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One Shots, Parodies, & Trailers!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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After going to the source, I recommend the following regarding Piggy's parents.
Go to the Muppet Wiki and search for "Miss Piggy", then go to the "Family and Background" subheading.
Once finished with that, click on the link to read the info on "Miss Piggy's Mother".

There are a few fics here that refer to Piggy's mom as Hortense, though that's an unconfirmed fan-given name.
Hope this helps. :search:


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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After going to the source, I recommend the following regarding Piggy's parents.
Go to the Muppet Wiki and search for "Miss Piggy", then go to the "Family and Background" subheading.
Once finished with that, click on the link to read the info on "Miss Piggy's Mother".

There are a few fics here that refer to Piggy's mom as Hortense, though that's an unconfirmed fan-given name.
Hope this helps. :search:
It does! I actually read over the Muppet Wiki and clicked on the "Missing Mother" book/comic, which wasn't really anything.

But hey, guess what! I gots another section for you!

Monday morning approached and for most, it was the worst day of the week. In most cases, Up Late was usually a few days ahead of the curve, so should something horrible happened, they had extra shows to put on. Luckily, even when fighting broke out amongst the cast and crew, they could at least say they had one show they could deliver before needing to break down and work on the upcoming shows for the week.

Kermit had been hoping to avoid the scuttlebutt that would occur when something big happened, but of course, fate would not shine down on him on a Monday because…you know what?

Fate was a jerk.

So when walking into work on Monday, Kermit couldn’t help but notice the sad looks some people threw at him, which made him hurry that much quicker to his office than he normally would have when there was fresh coffee calling his name. And the reasoning for the looks was obvious when he sat down and discovered the letter of resignation that was sitting on his desk.

Ever the professional, Denise had typed up a letter that detailed her reasons for leaving – that she had found another position that better suited her skills and talents and that she had enjoyed working on the show and wished that Up Late would continue its success. Even her resignation was tame; he could imagine the way Piggy would’ve handle being fired.

Actually, he didn’t need to imagine that because it had happened.

Well…this was the most… non-confrontational leave he had ever dealt with.


Time for coffee.


Monday mornings were not her favorite days, at all. Mondays were the start of the work week, making you say goodbye to your weekend and suffer through another long week before you got to the next weekend. On a good month, you could expect an extra day thanks to a holiday.

This, sadly, was not a holiday.

However, as much as Piggy hated Mondays, this Monday seemed to be looking up. She had made up with Kermit over their awful argument and while they would probably need to sit down at some point, she was happy in the fact that they had at least come to a decision about their current relationship, even though it had come at the expense of his girlfriend.

The diva was pretty sure that Kermit hadn’t told her everything about this break up, but it wasn’t proper to go digging into his relationship – even if she was curious. He had admitted his interest in Denise was purely because she was a normal girlfriend, who wasn’t photobombing random people or handing out autographs – not that he had said it in so many words because Kermit, even at his worse, tried to be polite – and while Piggy had tried to temper down the fact that, hallelujah! Kermit was free at last!, she needed to remember that they hadn’t parted on the best of terms.

Kermit’s mentioning of them being friends had actually shocked her. She couldn’t remember at any time if they had actually been friends, as sad of a prospect as that was. They had pretty much gone from meeting to seeing each other and in retrospect, that may have been the reason they always seemed to be doomed to stay together; they’d break up and make up without a pause in between.

Piggy was still pondering this when she headed into the studios that morning, her coffee nearly gone as she approached their laden up snack table, already seeing Gonzo and Fozzie there. “Sup losers,” she greeted, getting greetings back. “What’s the word of the day?”

“Denise up and quit,” Gonzo stated, reaching for another doughnut. “Scooter’s gonna have to cover lack, not that he doesn’t already. He’s like the G+ king.”

“Well,” Piggy smirked, refilling her coffee container. “He did work for them, so of course he would be.”

“I just can’t believe it,” Fozzie said, distracted. “I don’t understand what could have possibly gone wrong.”

