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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bo: *snort* Restless with your weight on topo of me, and squashed long, yes.
Beau: *frown*
Bo: But anyway, I need to get on with this series of stories of MFC. I'm thinking of doign one about why you wern't there, Sweetums.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ah ha! So good to finally get you guys lodged here in the dorms.
*Takes key from marble 57. Follow me and I'll show you to your room.

*Passing through two sets of double doors. The stairwell's there in the door to your right between these sets of double doors, but I'd recommend using the method we'll use now to get from floor to floor.
*All enter common room and dumbwaiter elevator hidden inside old world furnace. Yep, this baby's how we move inside the dorms. Oh hey Bo, have a good time at the party for the Senior Boomers!

*Dumbwaiter elevator reaches top or fourth floor and opens up. Here we are in this floor's common room... Notice the red radishes printed on the carpet here, different than the other common rooms.
*All exit common room into hallway. OK, now a turn to our right... And it should be... yes, third door down on our right.
*Hands key to room 57 to Derek. A few things before I leave you guys.
This floor's bathrooms are the last door down on your left in this hallway, the room diagonally across from yours to the right. Your neighbors are:
Luke and Gonzo on your left and FraggleRocks and Piggy on your right, depending from your POV. Philo and Gunge and his roommates are in the room across from yours, and G-Man and Rizzo are in the room diagonally across from yours on your left, again depending on your POV. If you get confused, you can always get a map of the dormhouse at the lobby desk down on the second floor. Not sure how many of these neighbors will still be around at the time of the anniversary, contacted almost all of them and still awaiting replies.

Be sure to post a descript of what you want your room to look like, taking into account the tastes of yourself and your roommate as well. And be sure to contact me with ideas for designs for your own robe and one for your roommate... Wouldn't want you to miss out on the anniversary celebrations.
Hope you have a good time here at the dorms and welcome!

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Gillis: Well, someone certainly slept in late this morning!

Oh come off it, Gillis. I had to get up to be at work by nine three days in a row. I deserve a chance to sleep past seven o'clock for once.

Gillis: So then how come you get on our cases if Tosh and I sleep past 10?

Because I don't want either of you developing my brother's bad habits. That kid's been known to sleep past one in the afternoon if he's allowed. Now, do you have your sympathy cards for Kathy signed?

Tosh: Mine's finished! *hands it to Kim*

*reads it* That's very nice, Tosh. Signed by both you and Beast, good. How 'bout you, Gillis?

Gillis: Hold on, hold on... *hums to himself while writing something in the card* There. Done. *hands the card to Kim*

Okay, let's see...*reads the card* Very nice, Gillis. I like the part about keeping part of him alive in her memory; you come up with that yourself?

Gillis: Actually I learned that from Wembley, when he taught me a song he loved that helped remind him of a special friend he had lost. That way, he explained, his friend was never completely gone.

I see. Well let's go take these cards and flowers down to Kathy and Prairie's room.



Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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*making sure Prairie's out*

*I lock the door,push some pillows against the doorholes so no one can hear me,flop on my bed & SCREAM!!!*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh hi Prairie. Sure hope Kathy's OK. Know that it might hurt losing a loved one, went through something like that myself thirteen years ago almost. Well, let us know if there's anything we can do for her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
Oh hi Prairie. Sure hope Kathy's OK. Know that it might hurt losing a loved one, went through something like that myself thirteen years ago almost. Well, let us know if there's anything we can do for her.
Prairie:Hi Count. I think Kathy's going to need some time to grieve. But I managed to get into our room before despite the barricade of pillows in the back of our door.I just rubbed her back & let her cry.
She & her dad were pretty close.The wake is tomorrow & the funeral is on Tuesday.Kathy found out a little while ago that one of her former neighbors (whom she hates and the guy gave Kathy's dad a tough time for a little while)is coming for the wake. :mad: Kathy's mom told her to just put up with the guy tomorrow. So Kathy's kinda wondering if you have any spare voodoo dolls hanging around. I told her that that wasn't nice. But Kath came back with "Prairie..this jerk gave my dad h-e- double hockey sticks when they were on the board of directors together. Plus his wife has this annoying nasal voice that grates on my nerves!"*sigh* Poor Kathy


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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J&GF, or JGF, doesn't sound bad. I think I'll stick with calling Dee "Dee". :big_grin: I'm gearing up for the last two weeks of summer work, then I get a week off before the school year starts. Looking forward to a little r&r.

