Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Dee: Glad to see you once more Count.May I have some treasure treats please? I have 3 bags total,you can divide our loot up accordingly.Zoot can share with us(since he didn't participate with the hunt). Thank you ever so much for your scavenger hunt Count and hostess Mokey. Gonna go splash in the dorm pool and then relax in the tubs. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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JaniceFerSure said:
Dee: Glad to see you once more Count.May I have some treasure treats please? I have 3 bags total,you can divide our loot up accordingly.Zoot can share with us(since he didn't participate with the hunt). Thank you ever so much for your scavenger hunt Count and hostess Mokey. Gonna go splash in the dorm pool and then relax in the tubs. :smile:

Meet you over there Dee! WOOOOOOO!!!! POOL TIME!!!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Rully glad you guys liked the scavenger hunt.
Mokey's over at the pools sliding down into the watering hole. Think I'll join you guys in a bit. Got two more Mini Muppets, now only Scooter and the Chef are left. Will probably get 'em later this month after budgeting my cash stash.

*Leaves three bags full of Halloween goodies at JFS's door.
Oh hi Zoot, here are the bags for you and your roomies from the scavenger hunt's treasure. Hope you enjoy them.
And now for a soak in the pools before coming back home to watch Monday Night Raw and a sleep.
What's got me pumped is the possibility of finishing my figure photos folder with my brother. Hope it does finally get finished this time.
Good night to all!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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A flash of light can be seen from the windows.....

*puff a smoke comes pouring out of the Time Machine*

Cookie M: WHOA! Me think it time for nappy w/ blanket. Me no try that anymore. *walks off*

Grover and I come from around the corner

So what did you think of the scavenger hunt?

Grover: Weird but lovable and those skulls were quite cute in a strange way.

*stops in tracks* Look!?

Grover: The Time Machine. Its back. That can only mean one thing.

Grover & !: Cookie!

*runs to the room*

Cookie where have you been?

Cookie M: Me not know. Me push button and zoom! Me gone. Me not do that ever again.

Grover: We were worry about you. Glad you ok. Want to join us at the pool?

Cookie M: Me not want to. Me stay here in bed.

Ok Glad to have you back. Good night sleep, Cookie. *tucks in Cookie* (whispers) Come on. Lets not wake him.

Doctor Teeth

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Nov 7, 2004
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Hey there! Am I late? Looks like all the rooms are taken... Anyone want to invite me to come and exploit thier wealth? :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2003
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(Outside by time machine)

Me:come on, lets get some rope so, we can try to pull this thing back to the labs, that way no foolish person or muppet could lose it again.
Rizzo:Yeah, just think if someone unscrupulous were to take this thing out for a spin to the past, who knows what terrible things could happen to the time stream.
Me:Yeah (the two walk off to get rope)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hello Doctor Teeth!
First off, let me welcome you to the wonderful world of Muppet Central's forums!
Secondly, please contact me if you'd like to register for housing here at the Muppet College Dorms.
It's quite easy, all you have to do is pick a Muppet character you'd like to have as your roommate and what numbered room you'd like to have, contact me with your choices, and I'll do my best to accomodate you here in the dorms. Of course, the one rule we have here is that whoever you choose as your roommate can't be a character that's been already taken by some other boarder. That's why I suggest you contact me via E-mail ASAP, so I can send you a copy of the current register.
Hope to hear from you soon, that is if you'd truly like to join us here at the dorms, and have a great time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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JFS: Morning Count,thanks for the treats! I'll just make room in our fridge,to make the sweets last a few weeks. Welcome to MC and to the dorms Doctor Teeth.I'm JaniceFerSure aka Diana aka Dee(I go by any of those name,real name is Diana).I'm roomates in room #33 with muppets Dr. Teeth,Zoot and Floyd Pepper. Hope you enjoy your stay here and have a good day.:excited: Welcome back Cookie,you we're missed.

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
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*Opens door to dorm*

Ok what did I miss? A scavenger hunt? Aw darn! Oh well. I was busy getting my room set up. It's not easy setting up almost a full lab and it took quite a while. *wipes sweat off brow*

Here is my room descrpition:

When you first enter, you see a small sitting area with a loveseat and an ottoman placed before a TV set that is attached to an old fashioned bicycle.

On the far wall, is a large countertop that is covered with test tubes, mechanical parts and things that bubble and smoke incessantly. On the left wall hangs a fire extinguiser. The carpet was removed to be replaced with hardwood floors. On the right wall there hangs a bunch of diagrams and charts detailing projects that are in the process of being completed.

Machines fill the remainder of the room, some you can almost guess what they do, others you don't even want to know. The door on the right wall leads to the bedroom where a set of bunk beds is lined neatly up next to the main bed where I sleep. The closet is filled with lab coats and I have the dresser mainly to myself.

Me: Well now that is done, what is expected for November? Anything fun?

*Bunsen and Beaker look at each other*

:confused: Setting up the dorm wasn't fun?

:eek: Meep meepy! *shakes head and wipes plaster off face*

~Beth C

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hi BethC, it's great to see you here again. Sorry you missed out on the scavenger hunt.
*Hands BethC baggie filled with Halloween goodies.
But here's a sampler with a lot of little goodies from the hunt's treasure. Hope you like 'em.
As for activities here in the dorms... Well, tomorrow is Sesame Street's official 35th birthday. We could have a party for that. And then there's Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks. We could have a nice dinner for all the boarders here in the dorms.
Anyway, glad to see you again, and hope you have fun here in the dorms.

Oh yeah, now that you're settled in your room, don't forget to head on over to the pools for some added fun.
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