The Muppets had known each other for so long that sometimes, it was almost instinctual to know the next part of a sentence. Gonzo must have known the next sentence that Fozzie was going to say because the head writer immediately started to shake his head against saying whatever it was he planned on saying.

But it was Fozzie and when the comic wasn’t thinking, he would say the first thing that came to mind. Which, in this case, was the worst thing he could have possibly said.

“And after Kermit was going to propose.”

And just like that, Gonzo sucked in a breath and closed his eyes, and waited for the destruction that was going to come. He could only hope his mug survived this time; he had gotten very fond of his “I embrace my insanity!” mug that Piggy had replaced for him. He wasn’t so much concerned for the bones that would be broken because, well, he had broken bones before.

“I’m sorry, what?”

The growl was enough to signal Gonzo’s fight or flight response, granted not something he normally listened to even when it came to Piggy, but he didn’t have a canon to hide in or even a broad sword to protect him this time. Fozzie obviously cared nothing for his life or the lives of anyone in the building because he just kept going.

“Yeah!” he exclaimed, turning to the diva. “He had a ring and I think he had a speech prepared...”

“Why are you trying to kill us?” Gonzo hissed, punching the comic in the arm.

“So she broke up with him because he proposed?”

This time, it was Gonzo and Fozzie to turned towards the diva. Denise had broken up with Kermit? That they had not heard. They had just thought because of the proposal, Denise felt it was better if she didn’t work with Kermit while they were getting married.

“Say what now?” Gonzo asked.

Narrowing her eyes, Piggy said, “I don’t think we’re having the same conversation.”

“No, I think we are,” Gonzo muttered. “But I think we’re missing a few pages from the book. In fact, I’m not even sure we’re in the same library.”

“Why would we be in a library?” Fozzie asked, only to be answered with twin, “Shut up, Fozzie.”

“Hi ho, guys.”

Three pairs of eyes turned to the newcomer, the very frog they had been speaking of. And the intensity of their stares actually unnerved the producer slightly.

“Kermit,” Gonzo began, a smirk on his face. “Help us settle a debate. Is Denise quitting because she broke up with you?”

“And was it before or after you proposed?” Piggy added.

He should’ve mentioned it, he knew it. While the rest of the studio just knew about his break up, not everyone knew about his proposal – and if fate hated him so much, he figured it was be studio news before their morning meeting was over – and he probably, most likely should have mentioned both to interested parties.

But sometimes…Kermit was a coward. He would admit that, he was frog enough to admit that sometimes, many times, he lacked the appropriate courage it took to confront things head on. This was one of those times. And apparently fate felt slightly bad about it because as he opened his mouth to – apologize, cough, laugh, scream, he wasn’t sure – the alarm for his meeting went off on his cell phone.

“I gotta go.”

It wasn’t a strange occurrence to see Muppets running down the hall or even Muppets chasing other Muppets down the hall and really, when Kermit was at the head of the chase and Piggy was trailing behind, it probably meant those Muppets were fleeing in terror and not that Kermit was fleeing from the three Muppets behind him.

Age never slowed down a frog fleeing for his life, even when he managed to skid haphazardly into their conference room, nearly clotheslining himself on the table that he used to stop himself.

“Hey everyone, it’s time for our meeting, thanks for joining us, Gonzo, Fozzie, and Piggy!” he announced breathlessly, barely able to save himself as two of the three took their seats.

“Just wanted to make sure my head writer and sidekick were in attendance,” Piggy said, smiling at everyone. Giving Kermit’s shoulder a hard squeeze. “Moi will see you later, Frog.”

“Okay then,” he said, wincing. He waited until she left before he rubbed his bruised shoulder.

The meeting went off like it normally did, though Kermit noticed that Gonzo glared at him the whole time. He managed to exit said meeting without being jumped by an angry writer, though that was slightly out of character for Gonzo. He shouldn’t have worried about the writer, he should have been worried about Piggy, who had him cornered as soon as he walked into his office.

He should have locked the door.

“Before you kill me,” he said, pointing at her. “I just want to remind you that I’m the executive producer and no one can run the asylum like I can.”

“Be that as it may,” the diva countered. “Were you going to tell me about this?”

