Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Oh yes thank you Michelle. And wow. Am I excited about discovering this.:excited:

I slowly realized while listening to my mp3 track in slow mode that there is dialogue mixed in with the laughing of the canned laughter track. No kidding.

Even though some of it is still unlegible since they speak really really quickly to begin with still I have carefully listened to it through my headphones and worked it out as best I can.

I thought when the first piggy fell you could hear "The last one. He's falling off the mountain." though now I'm not so sure anymore. I can't tell whether the first bit I hear at the same time as the sound effects of him striking the bottom really are the words "The last one." or just simple Haaa-ha-ha!
And the second bit no longer sounds like the sentence I assumed it was. It seems to be just two words of a single syllable each. I am 90% positive now that they are "Oink. Oink."
Even though I would have preferred it to be what I originally thought still it is kinda cute.:wink:

I know during the Watch your step part you can hear "Hear what he said?"
There's also someone else saying something that seems like "That'll do it." but I cannot tell. He does seem to be saying "Watch your step" while simultaneously laughing about it however.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Here's a separate post just for the sake of our thread count. Naturally:wink:

Among the laughter when the middle piggy falls there seems to be the following. "Look! Another one has just fallen down!" Then after a brief pause of laughing. "Another one has fallen off the mountain."
And someone else is saying either, "I'm enjoying this", "We're enjoying this", or even "They're enjoying this".

And finally at the end of the sketch I'm certain sure now that what I hear is "HaHa! He's being squashed by those large rocks!":big_grin:

Isn't this amazing my friends? I can scarcely believe it myself.

I had always assumed the canned laughter was simply nothing but laughter.
It makes me wonder what little comments about parts of other comedy sketches may be concealed all throughout the rest of The Muppet Show series.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Okay I have listened to the part when the first piggy hits the bottom of the mountain over and over a few times with my headphones and have come to the conclusion that it just might be "Last pig. Oink. Oink."

Of course the first piggy to fall is technically the last of the trio counting them from the order they appear climbing up in. I really think that could be the correct dialogue. So the Muppeteers must have been having a little bit of shared humour amongst themselves when they recorded that in the laughtrack. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Wow Marty, that is so cool! And how weird that there is dialogue mixed in. I always thought it was just simply canned laughter as well. Man, those Muppets have all kinds of surprises for us! :big_grin:

It's so cool that you can hear those things at different times after each falls off the mountain. I love the "Hear what he said" after the leader piggy says "Watch your step." That's really cute! And I love how you can hear how much the "audience" was enjoying this sketch. So awesome! And I love at the end, how they say, ""HaHa! He's being squashed by those large rocks!" Hehe, that's great! :big_grin:

Lol, I love how you're hearing "Oink. Oink" in there, too. That's just funny to think about! This definitely makes me wonder what other comments and dialogue may be recorded into the laugh tracks in other sketches throughout the show, also! Too bad this isn't something we could normally hear by just watching the show. It could be very fun to be able to hear! It's so cool that the Muppeteers chose to do this, though. A special little treat for us all! And thank you for sharing this with us all!

By the way, great job keeping our post count in here going strong. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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You're most welcome Caroline.

BTW I think I've figured out what the lines when the first piggy falls once and for all. I don't think it is Oink! Oink! now anymore though wasn't it appropriately ironic that I thought I may have heard it for our piggy thread?:big_grin:

I'm pretty positive though it's very faint that it is "The last pig. He's falling off."

I was confused because I had assumed at first the words "the mountain" were at the end of it. But it stops simply at "He's falling off" so it sounded like it may have been something brief and because they were pigs it must have influenced my thoughts in the matter.:big_grin: Very funny huh?

It's sort of like that old party game where you sit in a circle and whisper something into each other's ear and say afterwards what you thought you had heard your friend whisper to you.

I think it's so amazing and cool that the Muppeteers chose to do it though we wouldn't know about it as you said.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Lol, that certainly would've been appropriate for our little piggy thread here! :wink:

It is funny how our thoughts can influence how we hear certain things too, huh? Hehe, and that's a perfect example of that, too. But it's great that you did discover what they're saying! Simple, true... and awesome that it's there!

Haha, I had forgotten all about that game! We all just have to train our ears, I guess. :wink: Gotta say, I always had so much fun with that game when I was younger! It's fun to try and figure out what people are saying with things like that!

Yeah, I love that they chose to do it. It's fun to have around and really cool to know about. I'll bet that surprised the heck outta you when you first realized they were saying different things! It's really interesting the awesome things we can accidentally discover sometimes!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Yeah. I cannot help but wonder if there are any bits when the goat appears. Like "A goat" "I bet that's what made them fall" "He had it in for them"

But the applause at the end of the sketch gets in the way so I've given up trying to listen in on that part.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Oh, that would've been cool. I hadn't thought about that. Maybe since they knew the applause would cover it, they decided not to do anything special for that. Would've been fun to hear if they had, though!