Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Incidentally I've thought of another good example of abnormal behaviour in the end part of this sketch when the last pig is on his own.
Even if he had still been content to climb the mountain after losing his first buddy why keep moving upwards after he lost his second buddy?

After what had happened to them both and the sinister suspicious nature of the rope as I've pointed out before, why didn't he react the way anybody else naturally would and endeavour to try his best to carefully make his way downwards as much as possible. Yet he still persisted in climbing up. :confused:

His automatic instinct should have been to climb back down in attempt to save himself however despairingly small the chance seemed to be.

What strange characters these muppets be?:crazy: :wink:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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I mean the Wolf thing could have been a good Idea, but you have to remember that there is only so much time to fit into one number.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Yes that is true William. But we can still have fun with our warped imaginations and senses of humour, can't we? :wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Caroline can I ask you to check something else out for me on your video please?
If you can verify that the music starts before they appear that'd also be appreciated but i'm wondering about something regarding the rope sequence in the second chorus.
I can't quite make it out on YouTube but I think I remember when he sings "Val-de-ri" and holds up the rope presumably his buddy nods at it because he can feel how firm and secure it is as it is gently stretched taut around his belly. And I think I recall from an old tape off television I used to have that there is a piece of rope hanging down from the lead pig's hand presumably what is attatched to them. But after he lowers his hand so his buddy can sing "Val-de-ra" and he raises his hand again to sing the next part of the chorus, if my memory is correct again that piece of rope has disappeared implying that the goat has chewed it off and his buddy is preparing to sing "Val-de-ahahahahaha" with gusto so he doesn't realize it has gone slack in the split second before he in turn is butted off his balance. Can you verify this sometime please? Much obliged.

And how do you think the goat knocked the first two off. Do you think he butted them on the backside or would he have just aimed straight for their legs? And can you imagine how shocked and horrified the last living thoughts they had must have been to feel the forceful bump and realize what was going to happen to them?:eek:

crazed gonzo fa

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Mar 18, 2006
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
What strange characters these muppets be?:crazy: :wink:
Heh heh heh, what fools these muppets be! Also, maybe the goat/ram put some sort of oil slick on the mountain.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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crazed gonzo fa said:
Heh heh heh, what fools these muppets be! Also, maybe the goat/ram put some sort of oil slick on the mountain.
And I suppose the cunning devil was wearing special slip resistant shoes on his hooves:big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
Whether the wolf was masterminding the whole thing or not that mean, evil goat should have left those sweet, innocent piggies alone. They had done nothing to deserve their terrible fate. BOO-HOO-HOO! WAAAHHH! SOB!SOB! WHIMPER! BLAAAARRTT! (that's the sound of me blowing my nose)
I hope Piggy really did take her revenge for them:mad:

The last pig with the huge snout and small beady eyes was very different from most of the other whatnot pigs and that was his very first role on the Muppet Show. And he went on to appear in several further fourth and fifth season episodes. You couldn't miss him. He always stuck out like a sore thumb. And if he could easily come back I can see no reason to suppose his best buddies didn't continue to be on the show amidst all the other pigs as well.
Knowing Piggy, I'll bet she did take her revenge for them. Those karate chops are lethal, and she's plenty willing to give them! :wink:

It's always interesting to watch for which characters make comebacks, and which other characters don't. I do wonder sometimes why they brought some characters back and others not, but maybe that's why they brought that one pig back... because he stood out from the others and made it a little more interesting. Or maybe his buds were around somewhere, but it was hard to pick them out. Or maybe his buddies moved to Hawaii and he didn't want to tag along!

They sure are some strange characters. It's why we love 'em! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Skye said:
It's always interesting to watch for which characters make comebacks, and which other characters don't. I do wonder sometimes why they brought some characters back and others not, but maybe that's why they brought that one pig back... because he stood out from the others and made it a little more interesting. Or maybe his buds were around somewhere, but it was hard to pick them out.
That is precisely what I was thinking. The six standard whatnot pigs in season one of TMS did have their kinda individual facial characteristics but when they added more pigs they did all tend to look somewhat alike. The other two happy wandering pigs probably may well have been in many more pig sketches and you couldn't tell. When that unique pig was present among a crowd of them onstage though I believe there's a good chance the others were there too. I can imagine them working together as much as possible because they were all such very close friends.:smile:

Skye said:
Or maybe his buddies moved to Hawaii and he didn't want to tag along!
If that is the case I know they would have kept in touch together. Maybe in one letter he may have asked them "Are there no goats living in the mountains of Hawai? If there aren't I'll come to visit you and we can go happy wandering again knowing we'll be able to enjoy ourselves this time without falling or getting squashed. That really took all the fun out of our last hiking expedition, didn't it?":wink:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
That is precisely what I was thinking. The six standard whatnot pigs in season one of TMS did have their kinda individual facial characteristics but when they added more pigs they did all tend to look somewhat alike. The other two happy wandering pigs probably may well have been in many more pig sketches and you couldn't tell. When that unique pig was present among a crowd of them onstage though I believe there's a good chance the others were there too. I can imagine them working together as much as possible because they were all such very close friends.:smile:
Ok, I've gotcha. Very cute idea of yours. And I'll bet you're absolutely right about that!

Bill Bubble Guy said:
If that is the case I know they would have kept in touch together. Maybe in one letter he may have asked them "Are there no goats living in the mountains of Hawaii? If there aren't I'll come to visit you and we can go happy wandering again knowing we'll be able to enjoy ourselves this time without falling or getting squashed. That really took all the fun out of our last hiking expedition, didn't it?":wink:
Ha, no kidding! Ahh, I can imagine how much they'd be happy wandering over there if there were no goats to worry about. I'll bet if you listened closely enough then, you could've heard them singing as they wandered right along throughout the days! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
Incidentally I've thought of another good example of abnormal behaviour in the end part of this sketch when the last pig is on his own.
Even if he had still been content to climb the mountain after losing his first buddy why keep moving upwards after he lost his second buddy?

After what had happened to them both and the sinister suspicious nature of the rope as I've pointed out before, why didn't he react the way anybody else naturally would and endeavour to try his best to carefully make his way downwards as much as possible. Yet he still persisted in climbing up. :confused:

His automatic instinct should have been to climb back down in attempt to save himself however despairingly small the chance seemed to be.
How do you like this previous thought of mine Caroline?:smirk: