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One Shots, Parodies, & Trailers!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
And I'm back! Nananananana!

Please forgives the lateness in all things WMG. On a very good note, I quit my job for a new one, which is much better suited to what I want to do and equal parts awesome and terrifying. But with that said, I have another one shot for you!

This time, I'm pulling from my fave adult cartoon show of Archer, which dear god if you haven't seen it, watch it! Netflixers, you now can watch all five seasons; season six is all new on Thursdays on FX. This little gem is from that season and by all accounts, is pretty much a bottle episode, but an awesome one. Here's a review of the episode (obviously I can't get it to you, unless you all have Amazon), so you'll get the gist.

In the meantime, here's the first part!

Title: Team Building
Genre: Parody
Inspiration: "Vision Quest", Archer, Season 6, ep 5

At 6:30 on a Thursday morning, a high rise office building became the setting for a catastrophe, at least that was how the story was told after the events.

It should have been something simple – Kermit the Frog, leader and director of the famed Muppets, had decided that his group of misfits could use with a little team building, as he called it. They had all just gotten back together nearly a year ago and all it took was one international jewel thief to nearly destroy everything they had worked for.

Maybe it was the insecurity or the jealously that the frog had been feeling towards the amorous doppelgänger or perhaps it was incredulous animosity that he had starting feeling towards his so-called friends, who had conveniently forgotten who he was that had led to this, seemingly ridiculous idea, but an idea it was.

Never the less, Kermit thought it good idea to get everyone together to try and catch up, “team building,” he said, broaching the group about it. “It’s been a while since, well, we’ve all been together, so this will help with…you know. Things.”

That last part was surely directed at them all, at their behavior for failing to see that their true frog had seemingly been replaced with an evil clone, who had nearly broken them apart before trying to kill them all. Granted, Kermit had every right to be upset with them, but there were some that thought he was taking this just a little too hard, especially after the events of them breaking up in the first place. But they were feeling guilty enough as is that they all went ahead and agreed to do it, sending the page to arrange things.

And Scooter Grosse was Kermit’s man through and through, able to find an office space that could hold the lot of them and able to come up with the money to arrange it all, as well as the person who found the best time for the office building to be empty before they got there, which unfortunately just happened to be at seven o’clock in the morning. While many of them were early birds by nature, the hectic lifestyle of a performer usually meant late nights and later mornings.

That was the topic of conversation as Fozzie Bear and the Great Gonzo walked up to the doors of the Hyatton Office complex, grumbling about how they were awake at an ungodly time, on a day they normally were not up early. “I don’t see why he’s so insistent on this,” Gonzo grumbled, rubbing his eyes with one hand, while taking a drink of his Frappuccino with the other. He had a late night the day before and all he had wanted to do was sleep for most of today.

“If you ask me,” Fozzie replied, nodding as he saw Scooter Grosse and Rowlf the Dog coming from the opposite site. “I think he’s still mad about what happened in Europe. Not that I blame him!” He added, hastily once he saw the looks the others were giving him. As much as Kermit had been upset about the whole ordeal, the others – especially those that had been the closest to him – continued to feel like royal class heels whenever the topic was brought up.

“But you know,” the comic continued. “Maybe he feels like…well, maybe we aren’t as close anymore.”

“Hence this whole teambuilding nonsense,” Rowlf muttered. Like Gonzo, he’d had a late night out with most of the Electric Mayhem and much of it had included alcohol, so the dog – who usually handled his liquor better than anyone – wasn’t feeling up to much of anything today.

Scooter kept quiet during the exchange, patiently walking through the automatic doors of the office building. He had chosen the Hyatton because it was a modern building that had very little traffic, which was great for them as they could get rowdy, especially with several hundred of them in one room. He had booked a room on the top floor, the largest conference room that easily fit at least 200 people, which of course was what Scooter was going for; he didn’t mind being there so early, but he certainly counted his large coffee as testament to him being in a better mood than his cohorts.

The lobby of the complex was deserted, not even the secretary was there at this hour, though he didn’t expect to be there anyone at that time anyways. “Is there anything better than a crisp morn?” asked a voice behind them as they walked through the door. Sam the Eagle, their resident moral guardian, was in an annoyingly chipper mood for such an early morning.

“I take it you’ve destroyed a small child’s belief in all things wonderful?” snorted Gonzo.

“I’ll have you know, Gonzo, that I spent a wonderful morning basking in the nature and beauty of God’s creations.”

“Shut up, Sam.” The quartet murmured, making their way towards and then inside the building’s elevator. The last thing any of them wanted was to listen to Sam’s moral righteousness at such an ungodly hour.

“Hold it! Hold the elevator!”

The running and yelling of their resident diva caused both Fozzie and Rowlf to hold open the door for her as she came charging in, huffing and sweeping her blonde curls out of her face. “Merci,” she breathed, waving her coffee at the others in greeting. While seeing Miss Piggy wasn’t a complete surprise, seeing her without Kermit was. The two shared a home, so it was always weird to see one without the other these days.

“No frog to grace our presence?” Gonzo quipped.

“Mon Capitan decided he’d bring treats,” she replied, smoothly. “How else would he manage to get all of us in one building at -” Checking her watch, she groaned. “Six forty-seven in the morning. I’m going to teach that frog a valuable lesson about appropriate timings. And then I’m going to kill him.”

“Want us to hold him for you?” Rowlf asked, jokingly.

Before the diva could retort back, the now six member elevator group heard one last call for the elevator. In the distance they could see – and hear – the huffing and puffing of a low pitched accented voice, though it seemed to be hidden behind a 64 oz Big Gulp. “Oh no,” Scooter said, rapidly pressing the close door button. “It’s not staying open. Oh, the doors are closing, I can’t make them stay open.”

And the doors looked to close, causing the group to sigh, but not before a skinny red arm managed to poke through just in time, followed by two more. “Dios mio!” exclaimed the king prawn known as Pepe as he squeezed through the opening. “I almost thought I’d miss this,” he puffed. “Hey, why is Kermit making us do this so early in the morning? The sun wasn’t even out when I woke up, h’okay?”

“How you manage to see the sun when you live under a rock, I don’t know,” Piggy snarked.

“Hey,” Pepe poked back. “I gets plenty of the suns. How do you think I gets my pretty glow?”

“Your what?” asked Scooter.

“It’s, jou know, my Guatamalaness.”

The others just stared at him. “You did not just turn a country into an adjective,” Sam questioned, giving the prawn an incredulous look.

“This surprises you?” asked Piggy. “Coming from him?”

“Hey, what does that mean?”

“It means you’re an idiot.”

“Hang on…”

The group naturally dissolved into an argument of nonsensical nonsense that would have continued if the elevator hadn’t shaken and grinded to halt, causing the whole group to glance up at the car’s roof. “What was that?” asked Fozzie, timidly.

“That would’ve been the sound of the elevator grinding to a halt,” Scooter whispered.

“Don’t make any sudden moves,” Gonzo replied, eyes glued to the ceiling.

“Hang on,” Rowlf said, moving to the door. “Fozzie, Gonzo come over here.”

The three attempted to open the elevator doors, hopefully giving them an idea of where exactly they were. “Piggy…” Rowlf stressed.


“You…” Fozzie began.

“…should be doing this.” Gonzo finished, causing the other two to laugh.

“Burn,” Scooter chuckled, before shutting up once the diva glared at him.

“We got it!”

“What is this?” Pepe exclaimed, staring at the solid concrete wall that was half showcased behind the door. “Are we in a mine or something?”

“Shut up,” Piggy said.

“Hey, jou is not the boss of me!”

“Hey guys,” Scooter interrupted, pointing at the level doors that had been revealed after partially opening the elevator doors. Repeating their earlier action, Fozzie, Rowlf, and Gonzo managed to get the outer doors to the elevator partially opened, though it did nothing to appease them when they noticed the darkness of the room below.

“Great,” muttered the dog.

“Well,” Fozzie said, optimistically. “At least we’re at the top.”

Once again, the elevator shook and groaned causing the car to shake slightly.

“I hope,” he added silently.

“Oy!” Pepe said, pushing people out of his way, all while dropping to the floor and calling out into the open doorway. “Hola? Hola? Hola!”

“Shut up!” Piggy demanded, kicking him slightly in the leg. “There’s no one here, idiot.”

“Quite right,” Sam responded, straightening up and looking at each of them. “The important thing here is not to panic.”

“Who’s panicking?” Piggy asked, pulling out her cell phone. “This is easily solved.” Or so she thought. The idea of simply calling downstairs or equally, calling Kermit, was quickly evaporated once she saw she had no cell service. “I’m not getting a signal.”

The others, besides Sam and Scooter, quickly checked their cell phones, all noticing the same thing – no service blaring either across their screens or being indicated by the service icon. “Yeah, that’s gonna be a problem,” Scooter replied, shrinking back slightly.

“Why?” questioned Rowlf.

“There’s an RF jammer on the roof.”

“Of the building?” Gonzo asked.

“Of…of the elevator.”

Groans and curses met the ears of the page, who again cringed, especially when Piggy all but towered over him, asking, “And for what. Possible. Reason?”

“They wanted people to stop staring at their cell phones and talk to each other,” he murmured. “This is an office building, after all. They wanted the workers to actually and actively be engaged with each other.”

“Well the next time someone ties the knot, we’ll be sure to find out how that interaction worked,” Gonzo groused.

“Forget that,” Rowlf was saying, getting Fozzie to give him a lift up. “There’s always the…”

“Trap door!” Gonzo exclaimed. “Yeah, get on that! Open that door!”

“He can’t, h’okay?”

“Oh please,” Rowlf chuckled, glaring at the prawn. “I am a thousand times stronger than you.” Turning back to the door, Rowlf tried his best to open the trap door, however he found that the door was stuck. “That being said…this thing is stuck.”

This time, it was Pepe who rolled his eyes. “Let me blows your mind, h’okay?” Pepe responded. “The trap door is not for us, it’s for the rescue people. Hence why the door only opens on the outside and not on the in. They don’t wants the trapped people crawling around on top, jou know.”

Once again, everyone looked in the prawn’s general direction. “Why do you know this?” asked Piggy.

This time, Pepe shrugged. “I has a fascination with elevators, h’okay?” he said.

“Words, literally, fail me.”

“Anyway, with the way the elevator went up to the top, it would be surprising if the motor is still working or what not.”

“Geez,” Scooter said, looking up at the ceiling. “I wonder if the RF jammer got damaged.” The first cell phone hit him in the chest, which was followed by the others luckily being blocked by his arms when he brought them up to defend himself. “Ow!”

“Huh,” Piggy giggled. “Merci, Scooter. Moi thinks we all needed that.”

“Thankfully for us,” Sam replied, moving towards the control panel and opening it. “We don’t any of your high technical gizmos, when we have the elevator phone.”

“Well, use it already!” said Scooter.

“I am,” Sam said, glaring at the redhead. “If you would just stop interrupting me. This is going to be a highly concentrated process.”

“To make a phone call?” asked Gonzo.

“How long has it been since you’ve had communication with the outside, Sam?” Fozzie asked.

The eagle just continued to glare before turning back to his task. Unfortunately, regardless of how many times he tried dialing, not only was there no dial tone, there was no tones coming from the numbers. “The phone is dead.”

“Just like we will be!” Fozzie cried. “Oh my God! We’re trapped in here!”

“Calm down,” Rowlf said.

“We’re gonna starve!”

“And speaking of which,” Piggy interrupted. “Moi doesn’t know about the rest of you, but…”

The sounds of furious eating cut off the diva’s sentence, only to be replaced by Fozzie yelling, “Is that a bear claw!?”

Pepe, the perpetrator behind the oversized bear claw, took a defensive position, with four of his arms raised to ward off anyone coming after him or his bear claw. “Jou get your own bear claw…Bear!”