“About what, Piggy?” he questioned. “Yes, I was going to propose. Yes, Denise broke up with me. No, she didn’t based that on a proposal cause I never got that far. Is that what you want to hear?”

“What was last night then?” she cried. “That whole ‘I love you, you’re one of my best friends’ thing?”

“Because I know you, Pig, and I know you’d have me drawn and quartered if I were to marry someone else.”

And there it was.

“Do you really think I would be so petty?” she asked, shocked.

Kermit only waited a beat before answering, “Yes. Yes I do. And don’t deny it because you would be.”

And wasn’t that her persona biting her in the behind? That Kermit would think she didn’t care about his happiness. Okay, yes, she would be incredibly hurt and sad should Kermit go off with someone else, but she would be happy for him. She loved him and had always wanted his best interests at heart; of course she wanted to be by his side when he got his happiness, but she could stand aside if he wanted someone else in her place.

“Well, Kermit,” she whispered and it was never a good sign when she was whispering. It meant that she was ultra angry, where screaming wouldn’t get the whole point across. “Despite what you may think, no I wouldn’t be so petty as to be upset over you marrying someone else. Sad? Yes. Hurt? Definitely. Petty? No. If you think for one moment that I would sabotage your happiness for my own…you’re not the friend I thought you were.”


That hurt.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Quick Mupdate cause I just stumbled on it waiting for tonight's episode of Once Upon a Time.
ABC's airing The Muppets! Right now, on your TV, you can watch Episode 101 and I'll bet they'll also repeat Episode 102 immediately afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Quick Mupdate cause I just stumbled on it waiting for tonight's episode of Once Upon a Time.
ABC's airing The Muppets! Right now, on your TV, you can watch Episode 101 and I'll bet they'll also repeat Episode 102 immediately afterwards.
OMG, if only I had cable :stick_out_tongue: I have Hulu so I can watch there. I am, however, a little more interested in the fact that you're watching OUAT. I would love to watch THAT tonight without having to wait for tomorrow, though...TBH, I'm a Rumbeller, I can't deny it any longer, so I'm purely interested in whether or not we get some explanation of why the triple digits Belle is in Camelot and not with Rumple in Storybrooke.

And Count, I swear, if you're shipping Captain Swan, we can no longer be friends.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Gina, where have you been on our OUAT conversations? I became a fan during Season 3 chiefly because of Kelly (RedPiggy) and her own fic series focusing on the Labyrinth ablations.
Reason why Belle is in Camelot is cause if she didn't go, she'd be a wasted character just minding a comatose Rumple. Besides, it seems the Blue Fairy gave Belle the magic rose to know how the real Rumple is doing in the meantime.
The reason I expected Dark Swan is it so mirrors Jean Gray as Dark Phoenix from X-Men.
Captain Swan... Hook and Emma? Meh, I can take it or leave it.
What I rully want is for Hades to finally be brought in, and in a decent way, not like how they mishandled Chernabog last season. That, and my own personal headcannon that since Malcolm/Peter Pan is gone, then Neverland ends up becoming Halloween Town from Nightmare Before Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Gina, where have you been on our OUAT conversations? I became a fan during Season 3 chiefly because of Kelly (RedPiggy) and her own fic series focusing on the Labyrinth ablations.
I didn't know we had one! OMG! Why have I not been invited!?

Reason why Belle is in Camelot is cause if she didn't go, she'd be a wasted character just minding a comatose Rumple. Besides, it seems the Blue Fairy gave Belle the magic rose to know how the real Rumple is doing in the meantime.
Yeah, I get that. I think I'm more on the 'Blue Fairy is kinda evil/not really playing for good, why the **** - after everything! - would you just take a magical gift from someone? Where is your brain, woman!?'

Of course that doesn't mean I'm not happy at seeing her cause I skipped most of Season 4 and nothing could make me go back (maybe after this season), cause it seems like Rumbelle and Snowing and Outlaw Queen took a backseat to Capt Swan, which I don't get.

Is it cause Hook's a ****** or what? Cause he's a bad boy with a good heart? That's not entirely true and so in the Rumbelle corner am I that I will bring up the fact that this is the second woman Hook's managed to steal away from the Gold family. Am I the only one that finds that creepy?

