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Muppet Fan-Fic: Don't Trip the Driver


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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PRAWNIE YOU WILL BE THOROUGHLY SQUEED AT TOMORROW when I'm actually online... <shifty eyes> Because I'm not really here. I'm making dinner and doing homework and getting ready for Hebrew School, naturally. This is only a phantom of myself, um- it's Vim! Yeah! This is Vim, just here to fortell your future! <Ahem> And now I must go. Fare thee well!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey VIM... While you're out and about, tell that girly of yours we need more fanfiction from her, already posted some nagging comments, she needs to update her own stories.

Now then Ryan... If you please, some more of this delightful story. And if you don't please...
Well, let's just say you'd better please or Uncle Deadly will have a bone to pick from you after I'm done.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 5

Scooter’s eyes picked up bits of light as the blinked open after his sleep in a chair tied up with his uncle. When his eyes finally opened all the way, he saw Benny Vandergast staring directly at him. Scooter sighed, it hadn’t just been a nightmare.

"Good morning boys," Benny said, standing up from the chair he was in. "Care for a bagel? Cup of coffee, glass of juice?"

Scooter glared at the man tormenting him and his uncle. "Oh why sure," Scooter heard his uncle say. "I take my coffee with three creamers and four lumps of sugar. You see Scooter?" J.P. whispered to his nephew. "I told you Benny wasn’t all bad, isn’t that right Benny?"

Benny walked around to look at J.P., he stared into J.P.’s eyes almost fully covered by his big, bushy eyebrow. Benny’s eyes drilled into J.P. like a jackhammer. "J.P. Grosse, my old friend," Benny finally said. "My friend who stole my theater from me, who lost me my fortune, who ruined my life!"
"Benny, I thought you were dead!"

"Well maybe you should’ve checked a little harder!" Benny screamed in J.P.’s face.

J.P. and Scooter were silenced, they held their breath until Benny moved again. He rubbed his temples and took a deep breath. "I can’t do this right now," he said simply, leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Scooter waited a few seconds to speak. "Uncle J.P., what...What happened between the two of you?"

J.P. sighed. "I knew this would come up, I just knew it would happen someday. Why didn’t I do anything?"

Scooter wished he could put a comforting arm on his uncle’s shoulder, as he silently cursed his binding ropes. "You can tell me uncle, I won’t feel cross towards you either way."

J.P. sighed, "But you should my dear nephew you really, really should."


"I’m sorry you had to find out like this Mr. Grosse."

"Hm? Oh yes, yes, send the family a bundle of flowers, and get me the current status of this movie house I’ve inherited."

"It’s a theater Mr. Grosse sir, like a play house."

"Yes, yes, we’ll put padding on the floors so the kids don’t hit their heads, we can’t deal with another lawsuit. Now thank you miss Tracy, I’ll take a coffee, three creamers and four lumps of sugar."

The secretary left the office of her boss J.P. Grosse, who sat at his desk looking over documents from a high school named for him that he was preparing to make a quick appearance at, unless he had to make down payments on this new theater. I’m sure Scooter and the school media will understand. He thought to himself.

This was how J.P. mourned the news of his best friend’s death.

A shadow behind him moved around his desk and appeared in the chair in front of the desk. "It’s good to see the news of my untimely passing hasn’t phased you too much my dear friend."

J.P. sat straight up in a jolt. He looked all around the empty office for the source of the voice. "Who’s there? Come out I say!"

In the chair in front of him the slender figure of a man appeared. The man’s eyes were pale gray, as was the tone of his skin and hair, he had the look of death upon him. "I wasn’t hiding J.P."

"Who are you? How do you know my name? ...You don’t have my bank account number too do you?"

"You twit, don’t you recognize your best friend?" the pale gray man asked.
J.P. dropped the cigar he was holding in between his two fingers. "...Benny?" J.P. whispered.

"Oh good you recognize me."

"B-But you’re supposed to be on vacation!"

Benny’s eyes flared, they changed from pale gray to fiery red. "You no-nothing moron! I’m supposed to be dead!"

"Well flattering will get you nowhere my friend, you should know that." J.P. lit up a new cigar. "Did you get a haircut or something?"

Benny flew out of the chair in rage, knocking it over in the process. "What kind of a man are you?! You don’t even care that your best friend is sitting in front of you after he’s been reported dead! You don’t even care that he is dead!"