“Scooter, what’s in that bag?” asked Gonzo.

“It’s just a paper bag,” the page said, also taking a defense position. “Back up, jack. I got a mug full of coffee and I ain’t afraid to use it!”

“Alright, everyone, just calm down,” Sam began.

“We’re all gonna die!” cried the comic before lunging after the prawn and his goodies. Before long, several fights had broken out, with Rowlf, Gonzo, and Scooter fighting over the contents of the mysterious paper bag, while Pepe fought his best to hold off a bear with a sweet tooth. That left Piggy and Sam to try and not only stop the fighting, but calm everyone down.

“Okay, knock it off!”

“Desist this deplorable contact immediately!”

“I mean it. Fozzie…”

“Gentlemen, he is just a boy!”

“I swear…”

Suddenly, a high pitched whistle silenced the chaos in the car, while also causing high pitched ringing in the ears for those that were in said car.

“What the...?”

“Why would you…?”


“Finish that sentence,” Piggy said, pointing at Rowlf. “Back on point. Gonzo, off with the sweater vest.”

The weirdo actually gave her a doubtful look. “This elevator ride has taken an uncomfortable turn.”

“Shut up and off with the sweater vest.”

“For what reason?”

“For the obvious reason,” Piggy retorted, rolling her eyes. “We’re going to pull our resources together for food. So hurry up.”

“Lord, woman!” he groused, doing his best to remove the argyle vest. “Maybe if you’d shut up…”

“You shut up!”

“Both of you, shut up!” Scooter exclaimed. “Gonzo. Vest. Now!”

“Alright!” Stripped of his sweater vest, Gonzo held it tightly in his hands. “Wait, how exactly is this supposed to work?”

“It puts the sweater on the floor or else it gets the mug again!” the red head threatened.

“That doesn’t even rhyme.”

“Knock it off,” Piggy growled. “Gonzo put the vest on the floor. We’ll put all our food on top of it.”

“Where on the floor?” Fozzie asked.

“Yeah, h’okay,” Pepe piped up. “Like, there’s no room and we’ll lose our precious food.”

“Then we’ll tie it all up,” Piggy said.

“In case you didn’t notice, your highness,” Gonzo pointed out. “It’s a sweater vest. Hence, no sleeves.”

“Well, that should work perfectly for you, since you will have no arms.”

“This is not a complicated matter!” Sam interrupted. “It’s very simple. We all know what is here. We have a half-eaten bear claw, one bagel with cream cheese I’m guessing, three cups of coffee…”

“Two,” Gonzo said. “I finished mine before the elevator came to a stop.”

Two cups of coffee then,” Sam amended. “And half of a 64oz…whatever the shrimp is drinking.”

“King prawn, h’okay?” Pepe said. “And it’s Coke with a slushie. It’s how I always drink my colas.”

“That is literally and figuratively disgusting,” Scooter said.

“Right,” Piggy sighed. “So anyway, Moi believes it would all be in our best interests if we all hold off on eating or…”

The slurping noises immediately turned everyone’s heads as they watched Pepe down the other 32 ounces of his Big Gulp.



The loud resounding belch that came afterwards managed to turn everyone’s heads in the opposite direction.

“What the…?”

“You disgusting little…!”

“That is more than a bear claw!” Rowlf rounded on him, his sensitive nose picking out more than the pastry the short stack had.

"What is that!?"

Another belch came before the answer. “A beefy bean burrito.”

“Oh, for the love of…!”

“Is not sitting well with me, I think.”

“He thinks!” Gonzo complained.

“First time for everything,” Sam added.

“As Moi was saying, before Short Round’s interruption,” Piggy continued. “It would probably be a good idea to lay off the eating and drinking because…”

Again, the sight of Pepe – this time waving his hand frantically in the air – derailed Piggy’s speech. “Yes, Pepe?”

“I has to visit the little Prawn’s room.”


“Why did we let him in here?”

“I swear,” Scooter demanded, pointing a finger at the prawn. “That beefy bean burrito had better not come back to bit us in the behinds.”

“Literally,” added Piggy.

“And figuratively,” Gonzo also added. “But mostly literally. Because we will literally use you to open that trap door.”

Suddenly, Fozzie gasped, causing the others to turn to him. “You guys! I have an idea!”

“Based in reality?” Piggy asked, causing the bear to roll his eyes.


“About our current situation?” asked Gonzo.

“Yes,” the comic whined.

“Then what is it?” Rowlf asked.

Fozzie looked at the pianist in mild confusion. “We’re stuck in an elevator, Rowlf.”

That earned him a slap against the back of his head. “Not the current situation, you dunce,” came the reprimand from the diva. “Your idea!”

“Well, I’m not a mind reader, you know!” The comic complained, rubbing the back of his head. Another gasp and he looked at everyone. “But what if I was a mind reader?”

“Then you’d know what we’re all thinking right now,” Gonzo deadpanned.

“Well…” Fozzie began, pointing at Pepe. “He wants another bear claw, Piggy wants more caffeine, Scooter wants to be at home with his girlfriend, Sam wants to lecture us, you’re mildly claustrophobic, and Rowlf wants to smoke.”

“What?” the dog chuckled. “I totally don’t smoke!”

“Anymore,” Piggy supplied, before turning to look at Gonzo. “And since when have you ever been claustrophobic?”

“Mildly,” Gonzo corrected. “And only with other people. Being in an enclosed space by yourself is easy; you can moderate your breathing, you can calm yourself. It’s when you put other people in, with their big ole horse nostrils sucking up all the air, then yes, I have a problem!”

"The first step is to admit it," Piggy replied.

“And what does any of that prove anyway?” Rowlf said, chuckling. “All he did was rattle off some of our clearly obvious addictions.”

“I am not addicted to lecturing people!” Sam bristled, only causing the rest of the car to start laughing at him.

“Thanks, Sam,” Gonzo replied. “I think we needed that.”

“And anyway,” Scooter piped up. “How is it obvious that I have a girlfriend? Which, I don’t by the way.”

