Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


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Jun 5, 2006
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Ha, that is a very good point you have, Marty. Going back down after losing his buddies would most likely be the natural, normal response for most. But then again... the Muppets were never quite "normal," were they? :wink: :big_grin: Then again, he might have thought he could make it. He never would've guessed there was an evil goat who was the culprit!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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True. The muppets hardly ever did anything normal by standards.

Interesting thought that he might have assumed he could make it. Like he thought, "But the rope was firmly sound. I can't understand what is happening but I simply must go on. Maybe it was a faulty rope we brought. And the track must be very treacherous and un-predictable. But gulp. I will be extremely careful and reach the top and get back down again. Then at my friends funeral service at least I'll be able to tell them I succeeded for all of us when I say Good-bye."
Ha trembling and nervous but stubbornly thinking the loose rocks will not claim him. Silly, crazy, foolish muppets :big_grin:


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Feb 6, 2006
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Skye said:
Ha, no kidding! Ahh, I can imagine how much they'd be happy wandering over there if there were no goats to worry about. I'll bet if you listened closely enough then, you could've heard them singing as they wandered right along throughout the days! :big_grin:
Yes. I bet even the one who acted a little like he was scared of heights would be 100% happy like the other two in this instance. Of course they'd get tired of singing just the same song all the time. You would have heard them sing many cheerful songs as they echoed through the hills and valleys.
They may have even sung a parody of the Bear went over the mountain occasionally.
"The pigs went over the mountain, the pigs went over the mountain, the pigs went over the mountain, to see what they could see.":wink:


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Feb 6, 2006
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
Just for the record I have now found out that John himself had nothing to do with the writing of the Pigs in the Alps sketch. I still don't know with any certainty whose idea it was but I've heard that it was probably either Jerry Juhl(may he rest in peace) or Chris Langham.
I no longer really care if I never find out the answer to my previous question. I'm just having so much fun posting silly thoughts:excited:

I never expected things to turn out this way, but I'm extremely pleased they have. It's difficult to think of any other sketch that could generate this sort of laughable nonsense:wink:

But I'd like to say that whether it was Jerry or Chris or whoever I can imagine the inspiration coming when he/she was thinking about the song and wondering what if the Happy Wanderer fell off the mountain track?
The idea could have started off as a single muppet what-not (not necessarily a pig) climbing the mountain performing the song and just so happening to fall off at the very end of the number. Then it could have slowly evolved into the final form of the trio that was used culminating in the goat's implications:big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Hmm, to answer one of your other questions, I think that the evil goat went straight for the legs. I think it would've been too hard to do it any other way. And maybe it happened so fast that they didn't get a chance to think about it. Or, since they are Muppets, maybe they thought tumbling down the mountain like that was fun! :big_grin:

Bill Bubble Guy said:
Interesting thought that he might have assumed he could make it. Like he thought, "But the rope was firmly sound. I can't understand what is happening but I simply must go on. Maybe it was a faulty rope we brought. And the track must be very treacherous and un-predictable. But gulp. I will be extremely careful and reach the top and get back down again. Then at my friends funeral service at least I'll be able to tell them I succeeded for all of us when I say Good-bye."
Ha trembling and nervous but stubbornly thinking the loose rocks will not claim him. Silly, crazy, foolish muppets.
Aww, maybe I'm silly, crazy, and foolish or stubborn since that was my idea where he might think he could still make it! :wink: But yeah, that's precisely what I was thinking. He had to go for it!

Bill Bubble Guy said:
...."The pigs went over the mountain, the pigs went over the mountain, the pigs went over the mountain, to see what they could see."
How cute is that to think of them singing that song, too! I'll bet you're right, though. As much fun as the Happy Wanderer seems like it would be to sing, they must have tried to sing other songs as well... like "Tumblin' Down" by John Mellencamp or "Roll Me Away" by Bob Seger... gotta get the evil goat back for those, though. :wink:

I'm glad you're having such a good time in here, Marty! That's what we're here for, hehe! It is interesting to think about the different things leading up to the creation of a certain sketch. And you're probably right that it may have been just one at first, but sometimes the ideas just roll on and on. It's crazy and fun to see what can come of some ideas like that!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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[quote originally posted by Skye]Hmm, to answer one of your other questions, I think that the evil goat went straight for the legs. I think it would've been too hard to do it any other way. And maybe it happened so fast that they didn't get a chance to think about it. Or, since they are Muppets, maybe they thought tumbling down the mountain like that was fun! :big_grin:
HA HA That made me laugh. Fun was it? So after the second one landed at the bottom he said to the first one "Hey. That wasn't so bad after all." And he replied "Yeah. I felt like I was on one of those roller coaster rides we used to go on when we were piglets. Only without a car."

And when the last one lands with the boulders the others say "Hey. Can we try it with the big rocks next time?" "Well I'll see what can be arranged for you guys." promises their friend.:crazy:

BTW I'm inclined to agree with you about the legs. Whether he nudged them hard or gently the backside probably wouldn't have knocked them off balance enough to make them fall.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
HA HA That made me laugh. Fun was it? So after the second one landed at the bottom he said to the first one "Hey. That wasn't so bad after all." And he replied "Yeah. I felt like I was on one of those roller coaster rides we used to go on when we were piglets. Only without a car."

And when the last one lands with the boulders the others say "Hey. Can we try it with the big rocks next time?" "Well I'll see what can be arranged for you guys." promises their friend.:crazy:
Ha, aww... when they were piglets. That's cute! But exactly, it was one more big, fun adventure the three piggies shared together! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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And isn't the set they designed for the number remarkable? Not only the mountain in itself but the background mountains painted on the scenery wall? They really are excellent for creating the impression that the Three Happy Wanderers are up at such an extremely immense height from which they fall, are they not?