Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
*Smile... Sure is nice to have Muppety music coming from our MC Radio feed. Wonder if Kathy's listening... She's probably got a lively crowd at her room now that Fran's Fragrant Flowers closed for the day. You know, I might tackle some sort of fanfic this Christmas season touring through how Hensonville's landmarks came to be. Dunno, just some stuff to keep me busy during my holiday break.

Heh... New favorite... Kyle's monster buddies singing "Blue Christmas".
It sure is beginning to look like the holidays'll be here soon.
I was listening to it before & heard Prairie's Christmas Pageant from "Merry Christmas From Sesame Street"
Prairie:I remember putting that on.Bert was a good sport to play the tree.:smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yep... Heard that one too. Seems like the rotation plays three regular songs and then a Christmas song after that trio.
Heh, she even gave Bert a small kiss for being a good sport... You little flirt Miss Dawn you.
Well, good night everyone, hope you have great dreams and sleep tight tonight.
Count: Ah, how that lullaby of mine sets me to thinking of the ghould old days.
UD: And who would've thought such a bootiful song would warm even the cockles of my empty heart.
*Goes back to listening to some more music for a while.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
Yep... Heard that one too. Seems like the rotation plays three regular songs and then a Christmas song after that trio.
Heh, she even gave Bert a small kiss for being a good sport... You little flirt Miss Dawn you.
Yeah...they do a rotation. I like it.
Prairie giggle: I'm not really a flirt.Bert was kind enough to be the tree so he deserved a little kiss.He's a good friend.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yep... Good times. Just heard Puerto Rico's own with a Christmas contribution, the one song José Feliciano is and has been and always will be known for and identified with.

Also just heard Danny Boy for the first time, was laughing at the boys trying to do their best rendition of that tearjerker. But I guess they didn't have the luck of the Irish smiling down upon them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
Yep... Good times. Just heard Puerto Rico's own with a Christmas contribution, the one song José Feliciano is and has been and always will be known for and identified with.
DARN! Missed it!

The Count said:
Also just heard Danny Boy for the first time, was laughing at the boys trying to do their best rendition of that tearjerker. But I guess they didn't have the luck of the Irish smiling down upon them.
LOL!I've heard the Swedish Chef,Beaker & Animal do it before,and is pretty funny!
There's a clip of them on youtube doing the song and they're wearing the green hats to go with it. There's about 15 seconds of the clip.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks for the clip Kath... Maybe when I get the courage to go after youtube like I just did today with MC Radio... But thanks anyway, and I hope you and your roomies like the double chocolate you-know-whats left on your room's doorknob.

The dorms were brought to you by the letter R for radio and rock 'n' roll, and by the number 14.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
Thanks for the clip Kath... Maybe when I get the courage to go after youtube like I just did today with MC Radio... But thanks anyway, and I hope you and your roomies like the double chocolate you-know-whats left on your room's doorknob.

The dorms were brought to you by the letter R for radio and rock 'n' roll, and by the number 14.
Mmmm...!Yes...they were delicious!
Goodnight dormies from the girls in Room 6.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Anyone want some more cookies?

Grover: My cute little belly could not hold any more. *holds up hand meaning enough*

Cookie M: Me thought me could handle more but no way! URP! Excuse me.

Herry: No thanks. I'm the neak.

Maurice: Thanks anyway Kyle.

Good. I'm going to throw the rest of them away.

Oscar: *pops up in the trashcan* Hey! Did I hear you throwing away something?

Yep. Some cookies that have been setting out for days. There no good anymore.

Oscar: Why not give them to me?

Here then! *hands dish of cookies to Oscar*

Oscar: But I don't want them.

Then why did you say "why not give them to you" then?

Oscar: Becuase I was trying to


Oscar: Yes. *shivers*

Then don't be! *throws them at Oscar*

Oscar: I love it when he gets upset. Heh heh heh heh heh....*leaves*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hey, guys! I'm back!
Telly: (running up to hug me) Bryan! We missed you!
Bry: I've only been gone for a day, but thanks, Telly. I missed you all too.
Big Bird: Did you have a good time at the apple farm?
Bry: I sure did! There was a whole big festival there with carriage rides and candle making and BBQ and dancing. I'd never square danced before.
Telly: Me neither! Is it anything like triangle dancing?
Bry: Maybe. What's triangle dancing like?
Telly: I dunno. Never learned.
Ernie: You missed a fun party.
Bry: I'm sure I did, but I brough Beth back something. It's a basket with a couple jars of apple butter, waissel mix, cranberry scones, creamy apple blossom honey, cinnimon sticks, chestnuts, and a big jug of fresh apple cider straight from the mill!
Bert: Yummy!
Big Bird: Sounds delicious!
Bry: It is, and I even brought back some extra for us!
Ernie: Yay!
Telly: Woopie!
Bry: I'm just going to take this stuff down to Beth's room.
Bert: Oh, on your way could you take this to Nora? It was her birthday too.
Bry: Sure. What is it?
Bert: It's a very nice pen set and journal.
Ernie: We thought she'd like it for all that writing and interviewing she does.
Bry: Okay! Be right back!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*Beth goes around with fresh batches of chocolate chip cookies and thank you cards and leaves them at the rooms of Bryan, Ed, Erin, Kim, and Kyle thanking them and their roomies for coming to the party and for the wonderful birthday presents*
Beth: Hope everyone gets these cookies before a certain monster wakes up.
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