I was thinking about what William said earlier regarding my comment about how goats might tragically knock people off mountains in real life being part of their own in-built nature
Ilikemuppets said:
But another reason a goat might do that is to defend his territory or it might be scared and trying to defend itself
With that thought in mind I can imagine how the other two pigs can be said to have brought their own hilarious fate upon themselves by their own un-natural actions after their best friend is pushed off.
Consider if the goat had noticed those three invaders approaching his home and came down to get them to stop climbing upwards to it. He bit through the rope and sent the first one tumbling down to scare the others into backing off. But they kept coming up.
Skye said:
That's very true Marty. And logically you're right, they would've kept climbing in silence, or they may have decided to stop and just go back down to be and mourn by their friend.
If they had gone back down to grieve the goat may have been satisfied but I can picture him thinking, "What? Still coming up to my territory? I'll strike another blow then." And chews through the rope again sending the second one tumbling down. As I pointed out before the shock of losing both his best friends in this way should have persuaded the last pig to try to climb back down to save his own life if at all possible. But he didn't.
Skye said:
Ha, that is a very good point you have, Marty. Going back down after losing his buddies would most likely be the natural, normal response for most. But then again... the Muppets were never quite "normal" were they?
They certainly were as far from normal as you can possibly get. And by this time the goat was probably so brazenly annoyed that the last pig kept climbing in the direction of his home that in a fit of rage he raced up ahead and shoved two great big boulders from his place down upon the last one. At least then he was able to relax in peace and solitude.
And certainly those muppet pigs were completely un-normal.
After all Caroline and I believe they enjoyed their experiences in the end