New Gelfling on the block
Well not really a gelfling more of a Mystic. Im down to earth and love nature. I am mostly a sculptor but draw every once in a while. My favorite Jim Henson character ie movie would be the Dark Crystal. I didnt know what to think about Laberynth when they introduced humans into it. I prefer an untainted film without people

I loved the animatronic movie characters like Pilot in Farscape and many others in movies like that. Im not much into muppets per se. I more into the more advanced version of muppets animatronica. Probably explains why I love movie creature effects and why I am geting into that field eventually. Heres a little more info on me.
Im 28, male, 5' 9" tall, caucation, artist, single, and starving artist LOL
Well that about covers it. If you have any questions just ask them here =)