crying "Enough. Stop it. No more. I have had enough."
Then the tree sends its branches crashing through the door into the apartment. Anne wasn't expecting this and Darian and Alan are also aghast. The Doomtree has just slammed the monster hard into the ground and has seized Serena tightly in its branches.
Luna and Artemis have brought the other Scouts. Jupiter tries to blast through the doors but without effect. They can hear Serena calling for help from inside and the episode ends upon this cliffhanger.
My friend thought that if Alan and Anne were defeated, then maybe the rest of the episodes on the remaining discs would be about the re-building of the Moon Kingdom. Well, naturally I didn't give away what those discs were all about. But first he had to see the last episode with Alan and Anne. Special review for that next time plus the secret at last of the identity of the Moonlight Knight, who comes upon the scene in the next episode.