Does anyone else get tired of the continually moving dates? I feel awful for saying this, but as time goes on and the never ending promises broken, I feel more and more impatient with this line.

I just wish for once that we were treated properly as consumers, with dates that are written in stone and regular updates as opposed to the increasingly sporadic info we get now. I understand the occasional hiccup or delay, but everything with these replicas appears to be " the beginning of...", " the end of...", " ...early...", "...late Summer", "fall", "October...", "...November...", "blah, blah, blah!". It's a continual delivery of disappointment after disappointment. I thought when we were told the "Animal is on the water" a shipping date would be set, not continally changed. It's like chasing a feather in a gale...frustrating. Or maybe I'm unreasonable and grumpy