“Fine, boyfriend then,” Gonzo said, smirking at Scooter’s disapproval of the switch. “And that love bite on your neck with dictate otherwise.” Scooter’s hand quickly flew to his neck in surprised horror, which only caused the stunt weirdo to laugh harder at him. “Actually, there’s nothing there, but you’ve proven my point.”

“Prank burn!” laughed Piggy.

“Classic,” Rowlf finished. “But you know what? You’re right,” reaching into a pocket of his jacket, Rowlf pulled out a Zippo and a cigarette. “I do want to smoke.”

“And I also wants a bear claw,” Pepe said, dejectedly.

“Shut up,” Piggy admonished. Turning to Rowlf, she pointed a finger at him. “And just where do you think you plan on smoking that?”

“I was thinking Bon Jovi’s house,” the dog muttered, sarcastically. “But seeing I’m stuck here with you guys…”

Before he could even get the cigarette to his lips, Piggy had already swatted it away. “The what, woman!?”

“You are not smoking in here,” she threatened. “Some of us would like to live to see next week, thank you. So I repeat, you are not smoking in this elevator!”

“You wanna bet!?”

Shoving him against the elevator doors, Piggy questioned, angrily, “Do you?”

Fights among the cast and crew of the Muppets was not an uncommon thing, in fact, many times a fight could crop up over the color of the dress that had been hanging in the wardrobe back in 1981. With that said, there were few people that fought – Rowlf was one of them. He was a very laid back individual, however if you did get his dander up, he would come at you like the boxer and pitbull mix he thought he was. Piggy, of course, was a brawler at the drop of a dime. Hair trigger temper had been coined after someone got on her bad side.

And while the two hardly ever quarreled with each other, it was known to happen. Out of everyone, Rowlf carried a bit of a big brother complex when it came to the diva, most likely a side effect of having a crush on her back in the early days. And Piggy no less enjoyed having a silent protector all her own, even if she didn’t need one. That of course didn’t mean that the two of them were above getting into scraps, even physical ones.

Like this one.

“Hey guys, come on!”

The two were completely absorbed in getting the better of the other, though it clearly looked like Piggy was winning this round; she already had one of Rowlf’s arms behind his back, while choke holding him with her other. Rowlf wasn’t above hair pulling at this point, which was what he was doing in order to get the diva to release his other arm.

A short, shrill whistle was all that was needed to bring a semblance of order back, this time from Gonzo of all people. “I cannot stress enough that none of us wants tinnitus!”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
No! Don't get into that elevator... It's a trap!
Dot, *in sarcastic tone: Thank you Admiral Akbar.

Of all the elevators to be trapped in... Well, this actually isn't the worst elevator to be trapped in.
There's that one elevator that turned out to be a Formless minion of the Skeleton King, taking prisoners to his mining quarry.
And then there's the elevator Paul Simon got stuck in for all eternity playing bad elevator music versions of his songs.
Can't forget the one where Scratchy was trapped in, forced to listen to hours of chopsticks and chopsticks and chopsticks and chopsticks and chopsticks and chopsticks, chop sticks, chop sticks.
Whacko: Did somebody say "chopsticks"?

Coke with slushy? We used to have that, they were called ICEE's, their mascot a big fluffy polar bear.

Given their past together, why the heck is Gonzo grousing over Piggy asking him to take off his sweater vest. Thought that's what he always wanted.
Yako: Good night everybody!

*Laughs at :wink: lapsing into Gollun mode. It wantses our precious paper baggses. But filthy Mup-pets cant's has our baggses.

*Glares at :sympathy: You would be wise not to smoke, smoke cigarettes that is, in here Rowlf.
*Cheers Piggy on, applying her famous hammerlock to Rowlf for attempting to light up.
You can smoke when you're outside again.

And of course, you know this means...
Bugs: Eh, war?
No, it means Kermit's going to be forced once again to have to take the stairs to get to his meeting on the 7th floor.
:smile:: What? Me, have to hop in my trenchcoat?
Yeah, :batty:'s still manning the other elevator all the way up and down the building. Or is that one of his many cousins, hmm.

And poor Fozzie's idea goes unheard in the chaos. All that's missing is some EM background music and it's business as usual.
Thanksh for posting, post more soon, we likes it when you post.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
No! Don't get into that elevator... It's a trap!
Dot, *in sarcastic tone: Thank you Admiral Akbar.
And you know no good comes from traps.

Coke with slushy? We used to have that, they were called ICEE's, their mascot a big fluffy polar bear.
No, a slushie is an ICEE (depending on where you go). And yes, while there is a Coke flavored ICEE/slushie, Pepe is not having that. Admittedly, I was trying to think of some disgusting combination of drink and came up with that. So just think of him combining all of the slushie/ICEE flavors and then adding actual Coke on top.

It's really not as tasty as you would think.

Given their past together, why the heck is Gonzo grousing over Piggy asking him to take off his sweater vest. Thought that's what he always wanted.
Yako: Good night everybody!
Well, that may be, but Gonzo certainly wasn't expecting to be...ahem, "performing" in front of other people, should that situation ever come about.

Wakko: Hellooooooo Nurse!

And this is all happening at like 7am on a morning that they are normally not up before 8am at least.

*Glares at :sympathy: You would be wise not to smoke, smoke cigarettes that is, in here Rowlf.
*Cheers Piggy on, applying her famous hammerlock to Rowlf for attempting to light up.
You can smoke when you're outside again.
Of course I debated this cause, knowing these guys, why would they be smokers. I originally had it being Gonzo, but thought with all the death defying things he does, there's no way he's lighting up. That left Rowlf, which just due to him being a musician, I figured he may/have been the occasional smoker, then quit.

And besides, he's trapped in an elevator. With Pepe. That would make anyone start smoking.

No, it means Kermit's going to be forced once again to have to take the stairs to get to his meeting on the 7th floor.
Oh you'll see!

