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Apr 13, 2002
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That's probably one of those bad rumors. I don't think that film should have ever been remade. Heck, I was shocked when they remade Psycho. Who greenlighted that deal? What bother's me most is the casting choice. They might as well cast Keanu Reeves and Meg Ryan. (shudders) If they ever remade that film (and they never should) Harrison Ford and maybe Isabella Rosalini would be my choices. I could see that. Still, they should just leave it alone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2002
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Well, I made the ultimate sacrifice tonight and went to several web sites dedicated to (ARGH!) Ben Affleck (Aff- BLECH! in my books) to see if there IS any truth to those rumors of him and Ms. Lopez remaking "Casablanca," and I couldn't find a thing!

One site was even closed down until he takes a stand against Iraq, for heaven's sake! I think another one was for ... um, strange men who like Ben Affleck and his body, because they had all kinds of weird things they were saying about it...ewwww! (I feel icky now...I think I need to take a shower or something...)

Needless to say, I DID find out that "Gigli" has been renamed "Tough Love" or something like that...(forgive me, I am both old and listening to "Futurama" at the same time as I am trying to type...)

And I found out that "Jersey Girl" didn't need to have any new shots done because of the "lack of chemistry" between B&J and no audience reaction...again, that was "Gigli" or "Tough Love" as it is now being called (or whatever)...

And I read Mirimax is spending an extra $3 million to have this done, so gee, I guess they are about the greatest and most convincing couple in America when it comes to those love scenes, aren't they?

Please, Hollywood...if there IS any truth to the rumor that these two are going to be remaking "Casablanca," blind me now! Please! Or make it so that I never have to see that film somehow, because I really don't want to lose my sight...thanks...

Cantus Rock

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
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Originally posted by frogboy4
That's probably one of those bad rumors. I don't think that film should have ever been remade. Heck, I was shocked when they remade Psycho. Who greenlighted that deal? What bother's me most is the casting choice. They might as well cast Keanu Reeves and Meg Ryan. (shudders) If they ever remade that film (and they never should) Harrison Ford and maybe Isabella Rosalini would be my choices. I could see that. Still, they should just leave it alone.
Eck, I hope it is just one of those bad rumors, because lord is that BAD.

And I totally agree with you on the Psycho remake. Whats worse was, when it was released, I was still in this group of self-proclaimed uber-kids, and we of course all thought it was the worse thing to ever happen. I remember my girlfriend at the time saying "Hitchcock is SO turning in his grave right now.." That really worsened everything for me. (LoL)



Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by wolfy
Well, I made the ultimate sacrifice tonight and went to several web sites dedicated to (ARGH!) Ben Affleck... I think another one was for ... um, strange men who like Ben Affleck and his body, because they had all kinds of weird things they were saying about it...ewwww! (I feel icky now...I think I need to take a shower or something...)
Hmmm. That wouldn't be anything like your obsession for X-Men's Hugh Jackman, would it? LOL! Seriously, were you upset at the idea that someone was idolizing the actor or that they were of the same sex? I can understand the former. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Oh, THAT'S wonderful. After all, we all know what a brilliant actor Van Damme is. :rolleyes:
.....I would be SOOO ticked by a Casablanca remake!!!!! The CHARADE remake upset me ENOUGH.....How DARE they defile Audrey Hepburn's legacy like that!!!!!! :mad: And with BEN AFFLECK AND JENNIFER LOPEZ??? Let's hope this IS merely a rumor, but if it's not, it's time to storm the Hollywood studios and CONQUER!!!!!

....Oh. Sorry. I tend get a little excited a/b this stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2002
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Arrrrgh! Jamie! What am I going to do with you??

No, I don't have a "Hugh Jackman obsession!" I just LIKE the actor! Okay? He and the girl who play "Rogue" are about the only reason I would want to PAY MONEY to see a sequel to X-men, okay??

Good grief, what am I going to have to do, twist that collar of yours to make your eyeballs bulge before you get it?? :rolleyes:

No, it wasn't that there was a site that was dedicated to people of the same sex who were admiring someone of the same sex that bothered was that there was a site dedicated to HIM by people of the same sex that were admiring someone of the same sex that bothered me. Did that come out right...without having to be censored?:concern:

As for remakes about the great Audrey Hepburn, what about that "Sabrina" remake a few years ago? Harrison Ford took Humphrey Bogart's place, and Greg Kinnear played William Holden's part (and not as convincingly as Holden and Hepburn, as they were REALLY in love during the movie...)

I don't recall the young woman's name, but I have to admit that she is better than Jennifer Love Hewitt, whom they used in a television movie about Audrey. Whomever told HER she looked like Hepburn should be taken out, flogged and then basted with salt water! (Can you tell I don't care for remakes of classics?)

But I'm with Manda if she storms Hollywood...want me to bring the torches, Manda? Someone else will have to bring the matches! :crazy:


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Jennifer Love Hewit didn't even know who Audrey Hepburn was until making the film. Heck, she didn't even know who Hitchcock was. :eek: The young actors today. Okay, the girl is very pretty, but she's no Audrey. :concern:


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2002
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Originally posted by frogboy4
Jennifer Love Hewit didn't even know who Audrey Hepburn was until making the film. Heck, she didn't even know who Hitchcock was. :eek:
Seriously?? Wow, I don't even know what to say about that.:frown:

originally posted by wolfy: He and the girl who play "Rogue" ...
Her name is Anna Paquin. She's one of my favorite actresses:smile:


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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okay since i haven't had my imput on this thread i started i'll do so now. a remake of casablanca would be bad because i think we all know that if a movie that is considered to be a classic was remade, no one will see it. plus it would not be to good for affelck and lopez, although i don't care for lopez. so if this is a bad rumor, and i hope it is, casablance needs to be left alone.

as for street fighter 2. van damme is a washed out actor. okay so he never could act, kind of like steven segal. but no one will see this movie because no one will care for this movie. so case closed on street fighter 2.

as for lopez, i'm really getting tired of hearing her. she, just like brittney spears, is okay after a few times. but after awhile, you just don't care for them. i mean lopez honestly can't act. i mean she's ok if she's in one of those romantic comedy movies that she does, but i'm not convinced that she can act. actually, there are a few actress that i think can't act but they keep on doing movie after movie. but i won't name names, only if some one wants to know who i don't like!