I hope everyone here is doing okay. I know some of us are dealing with some very sad and unfortunate situations. I'm glad we live in such a friendly place because there's always someone to talk to if we need them.

I'll be seeing you all around. Have a good night.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chef: Hey Leesa, vhere-a hefe-a yuoo beee?

I've been with my parents heping my grandparents get a couple new telephones.

Rowlf: Sounds stressful.

What, shopping for telephones with a 92 year old man and an 84 or so year old woman, and then teaching them how to use them, stressful? What in the world would give you that idea... Oy... Somebody feed me.

Chef: Cumeeng reeght up! <starts running around the kitchen> Elreeghty, I need zee greet beeg put. Um de hur de hur de hur.... beeg kneeffe-a.... vhere'd I poot zee shutgoon? Vell here's zee jeckhemmer, thet'll vurk joost es vell.... und noo ve-a need sume-a fluoor. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!.. und sume-a sooger. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!.. und sume-a speece-a... und sume-a ooff thet speece-a... und sume-a ooff thees oozeer speece-a... vhet's thees speece-a? Ooh vell, joost throo a boonch ooff it in. Bork bork bork!.. Noo ell ve-a need is zee bununes, streeng beuns, ooneeuns, a putetu, a tumetu, cebbege-a, erteechuke-a, esperegoos. Um gesh dee bork, bork!.. vhere-a ere-a zee bununes? Du ve-a hefe-a nu bununes?

What's that, Chef? Bananas? Yes, we have no bananas.

Chef: Ve-a hefe-a nu bununes tudey! Elreeght. Um de hur de hur de hur. Thet's ookey, ve-a joost need a replecement ingredeeent. Um de hur de hur de hur... sumetheeng ilse-a thet's yelloo... Lemuns! Yes, ve'll use-a lemuns, luts und luts ooff lemuns. Um gesh dee bork, bork!..

Rowlf: I don't know what he's making, but it's looking less and less appetizing by the second.

I vote we order in pizza while he's not looking.

Rowlf: Good idea. <calls a pizza place>

Chef: <puts the jackhammer in the pot and turns it on> Thet veell get it ell neece-a und sqooeeshy. Bork bork bork! Noo ve-a poot it oon zee stufe-a leeke-a thet, und suun it veell be-a bueeling... <puts the pot on the stove>

Well this will be amusing.

<the pot explodes>

Yes, definately amusing.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ah, you guys always know how to make me laugh. Hope you have better luck if Grover's the one delivering your pizza Lisa.

Hi Prairie... You did well steering Kathy away from borrowing one of my or the Count's voodoo dollies. To tell the truth, we only have the ones from that Scooby-Doo episode. Maybe one of the castle creatures wil be one...
Sorry to drift like that. Tell you what. Kath can have a little talisman if she wants. It can be a medal or a little PVC figurine, maybe one of Garfield or something like that. Some people think that little figurines like those can help guide/guard you in dreams, and I think she might need one to ward off any bad vibes she might get at the proceedings this week. Just let her know she can talk to us if she needs to, and we're here to help her through this tough time.

Good night everyone, think a good night's sleep would be good for us all.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Finished Harvey's robes. If he has something else he wants, he can contact me directly. If not, then they'll still look nice for him and his roomies.
That's robes for residents in 18 of the 36 occupied rooms here, not bad. Hope some of the others I contacted reply soon.
Got more errands for the morrow, hope to take care of 'em all or at least as many as I can.
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