And poor Fozzie's idea goes unheard in the chaos. All that's missing is some EM background music and it's business as usual.
Thanksh for posting, post more soon, we likes it when you post.
Working on the next part now. My 10am meeting got pushed back an hour, so hopefully I'll have more for you at the end of the day!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
About the slushies... Oh, so it's more like that Sonic's commercial where Sour Raspberry plots his bid for world domination after revealing that he is in fact Blue Lemonade's father. Then again, there are those upstart new rebels mucking things up.

Another thing I liked...
Gonzo: "Who's childhood dream did you destroy today?"
And I can Sam countering with, "That depends, who's sense of moral decency did you corrupt today?"
Gonzo: "Touche."

*Waits for when they all inevitably brake down after humming/singing an acapella version of Danny Boy or something like that.

:sing: Hey man, why's the elevator not working?
:big_grin:: Must be a short for such a long lift.
:electric: Let's just take the escalator instead.
*Everybody moves along, leaving :fanatic: behind puzzled at hearing Danny Boy coming from the vertical tunnel.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
Another thing I liked...
Gonzo: "Who's childhood dream did you destroy today?"
And I can Sam countering with, "That depends, who's sense of moral decency did you corrupt today?"
Gonzo: "Touche."
Ha! That's a good one! I will save that for something. I don't know what, but it's being saved.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
And here's your next part!

“Okay, okay,” Scooter said, trying to get everyone to calm down. “Let’s just everyone calm down. Fozzie, you had an idea?”

The comic looked surprised and shocked at his younger counterpart. “How did you know that!?” he chirped. “Are you a mind reader?”

“Idiot!” Piggy exclaimed. “You told us you had one!”

“Oh,” he muttered, properly chastised. “Oh! Right! So this is my idea. We all jump up and down, which will cause us to fall and get unstuck!”

Everyone just looked at him.

“And just what,” Piggy began. “Do you have planned when we reach the bottom?”

“We’ll just spring back up!” he concluded.

Again, everyone looked at him. “So,” Gonzo sighed. “Suicide pact. Okay, well, not everyone here is ideally who I had planned to do this with, but…”

“Shut up,” Piggy admonished. “First,” she began, pointing at Fozzie before turning her ire on Gonzo. “What!?”

“What?” he asked.


“More like why!” Scooter interrupted.

“Why what?”

Why would you have a suicide pact with us!?

“I didn’t say all of you!”

Scooter just looked at Gonzo, his head held high and teeth biting the inside of his lips. “I see,” he said.

“Oh…oh, come on,” Gonzo said, trying to reach out to the boy. “Come on, Scooter, it’s not like that. I would totally suicide pact with you!”

“Hey no, wait,” Rowlf started. “I’ve heard of that.”

Piggy turned an unbelieving look on the pianist. “Are you saying you want to do a suicide pact?”

“What!?” he exclaimed. “No! Gods no! I meant…I don’t want to do a suicide pact with Gonzo!”

This time, Gonzo leveled the hurt look. “Dude,” he said. “Serious burn of hurt over here.”

“Can we please get back to this idea?” Sam begged. “Gonzo, you are a master at…whatever it is you do, do you think that could work?”

“Why are jou asking him?” Pepe complained.

“Shut up,” Scooter said. “Gonzo?”

“Well, uh…maybe?”


“What do you mean maybe!?”

“Mira, mira, hey!” Pepe piped up, roaring over the others. “This plan es stupido, si? Uno, this is no…what you call it? Bouncy castle, h’okay? There’s no big pillow or spring at the bottom. It’s a hydraulic buffer, which no one wants to be around when the elevator slams into it.”

“Well, no, hold on,” Rowlf interrupted. “At the last minute, we could jump before we’d reached the bottom.”

“And just how would we know when to jump?” Sam huffed.

“Because you’d give us a lecture about it!” Piggy retorted.

“Burn!” Scooter exclaimed.

“Scooter!” Gonzo chastised.

“But she burned him!”

“Yeah, well…” the weirdo began. “And it was epic, but still. Inaprops, buddy.”

“We’re still missing something though,” Rowlf said.

“Si!” Pepe said. “The safety brakes. Those are what Elias Otis invented, not the elevator, but the brakes that help to slow the elevator down, h'okay?”

“So Pepe,” Piggy asked. “Would that work? Would the brakes slow us down?”

Here, the king prawn thought about it before shrugging. “Maybe?”


“Alright, everyone shut up!”

“That’s it!” Rowlf said, bending down to get his lighter from where it lay on the floor. “I’m smoking!”

“You are not!” Piggy cried, planting her foot on said lighter.

“If you don’t take your foot of my lighter…”

“You’ll what?” the diva demanded, before crying out in surprise. “Ow! Rowlf!”

“You know I bite!” came the annoyed tone. “And it’s your own dang fault! I said to take your foot of my lighter!”

“If you light up in here, so help you…”

“Oh tap dancing…Fine! I will just smoke through the hole, alright!?”

“Oy!” Pepe exclaimed. “If he is going to huff and puff, then I’m going to use the little Prawn’s room.”

“Whoa!” Scooter said, putting his hand to stop whatever crazy scheme Pepe was about to have. “And just how do you plan on doing that?”

Holding up his Big Gulp cup, the prawn explained. “I will use this, h’okay?”

“You are absolutely not going to do that,” Piggy said, leveling a fist at the shrimp.

“But I needs to go!”

“Then you shouldn’t have drank nearly half a gallon of whatever contraption you had in that cup!” cried the eagle.

“Guys!” Fozzie whined. “I’m hungry!”

“You’re always hungry!” Gonzo complained.

“Mira, this needs to be done!”

“Don’t you dare!”

“What is going on up there!?” Rowlf hollered, doing his best to turn around. He had managed to squeeze one arm, his head, and a portion of his shoulders through the narrow hole, thinking to himself that this really was the last time he would smoke. If the elevator should start again, he would most certainly be cut in half.

All because he was stressed and stress made him smoke.