"I care!" J.P. ensured him. "That theater will make for great land development!"

"I’m not giving you my theater!" Benny shouted.

"Oh? Your theater, fine, fine, I’ll give it a nice name for you, how does ‘The Benny Vandergast Memorial Theater’ sound to you?"

"It sounds like it’s my theater!"

"Right, good, that’s what we want it to sound like."

"We?" Benny asked. "We are finished Grosse. I’m taking the deed to my theater and never having anything to do with you again."

"But aren’t you dead?"

"Yes you fool! I cheated Death!"

"Well then wouldn’t that mean you aren’t dead?"

Benny’s entire eyeballs grew red. "Will you shut up and listen?!" J.P. puffed his cigar quietly, motioning for Benny to continue. "It was my time to go Grosse, but when I was approached by the cloaked master himself, I escaped from his skeletal grasp. He won’t be finding me anytime soon."

"Well that’s great and all, but I’m keeping the deed."

Benny slammed his hands down on the top of J.P.’s desk. "You listen here you pompous twit, that deed is mine, as is that theater. Keep. Out."

"And if I don’t?" J.P. asked, satisfied with the way this was going. "You realize my friend that if you step one foot in my theater I have full power to call the proper authorities who will find out your little secret of death."

The gray man dug his nails into the surface of the desk. "I hate you Grosse, and mark my words, I will get my theater back, and you will pay."

"I can pay any price, but that theater is mine."

Benny glared at his ex-best friend, and disappeared from the room. "For now." His voice rang through the walls, and right through J.P.’s ears.


"Hey everybody! C’mon, c’mon, c’mon! It’s time to get up! Time for the vacation!" Bean Bunny shouted down the halls of the Muppet Boarding House.

A group moan rang out from each of the Muppet’s bed rooms, they didn’t really want to leave at dawn. Apparently Kermit had forgot to tell Bean.

"C’mon everybody! If you need to we can exercise with my bunny calisthenics! It’s so cute and you’ll all feel so energetic! Oh I think you’ll all just love it so much and-"

"HI-YA!" Piggy karate chopped the rabbit from behind. She growled down at him in her green face mask and returned to her room.

Fozzie walked out of his room and stared down at Bean. "Hey Bean, I think your aerobics class got turned into kung-fu 101! Ahh!" Fozzie ran over to Kermit’s bedroom door. "Hey Kermit, you’re up right?"

Kermit sat up crookedly, rubbing his eyes. "Well actually Fozzie-"

"Great! Well I just wanted to tell you that my Ma is here!"

Kermit frowned. "Oh, great, is she watching the house for us?"

"No! I invited her on the trip silly!"

Emily Bear barged into Kermit’s room. "Fozzie, I can’t believe I was just woke up by some hyperactive bunny!"

"Oh Ma! You remember Kermit!" Fozzie put his hand on his mother’s shoulder.
Emily looked at the half-awake Kermit in his bed. "Oh yeah, the lizard."

"Fro-Oh never mind..." Kermit rolled out of bed. "Let’s get the gang on the bus..."

"Great!" Emily said. "I’ll take first driving shift! I’ve had my coffee and I’m ready to go!"


The orange embers still burning in Uncle Deadly’s fireplace grew dimmer as Uncle Deadly arose and strolled by the fireplace. He fidgeted with his claws as he awaited Death.

His mind was jammed with recollections of the attack on him the previous day. The gash down his arm still burned through his clothes. It was nothing ordinary that attacked him. Of course, he already knew that.


Uncle Deadly climbed on the ceiling of the Muppet Theater and gently frayed a wire on a light. Deadly chuckled. "Playing this trick on Clifford never does get old."

"Tricks are rude." A voice rang through the theater.

Deadly retained his grip on the ceiling and hissed. "Show yourself!"

A gray skinned, gray haired man appeared directly in front of him and clawed at both of his hands, dropping him from the ceiling.

Deadly landed with a thud on the floor of the theater, he couldn’t feel his legs, although that wasn’t a new sensation for the phantom, he hadn’t felt any part of his body since his death. Deadly climbed back to his feet and aimed his hands in the direction of his gray attacker, firing bolts of lightning from his palms.