I've gotten the sense that the show's gone from a pretty round about cast to just Captain Swan, which who the **** cares? Not to say that I'm not liking Dark Swan and I'm interested to see what Regina's planning on doing on tonight's episode (I think she's sacrificing herself for Emma's benefit) and of course, I'm hoping there's a reason Grumpy, Granny, Doc (?), and Belle are in Camelot. I'd like to hope that Belle's looking for Merlin to bring back Rumple and maybe this time she'll get some help without it ending badly.

Mulan and Red are back, so extra hops for that!

Okay, so back to Muppets, I finally got through both episodes tonight and...

I liked it. There were some serious laugh out loud moments, more in the second episode in the first (I loved Dr. Teeth's answer to Piggy's song question - "Dead Inside. We wrote it this morning" and how everyone is so happy that Piggy's happy (except Kermit). The best though I think was the end, where Kermit is showing them the redone Up Late banner and Kermit telling Piggy she can now people she can't do it without a man. He was more of his absolute glee at saying it - and his added bye bye to Groban - that killed me)

And Count...how did you manage to miss Denise? She's in the first episode. And she's...eh. Flirty in a downplayed way, a little southern charm, and corny as heck jokes. She does seem low key however, way more low key than Piggy.

It does look like, at least in the second episode, they have a friendly working relationship (how else do you explain Piggy letting Kermit in her fitting room). The Grobiggy relationship jokes were funny, though there's a little uncomfortable 'please stop'; it's the same sentiment Kermit has, but he's the ex listening to his ex talk about his current girlfriend. I almost hope/wish to see Kermit turning the tables on this in a future episode.

So....here's another idea that's popped up in my head cause the muse refuses to be quiet now.

With Kermit in a somewhat downplayed, assumedly happy relationship, I think at some point he'd want to get Piggy in a happy relationship, so they could be happy working with each other. He's already proven he has no qualms setting Piggy up with someone, so here's my idea -

His plan backfires, in so far that the person he wants to set her up with isn't the person she starts dating. She actually starts dating another Muppet. Now, in my head, I see either Gonzo or Scooter. Gonzo, as he's also starting to date other people (and it would bring back the whole crush), but Scooter actually makes a better candidate I think. Either way, Kermit would have a problem with either one, but I think Scooter would be the worse cause he'd still view him as a kid and they also seem to do a lot of admin stuff together, which means they'd have to work together constantly.

The idea came where I picture the three of them walking down the hallway and arguing, with Gonzo coming up and telling them they've got bigwigs in the building. The three of them are usually the ones to handle the big wigs, but because they're in the midst of an argument - and weren't aware of said bigwigs - they start panicing, until it turns into a big fight.

It would change scenes over to Rowlf's, where Gonzo, Scooter, Piggy, and Kermit all walk in, with the guys banged up. In the end, Scooter and Kermit got into a fight, Kermit threw a punch that ended up hitting Gonzo and it goes down hill from there.

Thoughts? COmments? Questions?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thoughts on Muppets.
1 My comments have been posted in the individual episode threads, they're in the first couple of pages, I don't want to have you scrolling through the entire mire just to find them.
2 I know of Denise's appearance in the first episode. It's the second episode where I noticed her absence, only to be filled pleasantly by Yolanda.
3 The true LOL moment for me from the first episode was when Fozzie catches the rats making out behind his podium. Reminded me of the running gag from the first Police Academy movie.
4 As for your fic idea... Because Scooter has been such an incahoot of Piggy's and is seen as "the kid", I think it would work better if Gonzo were the one who was hooked, pardon the pun, with the diva instead.

