What I think is sickening is the fact people can bash Christians all day long, and no one will say anything. However you say something about negative about gay people, and everyone is ready to hang you. Being a Christian is almost more low respecting then being gay. Everyone is fine with someone being gay, but if some one is a Christian and try's to live a Godly life with morals and beliefs then there is something wrong with you. I'm A Christian, and I am proud of it. I believe in God, and that he sent his only son to die for our sins. The Bible is very clear on what a sin is, and I believe that it is the Holy Word of God. I live by faith, and I don't need anyone to tell me otherwise!
This is the perfect example of hypocrisy. Right there.
I am
sick of this whole Witchhunter Hunt. Those who wish to oppress others whining about oppression when it happens to them. For the record, yeah. The passive aggressiveness of the loudest jerks of Atheism
does suck. There are those who are as adamantly anti-religious as Bible Thumpers, and only exist as a ying to their yang, created BECAUSE of Bible thumpers just as bible thumpers were created because of hippies. Which goes to the point, we
all should freaking hate hippies. I absolutely hate that a certain group of loud, obnoxious, hateful people always color groups in negative light. How about doing something about
that vs niggling over unimportant Old Testament era law?
But this whole one sided war on Christianity thing is
hilariously a first worlder problem. You get smug jerks laughing behind your back and false news bitey stories about how one town you don't live in calls it a Holiday tree. Just like Hitler's Germany, right?

Meanwhile, gays get violent bullying, forced into loveless marriages by stodgy sanctimonious family, kicked
out of their families, and commit suicide. Oh, and in other countries they can kill you for being Gay and or Christian, so there's that.
It is as wrong to bully Christians for being Christian as it is for anyone else being what they are. But stop treating those who don't believe what you believe as monsters, and stop acting like different beliefs cause yours to evaporate. There is
nothing wrong with your beliefs as long as they inspire you to be a better person. If they inspire self gratifying sanctimoniousness, hate, violence and basically
everything else the religious text tell you not to do then the problem isn't the religion, it's YOU!
How about compromise? Christians stop acting like feelings against homosexuality are the main driving force of your system of beliefs and everyone else will stop trying to passive aggressively counterattack their beliefs.
Oh come on, they knew the press would make a big deal about it. This wasn't sweeping him under the rug, this was to humiliate the guy. And naturally the activist groups show up to brand him as a pariah in order to shut him up. A&E knew that would happen too. Now they have their street cred as a "progressive" network because they successfully censored the right person. That's what I mean by a witch hunt mentality. This isn't civil discord, it's a bunch of parties getting together to censor someone they don't agree with.
Which is pretty much a ridiculous reason to do so because that show...nay... reality TV is about humiliating their stars. I still think they should have kept the guy on the show and just rebranded the character as the Straw Backward Views Redneck that people can make fun of.
If anything, this situation has brought to light the ignorance and bigotry that's alive and kicking in 21st century America. I don't just mean from Mr. Robertson, but many of the radical and vile comments people have made across the internet in support of him that surpass even his rather rude statements. I think we should all treat each other better and think before speaking.
If Mr. Robertson wasn't saying these things out of bigotry, then those who are defending him sure as heck are. Like I said, great job breaking it progressives. Now he's a martyr to every hateful d-bag that thinks the gum'ment is readin' their mahnds an' makin' 'em like the everyone who isn't straight and white.
Seriously, to the surprise of no one, Glenn Beck is defending Robertson. And he should know. The guy said so many dangerously batcrap insane and batcrap insanley dangerous things
he was kicked off of Fox News! That's a level of danger to himself and others insanity usually reserved for the rambling manifesto found by the FBI. And he can't even keep his concocted conspiracy theories straight.