The man dodged as the lightning broke through the ceiling, sending clouds of dust, rock, and wood falling to the floor.

Uncle Deadly growled to the agile man, picking up a shard of stone from the ceiling. He hurled it up at the man, who caught it with one palm and jumped down, landing in front of the specter. Deadly had no time to dodge before the man had landed a successful blow to Deadly’s chest with the rock.

Deadly collapsed onto the floor, grasping his chest. The man jumped over him and grabbed a wood spear that fell from the ceiling. Uncle Deadly darted up, swinging his entire form, trying to trip the man with his long tail, the man jumped over the tail and swung down with the splintered piece of wood, slicing the phantom’s tattered shirt and piercing his dark blue skin.

"Ach!" the phantom cried in pain, collapsing back on the floor.

The man placed the sole of his shoe on Deadly’s snout. "Where is J.P. Grosse?" the man hissed in Uncle Deadly’s face.

"I-I don’t know," Deadly tried moving his mouth with the shoe on his snout.

The man pressed his shoe down harder. "Tell me beast!"

"Augh!" Deadly screamed. "He’s staying at the Muppet Boarding House! ACH!"

The man moved his foot off the phantom. "Thank you, now was that so hard?"

"Who...Who are you?"

The gray man snickered and disappeared. "Benny Vandergast, and don’t you forget it."

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Wonderful... And so great to get some backstory in this chapter...

Funny bit with J.P. ordering his coffee from Benny while being tied up, and then referencing back to that during the flashback.
Speaking of referencing...
Miss Tracy, was that Lew Lord's secretary from TMM?
A high school named for him... Reference to Muppet High?

Rully like how you're developing this story... From the flashback where Benny comes back to tell J.P. the theater is his reminds me of the story of the Phantom of the Opera.

And speaking of phantoms...
Loved the scene with Uncle Deadly waiting for Death. They certainly have a lot to talk about and I'm waiting there with the phantomly dragon.
The flashback of the attack on the theater's resident spook... Scary and frightful, and to have Benny's shoe squashing down on his snout...
Oh, I do so hope more'll get posted soon.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Oh my, oh my, oh my....Benny...Uncle Deadly...the explanation of how J.P. got the theatre....and the Muppets are leaving and oh my! This story is intense Ryan! It's even chilling at times! I'm enjoying it just so much! I can't wait to read more!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Gee Prawnie, I was hoping to rave about chapter four BEFORE chapter five got up... But now there's stuff to rave about in chapter five! And worse, there's HOMEWORK to do before that! Oy!

But while everyone else gushes about how marvelously you're weaving this tale- and I full-heartedly agree with them- and while everyone points out your reference to Muppet High, and to TMM... While they do that, I have two other things to mention.

One- just the mention of a bagel...

Two- more importantly- THE LIGHT!!!!! IT'S ALL UD'S TRICK!!!! ON CLIFFORD!!!!! OY MY OY VEY!!!! PRAWNIE!!!! I GLOMP YOU!!!!! And now I go do homework so I can come back and rave more.



Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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So, as the saying goes, better late than never! But with Lisa and Prawnie as my amusing friends, I can tell you never was never an option!

"Thank you, thank you," Kermit the Frog addressed the audience at the Muppet Theater. "Now, as you all know today’s show is drawing to a close! So now, I present to you, the closing number, including, me!"
Yeah, I've always loved whenever Kermit has had to introduce himself. He's so cute about it! I've never seen Robin and the hecklers interacting ... at least, not that I remember right now, but I like it! And oh, Robin is SUCH a charmer! Loved Scooter coming to the rescue, and the whole improvisastional feeling of the warm up!

And ooooooh!!!! HAPPY FEET!! SQUEE!!!! I LOVE that song! The presentation of it is spectacular! I mean, wouldn't you LOVE to be there, watching it! I'm telling you, I'd scream so loud no one would hear the singing! Love the adjectives "entrancing" and "ever-green". Oh, so lovely! Nice touch with Kermit putting his arm around Robin too. Ah, the Muppets in their glory, you know?

"And I told him, ‘I don’t care that the ancient Greeks didn’t wear anything, I’m not like-"
HA! Janice! And Kermit's response!

"Hey," a large blue Muppet nudged Clyde. "You can’t let her push you around like that Clyde!"