Thoughts on OUAT.
1 You were always invited, it was a fic thread, though I dunno if comments at this time would make Kelly come back to post again.
2 Hook stealing two women from the Gold family? Well, if you count Emma as married to Baelfire/Neil as the second one he's stealing. And the creep factor gets intensified when you realize he's stealing the former girlfriend of the son of his former love.
3 Missed out on the entire Queens of Evil second half story arch of Season 4, only caught the finale where Henry got the golden quill/pen from the former author of the storybook.
3 First we had Medusa and Pandora's Box in Season 3, then an actual fury in tonight's episode... The door to the Greek underworld is clearly being mined... So when the heck are they going to bring in James Woods as Hades? ! ?
4 Seems they've made a point of featuring Robgina in both of these first two episodes though. Though I have serious doubts about just how much of a hero this Robin Hood is. First he gets captured by Zelena and tied to a deathtrap at the town's clock. And now the whole fury/price of a life for a life deal.

Also loved the stuff I saw on the Halloween programs on Food Network. :hungry: :insatiable: :scary:


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Thoughts on Muppets.
1 My comments have been posted in the individual episode threads, they're in the first couple of pages, I don't want to have you scrolling through the entire mire just to find them.
2 I know of Denise's appearance in the first episode. It's the second episode where I noticed her absence, only to be filled pleasantly by Yolanda.
3 The true LOL moment for me from the first episode was when Fozzie catches the rats making out behind his podium. Reminded me of the running gag from the first Police Academy movie.
4 As for your fic idea... Because Scooter has been such an incahoot of Piggy's and is seen as "the kid", I think it would work better if Gonzo were the one who was hooked, pardon the pun, with the diva instead.
1. You're the best to just tell me :big_grin:

2. Ah, I got you. I did miss Yolanda; she hasn't been seen since...what? MTM?

3. I did like Elizabeth Banks pushing Scooter out of the golf cart and the added, "no matter what your manager says, he hit me first". I have started liking her a lot more, from Wet Hot American Summer and her random appearance in other stuff.

4. I did think Gonzo at first, though I think I realized that would be the obvious option because he had just a crush on her earlier. And I did think that no one would completely think the two of them would have enough in common with Piggy to start dating her, but - as with Scooter - there's been decades of growth and maturity, blah blah.

With Scooter, because they've been so close in the past, it would make sense for them that they're close now but that Scooter isn't a teenager anymore.

Thoughts on OUAT.
1 You were always invited, it was a fic thread, though I dunno if comments at this time would make Kelly come back to post again.
2 Hook stealing two women from the Gold family? Well, if you count Emma as married to Baelfire/Neil as the second one he's stealing. And the creep factor gets intensified when you realize he's stealing the former girlfriend of the son of his former love.
3 Missed out on the entire Queens of Evil second half story arch of Season 4, only caught the finale where Henry got the golden quill/pen from the former author of the storybook.
3 First we had Medusa and Pandora's Box in Season 3, then an actual fury in tonight's episode... The door to the Greek underworld is clearly being mined... So when the heck are they going to bring in James Woods as Hades? ! ?
4 Seems they've made a point of featuring Robgina in both of these first two episodes though. Though I have serious doubts about just how much of a hero this Robin Hood is. First he gets captured by Zelena and tied to a deathtrap at the town's clock. And now the whole fury/price of a life for a life deal.

Also loved the stuff I saw on the Halloween programs on Food Network. :hungry: :insatiable: :scary:
1. Must. Know. this. thread. Must. Join.

2. I AM including the fact that Hook once stole Rumple's wife/Bae's mother and was doing the same thing with Bae's ex-girlfriend. The set up was there when Bae said he wanted Emma to be happy, even if it wasn't with him. I do find that to be creepy, more so in the fact that no one apparently sees it. I really hope Emma gets Rumple's Dark One memories because I would just love for her to confront him on his BS.

3. I'm always leery when they bring in other characters. Look at the Frozen season 4A; a cash cow for what it was and TBH it totally just ruined the season, to the point where 4B would've been interesting. In defense, I felt the same way about 3A with Neverland, as I thought that just seemed to go on and on and on, but it also did a better job of including side players - like Belle and Ariel and Regina as Ursala, etc.

I got as far as episode 4 in the first half of season 4 and just couldn't get myself to go further. The next episode for me would've been the one where Belle first uses the fake dagger, which...so out of character and makes me go, *** woman! Of all the hypocrites in this show, you were supposed to be the opposite. With that said, I'm hoping this season will be the return of normal thinking, fiesty Belle cause...yeah, season 4 just didn't happen.

