New Muppet movie in development for potential 2013 release

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Mar 11, 2012
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I want more Kermit and Piggy. I mean technically it's way to early to confirm much I mean they just announced a new one was being made. Just remember storylines get thrown around all the time before finally getting green lit. I think Disney needs to slow down though realistically I think a 2014 release is more plausible. If they wanna make that much more marketing on the muppets let them do more tv specials in the mean time. And like many people said the more you rush the less good it's probably gonna be. They need to not ruin this. I personally wish they'd look to Frank Oz for advice. :/


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Disney seems to want to strike while the Muppets are hot. That's a good thing. This is an approximate breakdown of what is required for a Summer 2013 release:
  • 3 months to complete & polish the script
  • 3 months of preproduction, soundtrack, set building, location scouting etc.
  • 3 months of production and filming
  • 3 months of post-production editing, effects and mixing
It can be done and not be rushed if they hit all green lights without any substancial set-backs over the next year. Television is an entirely different creature than film so I wouldn't compare the rushed specials to this sequel. However, I suspect this will be a holiday 2013 release. Either way, this is great news!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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I'm gonna have to disagree I think a early 2014 release would be better. Besides until Disney gives the go ahead everything is still up in the air. If this is the storyline and the best they could do I have to say I'm quite disappointed. But until I see something more concrete like filming is starting I'm taking everything with a grain of salt. Disney is only rushing this for the money whether there's a crap storyline or not. I do not wanna see them wreck this movie by poor rushing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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I'm gonna have to disagree I think a early 2014 release would be better. Besides until Disney gives the go ahead everything is still up in the air. If this is the storyline and the best they could do I have to say I'm quite disappointed. But until I see something more concrete like filming is starting I'm taking everything with a grain of salt. Disney is only rushing this for the money whether there's a crap storyline or not. I do not wanna see them wreck this movie by poor rushing.
After the holidays is notoriously the worst time for movies. That's usually where companies dump what they don't like. That would be terrible.

I don't see anything in "comedy caper" to cause disappointment. :confused: All we know is that it will be comedy (like all Muppet movies) and a caper (i.e. a playful escapade with a possible criminal element). That's very Muppety and there are a million ways to play that. This sounds like a traditional device rather than a gimmicky one like retellings of classic literature or Muppets from Space. Just because they're going back to their roots doesn't mean they're redoing old scripts. It's a very vague pitch. It's also very simple and as we all know "Simple is good!" :jim:

I see inspiration rather than cynicism in Disney's passion for getting this project moving. :fanatic: They are very interested in the Muppets right now - giving them so much thoughtful, cross-media attention. :flirt: The entertainment industry, just like all other industries, is about money. I'd steer clear of any company that doesn't want to make buckets of money. :crazy: What you're proposing is that Disney doesn't care about the Muppets' quality and I see no current evidence of that aside from their idea of kicking around this ambitious time table.

It's too soon for concern. On the contrary, the news so far is very good and very Muppety! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Well "Comedy Caper" is really a broad and generic term. Tons of movies with little in common could be called that. I totally understand why hearing it in relationship to the Muppets would invoke The Great Muppet Caper. But it probably would be completely different.

EDIT I agree with everything you posted jvcarroll. I am not worried about a short wait to a new movie either.

Think how long it took to get the last one. A lot of that was worrying about relaunching the characters right. They do not have to do that now. Think how many different episodes of The Muppet Show could be written and produced in a year! Also the down time between films in the 80s was not very long. Even that was probably because Jim was doing so many other projects on the side. This will be the main focus of these new guys.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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It's just I know Disney's streak when it comes to rushed movies and sequels and it's not a very good record. The only exception I can make is the Toy Story franchise. The reality is Disney only cares about the money call me a cynic if you want but that's why their pushing this thing so much is for the money. I still have great optimism about this movie and I believe I just said its too early to tell. Im sure their still playing with ideas have already scrapped a few storylines. I think Disney does a great job in marketing I think their the best company out there however I don't want to see something rushed just so they can slap their name on it. I am overjoyed at the exposure the muppets have gotten since this recent one came out it really has been a long time since they've been back on top but it's because of that that I hope they come up with a fresh new storyline and not something that's been done before.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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that's true. TMM was '79 and GMC was '81

but a summer 2013 release would actually be less than 2 years since the last one. i think a holiday release would be good

i do understand them wanting to take advantage of the character's current attention and all though.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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I just wanna add I love Disney and I think The Muppets are in great hands I just want what we've anticipated so much to be just that another great Muppet movie. I look forward to new details as they come out. And whats gonna happen until then.
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