Clyde shrugged. "I know Butch, it’s just that-"

"It’s my job to push you around like that!" Butch told his assistant.

Kermit scrunched up his face, frowning at the show’s two newest cast members.
Ah, you can tell they're members of the family now. :stick_out_tongue:

"No! It’s time to get a new watch!" Fozzie punched them with a line. "Ahh! Wocka! Wocka!"

"I think it’s time to give the bear a new job," Floyd Pepper whispered to Clifford.
Oh, Fozzie! I DO love that bear! And oh, such a Floyd kind of line. Your characterization is wonderful, Prawnie!

"Let’s just concentrate on dinner now. These are some of the sacred moments," he smiled at all of the Muppets sprawled out across the table. From Animal to Zippity Zap, they were all there. "These sacred moments can only happen now, before we’re bombarded with more work on the show."
Mmmm.... really like that! "Sacred moments" how true! How true!

"Oh," Harry thought for a moment. "Close enough!!" he shouted, blowing up half the table.

Kermit sighed. "I need a vacation..." he muttered.
<grins> Great twist on a classic joke. I love how you get the vacation started here, and then the immediate segue to them planning the vacation is really clever and fun!

So that brings me to chapter two, which you already know what I think about!! Ooh, Fridays with Fozzie. That's WONDERFUL! and one of the best parts of "Before you leap!" J.P.'s arrival, and his role in this story is really interesting. We don't see him around too often! Loved the scene with Beau too. Again, your characterisation is awesome and that's SO important to a good story!

Part 3:

Loved your starting off right away with cranky Camilla! She's very funny!

"You mean you'd be COMPLETELY naked?!"


"Well I for one don't see a problem here!"
<laughs> Ha! Good one, Gonzo!!

I like Rowlf and Lew being roommates, and Sam is wonderful! I had no idea Piggy was sensitive about hot dogs, though I can understand! I also had no idea she had such excellent hearing! That doesn't bode well for everyone else in the house! I DID however, know that Kermit is an expert pig handler, though he doesn't do it often enough. :wink: It's fun to see him get the drop on her and I like the scoreboard!

Really fascinating to see Scooter and his Uncle together here. You know, I can see the family resemblance in personalities a bit, but of course, Scooter's actually got a heart! Still, it's a fun little scene, and Benny Vandergast is SUCH a neat idea to tackle!

Part 4:

Oh no!! The other Muppets don't even know Scooter and JP are in trouble! I do, however... have a strong feeling the vacationers will be entwined in that plotline soon enough!

Kermit scrunched up his face, of all the Muppets, Piggy was the worst choice to look after the theater. "But Piggy, you’d pass up two weeks of romantic vacation with me to watch the theater?"

Piggy’s mouth dropped. "Never mind! C’mon Bean, let’s get packin’." She said, stomping upstairs with Bean Bunny in toe.
Oh, c'mon... she can't be the absolute worst choice... I mean, what with Gonzo, Crazy Harry, pick-a-monster, Statler and Waldorf... at least when they got back the theatre would still be standing if Piggy was in charge! <giggles> Anyway, I liked this, particularly Kermit handling her again.

I'm quite worried and alarmed by Uncle Deadly's injuries... this Benny Vandergast is getting more and more scary. The plot is definately picking up steam and I can't wait to see where you go with it!

Hasn’t this been done before?" J.P. asked, feeling a law suit brewing in the pit of his wallet.
Brilliant line! Fits JP so well, and it's really very funny!

Again, love your sense of humour. You've got great natural comedic timing. The interactions between Bunsen and Beaker are wonderful! Loved the GPS!The Robin scene was incredibly sweet, well worthy of your other half!

Okay! Let’s go ‘Frog Kissing’!"

"Do you want Miss Piggy to break me in half?"
<giggles> Awesome! Clearly, Robin is on the side of the ushy gushers! He's a smart little fellow!

Now don’t you go out kissing any cute young girl frogs Robin," Kermit warned his nephew.

"Same goes for you frog!" Miss Piggy shouted from outside.

Robin and Kermit looked at each other. "How does she do that?" the both asked in unison.
<laughs> Oh, that's very cute! Love the MTI reference! Maybe that's where the got the idea from in the script! :wink:

Part 5:

Wow... this Benny guy scares me... a lot! I have no idea what he is... but he certainly seems very dangerous! It was really intriguing to get a look at a bit of JP's backstory... the guy hasn't changed much, eh? And now's he's gotten his nephew in trouble!