4. I would much rather see more Robin/Regina (outlaw queen) than Captain Swan. I think Robin's mentioned he's not a hero, but someone trying to do what is right for the people or people he cares about (there's a speech he says). And it it Robin Hood - steals from the rich, gives to the poor, so he's totally not a hero. BUT I would rather his heroics versus the Charmings, whose actions have, to me, eclipsed anything bad that Rumple has done. He at least has never shied away from his own misdeeds, while the Charmings have.

I seriously wished Hulu was a better platform. Actually, I wish Netflix would bring current shows to their platform, cause the player is much better, no commercials...now I wanna see OUAT, but have to wait until tomorrow :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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ANd after many a tangent - can't wait for Tuesday and next Sunday - here's the final of our story!

Showtime at Up Late with Miss Piggy was a quiet storm compared to the constant chaos that was the original Muppet Show. It was still hectic, depending on whatever craziness had been happening before the show, which – thankfully – that actually managed to keep off the stage in this iteration.

Kermit and Piggy had managed to avoid each other for the rest of the day after their heated argument. Kermit was admittedly feeling guilty over their words, especially when what he didn’t say was the problem. Wasn’t it always? It was the things they never said that always seemed to trip them up and the more they didn’t say, the worse it got. They always seemed to revolving around the same issues over and over, with no apparent end in sight; at least, not until he ended things between them.

He always assumed the worst of her, he didn’t mean to, but it just happened that way. Kermit was well aware that Miss Piggy was not necessarily the same Piggy Lee that he always saw underneath; it was just sometimes – most times - Miss Piggy was larger than the two of them put together and that was always the problem. But he always hated that look Piggy got when she thought he wasn’t 100% behind her, which wasn’t always the case; he’d always be behind her, no matter what she did or would do.

He wasn’t sure what killed him more – the look on her face or that Piggy thought he didn’t want to be friends with her or that they never could be friends.

He loved her, why wouldn’t he? How could he not?

Seven minutes till curtain and Piggy was already there, probably running through lines in her head and deciding just how much damage she’d do to Fozzie for the horrible jokes he was telling. Piggy was a consummate professional, even when it was clear she didn’t want to or couldn’t be. Sliding up next to her as though he had some last minute detail, Kermit leaned over and whispered, “I meant what I said. You are one of my best friends, probably my most trusted friend and I do love you. And no, I don’t think you’d sabotage my happiness if you knew it really meant something to me.”

“Two minutes, guys,” Scooter said, patting his amphibian boss on the back before heading out towards their podiums at stage front.

“I was a horrible boyfriend,” he continued. “And I’ve been an even worse friend to you and I’m sorry. I really am, Piggy. I owe you more than you could ever know.”

A hitch in her voice told him his words hit right on the mark. “If you make me cry before I go on stage…”

Kermit couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “They’d love you if you were in a straitjacket and a collar.”

If that wasn’t the perfect opening.

Turning to her producer, Piggy whispered back, “I didn’t know you and Denise were into that kind thing.”

“Oh, that’s cute,” he deadpanned. She was going to out any second, but to settle his peace of mind, he needed to know one last thing.

“Are we okay?”

She waited a beat before saying, “No. But we will are. We always are.”

“And here she is! Miss! Piggy!”

Rubbing her back slightly, he said, “Go get ‘em, Tiger.” He stepped away as the curtains opened and Piggy turned it on full force. She was right; they weren’t okay, not yet anyway. They would be though and this time, he would make sure of it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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And...I have another idea. **** this show and my ideas! So, another Archer episode, this time it's "On the Carpet". The first two minutes are perfect, but I have no idea what could possibly happen, however I'm thinking if I go with that same title, something happened 'on the carpet'. Red carpet, most likely.

So, what zaniness could possibly happen with Scooter, Fozzie, Piggy, Gonzo, Rizzo, and Pepe on the red carpet that would result in broken glasses, a broken nose, and a naked Rizzo and/or Pepe?