Preorder the Animal Muppet Replica


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2007
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Does anyone else get tired of the continually moving dates? I feel awful for saying this, but as time goes on and the never ending promises broken, I feel more and more impatient with this line.:mad: I just wish for once that we were treated properly as consumers, with dates that are written in stone and regular updates as opposed to the increasingly sporadic info we get now. I understand the occasional hiccup or delay, but everything with these replicas appears to be " the beginning of...", " the end of...", " ...early...", "...late Summer", "fall", "October...", "...November...", "blah, blah, blah!". It's a continual delivery of disappointment after disappointment. I thought when we were told the "Animal is on the water" a shipping date would be set, not continally changed. It's like chasing a feather in a gale...frustrating. Or maybe I'm unreasonable and grumpy:grouchy:


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2006
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Does anyone else get tired of the continually moving dates? I feel awful for saying this, but as time goes on and the never ending promises broken, I feel more and more impatient with this line.:mad: I just wish for once that we were treated properly as consumers, with dates that are written in stone and regular updates as opposed to the increasingly sporadic info we get now. I understand the occasional hiccup or delay, but everything with these replicas appears to be " the beginning of...", " the end of...", " ...early...", "...late Summer", "fall", "October...", "...November...", "blah, blah, blah!". It's a continual delivery of disappointment after disappointment. I thought when we were told the "Animal is on the water" a shipping date would be set, not continally changed. It's like chasing a feather in a gale...frustrating. Or maybe I'm unreasonable and grumpy:grouchy:
I can understand the frustration but we have all gotta sit tight, the Muppets are gonna get made. The delays are only because of manufacturing issues etc and i'd rather wait for Gonzo to be made perfect. I think we are really lucky that we get to see proto types of the line and get to follow it to production. I think the problem as Muppet fans is that we have all waited a bloody long time for someone to make Muppet replicas that now we know we can get them e all want them now! I've waited since I was young to have a real Animal and another couple of months wont hurt!


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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It's probably best for my pocketbook that these things take so darn long to come out. Trying for the positive here! So impatient...and I wanna a Scooter. :wink: (Don't really know where that came from, but I do want a Scooter!)

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I want everything yesterday, but I'd rather it takes longer for something to get out so they can get it perfect. Kermit is awesome.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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It is sad that no one knows anything about there collectables at MR when you ask them. You would think that they would have some kind of information. I have asked several people and still no answer. I also collect from Sideshow and I get more answers from them on there products than I do MR. Don't get me wrong, I love everything that MR has put out. It would be nice just to have a little more imput on what is going on and how it is going so far. I cannot wait to be getting Animal. only about two or three more weeks to go! :halo:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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It is sad that no one knows anything about there collectables at MR when you ask them. You would think that they would have some kind of information. I have asked several people and still no answer. I also collect from Sideshow and I get more answers from them on there products than I do MR. Don't get me wrong, I love everything that MR has put out. It would be nice just to have a little more imput on what is going on and how it is going so far. I cannot wait to be getting Animal. only about two or three more weeks to go!
Any responses I received from Sideshow (years ago - about the Muppet busts) were either vague or kind of rude. My inquiries were always thoughtful so maybe I got somebody on a bad day. :grouchy:

:flirt: The MR people seem nice, but I don't think their staff size accommodate all the questions they receive. Still, some sort of brief update, reference to the product making its way or even reporting ambiguous delay snags would put customers and fans at ease. However, this sort of thing is the way the world of limited edition collectibles works. :smirk:


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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Does anyone else get tired of the continually moving dates? I feel awful for saying this, but as time goes on and the never ending promises broken, I feel more and more impatient with this line.:mad: I just wish for once that we were treated properly as consumers, with dates that are written in stone and regular updates as opposed to the increasingly sporadic info we get now. I understand the occasional hiccup or delay, but everything with these replicas appears to be " the beginning of...", " the end of...", " ...early...", "...late Summer", "fall", "October...", "...November...", "blah, blah, blah!". It's a continual delivery of disappointment after disappointment. I thought when we were told the "Animal is on the water" a shipping date would be set, not continally changed. It's like chasing a feather in a gale...frustrating. Or maybe I'm unreasonable and grumpy:grouchy:
You are being unreasonable and grumpy. :wink:
I am getting quite impatient about the replicas too but as people have said, I would rather have a top notch product that takes a few more months than something that comes out now that isn't the same quality. The thing that worries me is the more they put the dates back, the more I wonder if we will ever see the replicas we have been promised.