Bean is very cute and funny, and annoying, as he should be, and I just loved Emily's lines... calling Kermit a lizard. Very fun!

Overall, I really like your pacing, and the way you're using flashbacks to fill in the details. It's a fascinating story and I can't wait to see what happens!



Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 6

Sweetums tossed the last of the suitcases on top of the Electric Mayhem’s psychedelically colored bus.

"Well dat’s da last of da luggage," Rizzo bit into a bagel. "All set Kerm?"

"We’re still waiting for Miss Piggy Rizzo, so get comfy, it could be a while." Kermit told the rat.

Rizzo sighed and took another bite of his bagel. "Figures," he muttered. "Hey, what about Gonzo, where’s he at?"

Kermit scratched his head. "Actually Rizzo, I haven’t seen him this morning either."

Rizzo looked back towards the door of the boarding house and laughed. "Ha! Well get lookin’!"

Gonzo walked outside wearing completely nothing.

Kermit ran towards Gonzo, waving his arms around in attempts to cover him up. "Gonzo what on Earth are you doing?!"

"Kermit," Gonzo said, striking a pose. Kermit moved to cover appropriately. "This is something I have to do. For love!"

Kermit scrunched up his face. "Gonzo I wrote an entire chapter of a book on love, and this has nothing to do with love!"

"I t’ink Miss Piggy would beg to differ," Rizzo walked over.

"And yes Kermit, it does," Gonzo reassured the amphibian. "Wait til you see Camilla!"

Kermit scrunched up his face as Camilla waddled out the front door with less than half of her feathers left on her body.

"Whoa! Talk about your peep show!" Rizzo shouted, dropping the bagel and covering his eyes.

"Bragawk!!" Camilla squawked, running back into the boarding house.

"Oh Camilla! Come back!" Gonzo ran after her.

Miss Piggy’s yelp hollered out from the boarding house. "WHY IS THERE A NAKED WEIRDO STANDING IN FRONT OF ME?!" she cried.

"It’s an expression of love Miss Piggy!"


Gonzo came flying out of the front door; still naked; landing right on the pavement. "Whoopie!" he shot up shouting. "That is so going to be part of my next act!"

"Gonzo will you please get some clothes on?!" Kermit shouted at the weirdo. "And take the back door!"

Miss Piggy stormed out the front door with Bean and Bobo behind her carrying her many suitcases. "Oh! Kermie! Everybody! Um...One sec." She darted back inside, then ran back out wearing a conga outfit, complete with fruit hat.

"Alright boys, hit it!" she shouted to Bobo and Bean who dropped the suitcases and threw on conga outfits as well.

"Cuanto le gusta
Le gusta, le gusta
Le gusta, le gusta
Le gusta, le gusta," Miss Piggy sang.

"Cuanto le gusta
Le gusta, le gusta
Le gusta, le gusta
Le gusta, le gusta."

Bobo and Bean repeated the chant as Piggy danced along on the front steps porch of the boarding house.

"We’ve gotta get going
Where are we going," Bean and Bobo sang.

"And what are we going to do?" Piggy added.

"We’re on our way to somewhere
The three of us and you," Piggy, Bean, and Bobo pointed to the crowd of Muppets standing outside the bus.

"What’ll we see there
Who will be there?"

"What’ll be the big surprise?"

"There may be senoritas
With dark and flashing eyes," the bunny and the bear sang.

"We’re on our way!" Piggy took the front "stage" for her big solo.
"Pack up your pack
And if we stay
We won’t come back."

"How can we go
We haven’t got a dime!" Kermit frowned at that remark.
"But we’re going
And we’re gonna have a happy time."

"Cuanto le gusta
Le gusta, le gusta
Le gusta, le gusta
Le gusta, le gusta.
" all three of them repeated.

"Sax solo!" Piggy shouted as Zoot slid in playing his saxophone.

"Tuba solo!" Bobo shouted, blowing a bad note on his new tuba.

"Moving on!" Piggy pushed Bobo out of the way.

"You take a train," Piggy said with Bean and Bobo repeating.
"You take a boat
I’ll take a plane
You ride the goat."