What worried him the most – besides his very precarious position – was what seemed to be going on behind him, which he couldn’t see. He just hoped that shrimp wasn’t thinking what he thought he was thinking.

What’re you doing!?”

“Don’t you dare!”

“No no no no no!”

What is going on back there!?

All Rowlf could hear was something splashing on the ground, before the sound of – what he hoped – was the Big Gulp falling as well.

“You filthy idiot!”

“With as many hands that you have, you couldn’t hold that cup steady!?

“I asked jou for helps, h’okay? And you said no!”

“Hey!” Rowlf yelled. “Whatever just spilled, clean it up!”

“Trust us,” Scooter replied, glaring at Pepe. “You don’t want to know. And clean it with what?”

“Just use this,” Sam said, holding up Gonzo’s sweater vest.

“Are you crazy!?” the stunt weirdo exclaimed, snatching the vest from the eagle’s hands. “That’s cashmere!”


“And!?” several people exclaimed.

“It’s cashmere, Samuel!”

“There are rules, dude,” Scooter added.

“Hey, what is on the floor!?

“Don’t ask,” Gonzo insisted.

“Please get it up!”

“And again,” Sam asked. “With what!?

“Ugh!” Pepe groaned, throwing his arms in the air. Taking his shirt off, the prawn used it to clean up the mess he made on the floor. Not that it got him any favors from the others, who just glared at him.

“So being naked is supposed to make us happy?” Gonzo asked.

“What!?” Rowlf exclaimed.

“Don’t ask,” Piggy repeated.

“Hey, que hora es?” asked Pepe.

“Why do you care?” asked Scooter.

“Cause if you’re on some kind of bathroom schedule…” Gonzo threatened.

"It's not that, h'okay?!"

"If this is your naked time..." Piggy started again.

"Hold on."

"Mira!" Pepe exclaimed. "It is not naked time! And if it was, it would be sexy naked time!"

“Hold on,” Rowlf said, trying his best to get his phone from the floor, assuming whatever liquid on the floor hadn’t gotten it first. Finding it and thanking all that was holy his phone was still intact, the pianist only meant to check the time, however he noted that he was now getting a signal. Or rather, a better signal than he had gotten when actually in the elevator.

“No way!” he cried.


“I got a signal!”



Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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And the antics don't stop in our last segment here!

“Everybody stop it!” Piggy exclaimed. “Rowlf, call Kermit!”


“Call Kermit,” she repeated. “He has to be in the building by now, which means he can call a repairman or the managers or whoever and they can get us out of here.”

“Oh yeah,” Rowlf said, turning back to his phone. “Hang on.”

“Wait, wait,” Pepe perked up. “Who is jou calling?”


“H’okay, yeah, puppy dog, hold on…”

“Hold on.”

“No, puppy, listen hold on.”

“Hold on!”

“Idiota!” the prawn exclaimed. “I am telling jou to hold on!”

“Hold on!” Rowlf shouted back at him. “What’re you, deaf!?”

“What’re jou, color blind!?”



“Total inapprops.”

“I got him!” the dog cried, triumphantly.

They would be out, maybe in another hour or less if they were lucky, but the point was, they would soon be free. And this nightmare of a morning would be somewhat over, at least until they had to continue their ride back up to do their team building. On Rowlf’s end, he could clearly hear Kermit’s phone ringing, but in the background he could also hear a phone ringing.

Inside the elevator, the previous non-working emergency phone seemed to spring to life, ringing loud and clear. It took a few moments for the residents to discover where the ringing was coming from, especially when they had previously dismissed any of their own phones to be working. The only person who was not surprised by the ringing was Pepe.

As Scooter picked up the phone, the sounds of mariachi music filled the elevator, even causing Rowlf to crawl back in and see the damage that had been done while he had been smoking and frantically calling for help.

Pepe for his part managed to only take a few steps back before his back hit the wall of the elevator. The music dwindled until a clear voice came on the line – “Do jou hate being stuck in an elevator? Are jou always getting stuck in the elevator, with only your co-workers to comfort you?”

“Then you should be considering getting help,” responded another voice, this one with a very recognizable Brooklyn accent. The message continued, with some sort commercial for whatever the heck Pepe and Rizzo had cooked up. And whatever it was had been quickly drowned out by Pepe’s screaming when the others converged on him.


At five minutes to seven, Kermit the Frog had quickly made his way through the revolving doors and lobby of the Hyatton Office complex and was now fidgeting with trying to get the elevator to come down. It was bad enough he had his hands full, what with two boxes of donuts and a cup of coffee, but getting the donut had way longer than he had intended, which caused him to run late.

To be honest, the frog had almost called this whole thing off. He knew it was early and certainly, they were planned to be stragglers and he was fairly certain that this was going to be a good thing all around, but he really didn’t want to be doing this. It was ridiculously early in the morning and while he had always been an easy riser, he would have rather preferred to still be at home, snuggling under the sheets with Piggy.

There was a lot of talking in the aftermath of Europe, a prospect that normally made the frog a nervous wreck, but he knew his reluctance to tackle these kinds of things was what broke them up as a couple in the first place. He wanted to do right by her and he wanted them both to do right by the others, hence this idea of team building.

Finally able to balance his coffee on top of his boxes of donuts, Kermit hit the up button for the elevator to no effect. Rolling his eyes and sighing deeply in annoyance, the frog again shifted his packages to his other arm and reached into the bag that he had brought with him. Somewhere inside of here was the elevator key, something the hotel manager had given him in case the elevator got stuck. Of all the times he was grateful that his diva hadn’t pilfered one of his keys, it was now.

Opening the emergency side panel with the key, Kermit used the emergency controls to get the elevator moving again, which seemed to be just in time, as he could tell something or someone may have been stuck. The closer the car got to him, he could clearly make out screaming and he was hopeful that whoever had gotten stuck was alright. When the car got to the bottom at his location, what he expected to see – a few people cowered in fear, thankful to see their rescuer – what not at all what he saw and it was an image that would take him weeks to erase from his mind.

“What the what!?”

