Chef: Hey Leesa, vhere-a hefe-a yuoo beee?
I've been with my parents heping my grandparents get a couple new telephones.
Rowlf: Sounds stressful.
What, shopping for telephones with a 92 year old man and an 84 or so year old woman, and then teaching them how to use them, stressful? What in the world would give you that idea... Oy... Somebody feed me.
Chef: Cumeeng reeght up! <starts running around the kitchen> Elreeghty, I need zee greet beeg put. Um de hur de hur de hur.... beeg kneeffe-a.... vhere'd I poot zee shutgoon? Vell here's zee jeckhemmer, thet'll vurk joost es vell.... und noo ve-a need sume-a fluoor. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!.. und sume-a sooger. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!.. und sume-a speece-a... und sume-a ooff thet speece-a... und sume-a ooff thees oozeer speece-a... vhet's thees speece-a? Ooh vell, joost throo a boonch ooff it in. Bork bork bork!.. Noo ell ve-a need is zee bununes, streeng beuns, ooneeuns, a putetu, a tumetu, cebbege-a, erteechuke-a, esperegoos. Um gesh dee bork, bork!.. vhere-a ere-a zee bununes? Du ve-a hefe-a nu bununes?
What's that, Chef? Bananas? Yes, we have no bananas.
Chef: Ve-a hefe-a nu bununes tudey! Elreeght. Um de hur de hur de hur. Thet's ookey, ve-a joost need a replecement ingredeeent. Um de hur de hur de hur... sumetheeng ilse-a thet's yelloo... Lemuns! Yes, ve'll use-a lemuns, luts und luts ooff lemuns. Um gesh dee bork, bork!..
Rowlf: I don't know what he's making, but it's looking less and less appetizing by the second.
I vote we order in pizza while he's not looking.
Rowlf: Good idea. <calls a pizza place>
Chef: <puts the jackhammer in the pot and turns it on> Thet veell get it ell neece-a und sqooeeshy. Bork bork bork! Noo ve-a poot it oon zee stufe-a leeke-a thet, und suun it veell be-a bueeling... <puts the pot on the stove>
Well this will be amusing.
<the pot explodes>
Yes, definately amusing.