"Oh we don’t care
We’ll either walk or climb
But we’re going
And we’re gonna have a happy time!"

"EVERYBODY!!" Piggy shouted.

"Cuanto le gusta
Le gusta, le gusta
Le gusta, le gusta
Le gusta, LE GUSTA!"

The three of them continued singing and formed a conga line that danced onto the bus.

"Ah! What an entrance!" Fozzie said.

"Meh," Emily Bear shrugged. "I've seen better."

Kermit frowned. "Alright gang, let’s follow the conga."

"Um, excuse me mister Pepe," Sam Eagle tapped Pepe the King Prawn on one of his shoulders.

"Si? What is it big bird?"

"What does ‘cuanto le gusta’ mean, exactly?" Sam asked.

Pepe shrugged. "Don’t ask me senor Washington, I just have dis accent for lady purposes, hokay? I don’t really know any Spanish, hokay?" Pepe said, getting onto the bus.

Sam’s mouth fell open. "Why does this not surprise me?" Sam turned to the lawn and saluted. "Farewell my Kentucky blue grass, we shall meet again."

"Hey Dr. Teeth," Floyd Pepper addressed the good doctor of rock ‘n’ roll. "What are all these guys doin’ on our bus?"

Dr. Teeth scratched his beard. "Mm, this is indeed a question that makes my cranial lobes probosculate on such a fact."

"Wha’?" Zoot asked.

"LOBES! LOBES!" Animal chanted.

"Like, Dr. Teeth, do you have any thoughts?"

"Mm, yes I do," Dr. Teeth said. "Methinks we should get on the bus!"

"Right on!"

"Fer sure, like, what a smart idea."

"IDEA! IDEA! Ha ha ha!" Animal laughed, running onto the bus.

"Hey hey Animal," Floyd called after him. "Make sure you go to the bathroom!"


Clifford parked his car in front of the Muppet Theater and hopped out of the car, talking on his cell phone. "Yeah babe, you heard me, I’m all by myself! Mm-hm, got the entire place just to me. Could really use some company, if ya know what I mean."

The co-host made his way through the alley to the back door and unlocked it. "Mm-hm, lookin’ at this big ol’ empty backstage right now actually. Could use a little feminine touch."

A pair of yellow eyes opened in the staircase behind Clifford. "Naw baby, Scoot ain’t here. He’s on a trip with your uncle. What you hadn’t heard that? Uh-oh. Well then why don’t you come on over here, and let’s dance our cares away."

Uncle Deadly tip-toed behind the co-host silently. "Of course that’s what I was referencing! So whadaya say babe? You in?"

Deadly stood straight up and tapped Clifford on the shoulder with his claw. "Not now dude," Clifford waved his hand to his back without even looking behind him.

Deadly tapped again. "I said not now, can’t ya see I’m on a very important phone call?"

Uncle Deadly sent a volt of lightning through Clifford’s cell phone, Clifford spun around fuming. "Now what was that for?!"

"I’m saving you money," Uncle Deadly replied calmly. "Using up all those minutes can’t be cheap."

Clifford muttered something as he bent over, trying to repair his phone. "Do you need somethin’ Uncle D.? Or are you just here to bug me?"

"Actually I’d like to know where Kermit is."

Clifford stood up. "You mean ya haven’t heard? Kerm and the gang went off on a vacation."

‘What?!" The phantom shouted. "Clifford we must get a hold of him! Now!"

"Well I would," Clifford said. "But somebody just french fried my phone!"


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
*laughing* Love the scene with Gonzo! Oh my gosh! A naked weirdo, I can only imagine! Poor Camilla though. I liked the song and the conga. My favorite though was Clifford talking on his phone to who we can only assume is Skeeter, especially when he said "your brother is with your uncle" and the Uncle Deadly comes up and the line "you just french fried my phone!"

Good stuff! Can't wait for more!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Heh... Nice way to guilt your other half into posting more of Say Cheese, taking the lead.
Score: Ryan 6, Lisa 5.

The conga line number... I'm with Emily, seen better.
Pepe's dialogue was priceless.
The best part... The Mayhem talking over why everyone's on their bus. You have them in like so much character...
And of course the ending with Clifford talking to Skeeter, and Uncle D comes up behind them... Come on Clifford, you gotta fix that cell phone!
Oh... And post more!