There, in the car, were seven people he knew - quite well in fact - in various positions of…discord? Unrest? Chaos? Calamity? He wasn’t even sure if there was a word for what he was seeing right now.

Towards the back stood Piggy and Gonzo. That was alright. What wasn’t alright was the fact that she seemed to be choking him with his own sweater vest. Actually…that was probably the only expected thing he saw that morning.

Behind them and to Kermit’s left was Fozzie and Scooter. Again, perfectly normal. What was not normal, was the fact that the two seemed to be struggling over something and that something, he could only guess, was currently being sucked down Fozzie’s throat. Kermit thought it was a muffin, but it was hard to tell as Fozzie seemed determined to not only eat the muffin, but the wrapper and paper bag it came in.

Then there were Sam, Rowlf, and Pepe. To all appearances, it clearly looked as though Sam was trying to hold down the little prawn, while Rowlf beat him up; in fact, when the elevator doors opened, the dog had been in that very process, his fist hanging in mid-air once they all saw the frog.

“Kermit!” Sam exclaimed, before clearing his throat. “Good morning.”

What’re you doing!?

“Did…did we not have a meeting today?” Gonzo choked out.

“Yes!” the frog exclaimed, feeling a nerve or blood vessel literally pop in his brain. “About team building!”

“Yes,” Scooter responded. “Well…”

“Oh my God…” Piggy muttered. “This! This was the team building!”


Pointing a finger at Kermit, while still managing to keep pressure around Gonzo’s neck with her other hand, she stated, “You purposely got the elevator stuck so we’d have to do your stupid team building exercise! This was the exercise!”


“What!?” Kermit exclaimed. “I purposely did…what? No! No, Piggy! I was going to have us watch this -” Haphazardly pulling out a DVD from his bag, he held it up for the group to see. “Coexisting: Team Building Exercises to Get Your Office in Shape.”


“Well…” Rowlf began. “Okay then. Sooo…this car’s kinda full, so…we’ll see you upstairs?”

With that, the dog hit their floor number, all the while the king prawn screamed and cried out for Kermit to help him and save him. As the door closed, Kermit couldn’t help but ask, “What is that on the floor?”

“Don’t ask!”

Watching as the elevator made, apparently, another decent towards the top, the frog took a deep breath. "I think I'll take the stairs," he mumbled to himself.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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And so ends the exercise in futility. Rully Kerm, you should know better. Hmm, lemme see. Weirdo in hammerlock, check. Bear inhaling muffin, wrapper and all from angry techgeek's paper bag, check. King prawn being pounded into Seafood Kiev, check. Nope, none of that helps my hand of elevator bingo, I always get the worst cards. Thanks for posting.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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What up, Mups!?

Okay, so I would have loved LOVED to come here this weekend with a 2 Ball update, but...I got nothing. I have tried, but there is nothing. However, with this new show about, well...you know how the muse won't be silenced until its ideas have been taken.

So, word to the wise, I haven't seen our new show yet. Not for lack of trying! Hulu is a horrible interface, so I've managed to only make into 10 minutes of the first episode. And of course, just when I've set aside time to watch, I get sidetracked by RL. And speaking of, how're we all liking the show? I'v been hearing some mix, so I wanna know. It's only been two episodes, so I'll give it that, but you know...I'm holding on.

Anyway, so because of this new show, new peeps, break ups and start ups, this idea came to me last week and I could not get it out of my head until I wrote it down. The idea ironically came from the episode "The Autumn of Breakups" of How I Met Your Mother; where this popped up I don't know as I hadn't seen it since the original air date, but there you are. For this little tidbit, we're drawing on Ted's breakup with Victoria (so if you are HIMYM fans, you'll remember what happened)

As I might be giving something away here, you'll have to read to find out. Just know, I'm taking the Up All Night format, as well as the fact that Kermit has broken up with Piggy and is dating Denise and has been for a few months.

So for now, here's your first portion

Title: Unknown
Genre: romance, one shot(?)
Influence: "The Autumn of Breakups", How I Met Your Mother
Rating: PG-13

It all started exactly as he thought it would.

She was a terror, his late night star, a complete and utter terror; insane, he had called her. And she was! A complete lunatic, the queen of his motley band of featured and regular lunatics. And maybe he was crazy, too, just as insane as the rest of them because there were times his actions did not meet any logical sense or reasoning.

Especially when he had been dating her.

A mistake. That’s what he had rationalized when he told her it was over, they were done, there would never ever ever be a time in which they would be together again, because that was lunacy. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a new result was insanity. And dating her was utter insanity, because of course it was. They had nothing in common! Absolutely nothing, he didn’t even know what it was that attracted him to her in the first place.

And certainly, after they had screamed at each other like the start of World War III, that pretty much clinched it. The pig was holding him back from happiness and he wouldn’t allow it. Oh no, no, no, he was going to show her, yes he was! How dare she think she knew him and had his best interests at heart? He knew his own heart! And he knew his own mind, too and his mind was very much on board with showing this pig that she couldn’t spin his life out of control any longer. He wouldn’t stand for it.

He had a new girlfriend, a compliant, normal, non-drop-at-a-hat anger girlfriend who wasn’t conspiring with his talent manager on getting them married – and he knew that was exactly what they were doing because he had never known them to spend so much together if they weren’t plotting against him – and who certainly wasn’t standing in the hallway, toe to toe with him, screaming in his face about how he – he – had the audacity to try and control her the way he tried controlling everything else, from their friends to her show.

Like she’d have a show without him. She had practically begged him to help her produce this thing and she was throwing it back at him. Well, he’d show her, yes he would.

And when Kermit the Frog walked off in a huff from his rather large and vocal argument with Miss Piggy, his mind was turning in a direction of the final countdown and decision he had spent decades not making.


Despite having a larger budget and a larger set than they normally had, nothing was sacred for long within the Muppets. Kermit and Piggy arguing was nothing new; the pair did it so often it was considered background noise and the flight of a canary in a mine shaft. Depending on the hurt party – the pig, the frog, or both – work would either be uneasy or downright depressing.

