regular figures...mega sized...what about minis?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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We have the FAQ just about done and we WILL send it to Ken for appoval this week. I guarantee it OR I WILL PUT MY EXCLUSIVE DR. TEETH ON EBAY!!!! this does not mean it will be posted on MC by the end of the wek but we will go the next step toward getting it done. I promise.

I do want to respond to one question you asked which was why haven't people here been posting more about the TV special or the new series or MF and i think the reason is we don't have anythign to go on. or we have very little. I'm sure once the series debuts, this place will be flodded with thread abotu "you're favorite new character" or favortie episosed or reviews ofwhat happened this week. When we KNOW Muppetfest is happening and how to get tickets and what-not there will be TONS to talk about. this time last year, ticket prices and a rundown of events at at MF were available to us so we could talk abou them. I understand your frustarion but think if you give it time, we will discuss more away from figures. Also, you brought up that many of the threads on thiese topics have been overrun with talk of's funny casue as we were researching the FAQ, you woudl be surprised how many tme the Ask Ken thread goes into talk about (in no particular order)....muffins, penguins, a number guessing contest, an entire page on Heidi Klum, dessert, ken's wedding, and many other non-figure related things!! Anyway, I'm tired. I'm going to bed now. Good night. God bless.



Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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The figure posts are in the action figure subsection of the collectibles section. How else should it be managed? Should we be heavy handed in telling people to limit their number of posts and that there can only be one figure thead? Geez, can't you let people do what they want without such negativity? Just plain weirdness!

As for the other bit of info, it is best to speak for yourself instead of making claims about others. It just seems you like to create a lot about nothing. One frogboy's opinion. You know we'll likely hear a lot less about the figures when they crash and burn as you have predicted. Until then - I'm chatting on. LOL!

Just don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by radionate

I remember when you were having a cow about Ken even being on MC and getting all this free consulting, and how you thought it was pretty poor business.

I think its the pot calling the kettle black at times.

I don't think you used the right cliche here. Luke would have to be trolling the fan forums in order to promote his own burgeoning toy business for your point to be valid. Too bad he isn't, or I might have a shot at getting one of those "Special Thanks".

At any rate, recent events *do* seem to prove that figure makers have much to gain from getting in bed with fan forums. I suppose there is a sort of symbiosis to it, however it has yet to be proven just where the balance of the benefit lies.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Allright, I have to ask...Jessica, why do you dislike me or Palisades so much? And don't say you don't, cause you do. I read your posts...that message is what you give off. It's fine, you don't have to...but did I wrong you somehow? I can't recall us ever having an issue with each other, and maybe I am misreading your tone, but I don't think I am.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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You seem to have got your pants in a knot tonight so we'll try to sort it out for you ok ?

I see us as having a FAQ which is either on the site or in the forum as a sticky thread. If it's on the site i see a sticky thread on the forum telling people where the FAQ is and for new posters to pay attention to it. I see people who ask questions like 'have you recieved my money order' or 'when will i get my package' or 'what is the line up for wave 5' getting politley referred to that FAQ rather than getting answered on the forum every time - that way people will get used to using the FAQ.

As for people being forced to post somewhere - no ! I see a couple of questions in the FAQ as being - i have a question about ?????? - where should i post it ?, i want to enquire about the Palisades collectors club - should i post on the forum ? Answer being - no, you should email peter at etc etc. Not too hard or heavy handed is that ?

Now to make it clear to people who do still post this kinda stuff on the forum i see the moderators and the regular posters in the threads saying to the person politely - you'll find the answers in our FAQ at

As i said - Ken has himself said he needs questions to him that require a specific answer to go in the 'Ask Ken' thread only. I think that is a great suggestion because it means if people want to post about series 3 pics being released then cool - yes thats another thread, but if they just want to post 15 suggestions on what color rubber duckie should be - it goes in Ask Ken.

It all sounds kinda simple to me - the kind of forum management that most other fan forums have if you go and check them out. has exactly the same type of forum, with the comic designers coming in to answer questions. They have this whole policy and it works very well. Its way less harsher than a newsgroup - you have charters there and have to obey them to the letter.

For the record, i have never said the figures will crash and burn, and i don't think mentioning managing the posts is negative - more a responsible thing to do if you have any consideration for those who do not continuously want to talk about the figures. I don't think i even need to make claims for others about your posts regarding the figures - the evidence is all there !

Y'see thats what i find 'plain wierdness' - these are great figures, doing well - whats this insecurity you have that you must protect Ken and his figures 24/7 ? I think they do ok for themselves !

Just my little opinion, oh and congratulations on your mention on the reverse of the invisible Fozzie package !


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by matleo
We have the FAQ just about done and we WILL send it to Ken for appoval this week.

Appreciate you letting us know that - THANK YOU ! Good to know my instincts were right on the muffins also !


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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No you certainly never wronged me, nor have we ever had an issue with one another that I can recall. In fact, I don't know you at all, and I have nothing against you as a person or otherwise.

My feelings about Palisades presence on the forum are simple, and unfortunately, you, as their representative probably feel it personally which is not my intent. I pretty much agreed with Luke back on the Delphi forum that the intent of Palisades (I don't want to say "your" intent, since I think it was pretty much a business decision, so this might be worded funny) was mostly to create interest in and gain business for the upcoming Palisades products.

I am not saying that "you" are not welcome to do so, and certainly most people feel honored to be a part of what "you" are doing, but still and all it *is* business. And as people feel closer and closer to "you" (read: Palisades), up go the sales. I know, I know, that "you" are just trying to make the best possible product, and that "you" need to gain information from the fans yadda yadda, but still, it does smack of a little subtle self-promotion (for Palisades, not you... hah, all these "yous", you know what I mean).

And, to top it all off, after all the research done here, from what I can tell (and I am not a figure expert), the finished products all had some degree of "mistake" to them. By this I mean the paint blobs, bendy legs, scratches, sticky figures, missing limbs, etc. etc. Even Annika's own glowing review mentioned something "minor" wrong with almost every single figure.

Yet people still *love* them... which tells me that either a) they are starved for Muppet figures and simply don't care if they have some blemishes or b) through the "personal" relationship that "you" have cultivated here, folks feel an affinity to the products no matter what. Of course there is always c) that people get a kick out of having (or perceiving that that have) made a direct or indirect contribution to the figures, and therefore they love them as their own... which is not far off the mark of what Luke predicted way back when. Not that there is anything wrong with it I guess, as long as all parties are happy. But have you read the definition of symbiosis lately? It is a real eye-opener.

In closing, I just want to restate that I do not have a personal dislike for you Ken. You asked for my feelings, and I answered you as clearly as I can (right before bed anyway). There has been a long-standing curiosity about the retail end of MC, so please don't feel like you are the start of something. In fact, some would say that Palisades jumping on the MC bandwagon just proves a point that has been years in the making.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Your name was on the Invisible Fozzie figure itself. Look closely!

I'm not defending anyone. Ken's a nice guy who makes great figures with Palisades. I bought my series one collection in the store just like everybody else. You complained that no one was getting credit for help and now you complain when we do. It really makes no sense. Just sillyness.

If you don't want to talk about figures or Ken there are other threads and forums to go to. You have been one of the most active members on all the talk about figures so I just don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Re: Luke

Originally posted by frogboy4
You complained that no one was getting credit for help and now you complain when we do.
This is a good point Jamie. It is nice to see that Palisades openly thanked people who made a visible contribution to the product. I am especially happy to see Warrick's name in print! I had a little trouble reading it clearly, but does it say that it was his idea? Indeed he deserves credit where credit is due, as I am sure does everyone who made the list.