I would love to see some more Kermit/Piggy-ness, maybe Kermit even finally saying those 3 little words (I love you) and I would LOVE to see Clifford in some way involved! I mean, I love him and I was sad that he wasn't in The Muppets, just a small "Yo Kerm!" would have been enough!
Also, I'd really like to see more female Muppets. Okay, I understand that the Muppeteers are mainly male, and yes, there's Miss Piggy and Janice, but, other than them other females aren't as front and center, I mean, I love Walter, but, yet again, here's ANOTHER male muppet, I mean, I'm not a feminist per-say, but come on, Miss Piggy is a strong independent female with several different levels of depth so, why can't we have more female muppets like that