Some Muppets had already known about the argument before they heard it. Scooter Grosse was halfway to taking another sip of his fifth cup of coffee that morning, when he paused suddenly, causing some of the others to look at him.

“What’s wrong?” asked Chip. He’d been called in that morning when Scooter needed up setting up his secondary laptop.

“I feel…” the red head began. “A disturbance. As though hundreds of voices cried out in pain.” It only took a moment before the booking agent set down his coffee mug and sighed with, “Kermit and Piggy are fighting again.”

The rest of the day was spent in somewhat fascinated, disinterested, and worried silence as people wondered what the former couple was fighting about and where each of them had gone – Piggy stormed off to her corner, that being her dressing room, while Kermit had completely left the lot, taking off in his car to who knew where.

It was a very uneasy and unproductive day.


The rest of the week was like that and though they managed to get their obligatory shows done and the audiences seemed to love them, no one was aware that behind the scenes was a tense and anger filled chasm that wafted through the studio. Finally on Friday, it seemed at least one side had broken because Kermit the Frog was in a much more pleasant mood than he had been previously, offering smiles to everyone he passed and happily gathering three of his friends in his office for his big announcement.

He had been confident in his notion that his friends, his family, were going to be over the moon about this; how could they not? Yes, he had let Piggy and her words and her actions put him in a funk that week, but leave it to his wonderful Denise to pick him up and dust him off in a way Piggy never could and never would. And it was only fitting that his absolutely, wonderful, delightful, calming girlfriend who he…totally cared for be rewarded for her awesomeness.

So when he showed them the ring, ignoring the look Scooter gave him because he was well aware of said ring, where said ring came from, and who said ring had been for, he was hoping for more than the confused looks he got.

“Is that about the argument you had with Piggy?”

Snapping the jewelry box closed, Kermit turned an irritated eye on his booking agent. Of course he would take her side because when didn’t he? Oh the boy would pretend he was playing them both, but he knew, Kermit had always known that Scooter’s heart had been placed in that diva’s lavender gloves before his first week at the theater was ever finished.

“No,” he snapped. “Because contrary to popular belief, my personal, professional, and romantic lives do not revolve around Miss Piggy!”

“Don’t you think this is kinda fast?” asked Gonzo. “Especially for you. I mean, you guys have only been dating for what? Three months? Four?”

“This coming from the guy who declared his undying love to his girlfriend on their first date,” the frog hissed. “To most people, that would not only be odd, but in some states, cause for an arrest.”

“I’m just saying…”

“What?” Kermit exclaimed. “What, Gonzo? Isn’t this the natural progression of a relationship? You know, the whole love and then marriage thing? When I was dating her royal pain in my backside, I couldn’t go ten minutes without you guys hinting and planning, but now that I’m actually going to do it? Or are you just mad cause it’s not Queen I Want My Way?”

“I’m sure Gonzo’s not saying that…” Fozzie began, trailing off when he saw the look Kermit gave him.

“I would think this would make you happy, Gonzo,” he continued. “You’ve been after Piggy for years, now you have a clear shot!”

“Okay, first of all,” Gonzo stated, pointing an annoyed finger at the producer. “That was years ago and I’m over it. Secondly, you look me in the eye…you look all of us in the eye and you tell us that when you look into the future, with your kids and grandkids and you and your lovely wife are sitting on your front porch, you tell us that it’s Denise sitting next to you in your rocking chair.”

And that almost did him in. Of course he had thought about that scenario, where he’d turn to his beloved wife in his old age and he’d see…he would see Denise. He totally would, if he planned to do that, but he wasn’t because he was more annoyed and irritated that his friends couldn’t be the least bit happy for him.

“You know,” he grumbled. “I would have thought my closest friends would be happy for me.”

“I’m…I’m happy for you, Kermit!” Fozzie piped up, laughing nervously before pulling his best frog friend into his arms for a hug. “Of course I’m happy for you!”

“I am more than happy to be happy for you,” Gonzo stated. “If I thought you were happy.”

His friends. All heart. At least he had Fozzie’s blessing because it would make asking him to best man that much easier. He’d probably have to swap out Gonzo, lest he’d spend his bachelor party and his wedding day listening to Gonzo’s misgivings and complaints. That might have to go for Scooter too, now that he thought about it; but who said he needed four best men? Three was fine and he was…almost totally sure that Rowlf would be happy to stand up with him.

On second thought, no he wouldn’t. Rowlf loved Piggy like a sister and he’d probably never stand up to the guy who he wanted to marry her as he married someone else. Yeah, that wasn’t going to work. Fine, so Fozzie it was. And…and whoever Denise wanted. Didn’t she have a brother or something? He’d have to ask; and he had like…a thousand and one siblings. He could get one of his brothers to stand up with him, no biggie. He would have to introduce her to his family of course before they got married and he hoped they wouldn’t get all, ‘but what happened to Piggy?’.

Okay, so his plan had some holes which could be easily filled in during their engagement.


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Okay... Things in here.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Ah, I see you've adopted the Greenberg definition of the term "insanity".
*Chuckles at the bit where both angry parties storm off to their own corners. For Kermit, that means driving around the studio's parking lot on his golf cart. The max speed is 5 MPH, but he sometimes goes up to 6 or 7 when angry, he doesn't care! (That's from Episode 102: Hostile Makeover).
It's a good thing you've paused this oneshot to wait to include Rowlf eventually, the dog and his tavern will make their debut in this week's episode, 103: Bear Right and Then Bear Left. Or is it the other way around? Maybe they got the joke about bear left, right frog as mixed up as I have just now. *Shrugs.
Actually... Hostile Makeover makes me think it took place when Kermit and Denise still hadn't hooked up as she was noticeably absent.
And yeah Kerm, your plans are a bit speedy... And there are flaws... But it doesn't mean it couldn't work, if you actually do take some time to introduce Denise to the rest of the family.

Thanks for this Mupdate, hope to read the next part when it's ready.