Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 12, 2005
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Nyz: My foot hurts...

Mokey: Then stop sitting on it.

Nyz: ...Good Idea!

Mokey: <shakes head> Have you updated your story?

Nyz: Yep!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*gets up* Another boring day.

Grover: *pops up* Today is your lucky day!

Herry: *pops up* Yep! Today your going to hang out with us!

What's going on here?

Grover: We are taking you to the moives.

But I don't have that much money.

Herry: We are going to pay for you.

What? Ya'll can't do that for me. I'm the respoable one!

Cookie M: Not no more.

Maurice: I'm going to be getting the popcorn.

Cookie M: While me gets the cookies.

But I don't want ya'll to be helping me out. It makes me feel more and more like I need help.

Grover: At the moment you do. So get dressed and your coming with us.


Herry: Get in there now! *pushes me into room*


Herry: We're going to treat him to a night out. *high fives Grover*

Grover: Yeah! *high fives Herry*


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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*Emmet and Ally 'finally' get to the dorms and drag their bags to their room after getting their key.*

Ally: *Trying to unlock the door to their room* It actually feels good to be back, don't it Emmet?

Emmet: It sure does! I was starting to miss everyone here at the dorms! *Eyes Ally down.* To bad it took us such a long time to get here...

Ally: Hey, it's not my fault! I didn't exspect the dorms to re-open that quickly!

Emmet: *Laughing* I know, I was just kidding around, I didn't think they'd open so quickly either! Honestlly, I didn't think we'd be lucky enough to be roomate's again.

Ally: Yeah, same with me. *Opens door* Allright, let's see what all we gotta' do with our room.

Emmet: *Looking at the blank room in awe.* Wow, um, we really have alot to do... don't we?

Ally: Yup. We sure do. *Set's down all her supplies, then in a very fake accent she sais...* Well, let's get started, shall we? *Holds out hand to Emmet.*

Emmet: *Grinning and taking her hand, matching up to her accent* We shall.

*The two get started on decorating (and painting) their room, in hopes that it will soon look good according to both of their tastes...*


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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So, Sprocket, what do you think about my first idea? Can you live with that?

<nods excitedly>

And how about my second idea? Are you willing to help me out with that?

<nods even more excitedly>

Careful, you'll give yourself a concussion. Since you're in agreement I'll talk to the Count and Ed about our plans now.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Leyla: Ooh! My hammock is here! YAY!!! I'm gonna love sleeping in this! And it might help my insomnia!

Hilda:You have insomnia, dear? I was wondering who was staying up so late.

Leyla: Yeah, sorry about that. Sometimes it's a good thing though... I get a lot of writing done in the wee hours.

Jimmy: Hey, what's with them buckets of green paint?

Leyla: Oh, they're there for Robot Kermit's room.

<Hilda looks skeptically at the buckets, then ducks down for a closer inspection>

Hilda:Kermit green?

Leyla: Sure... what better colour? I want him to feel at home, even if he is a robot.

Hilda: I still think you're crazy.

Leyla:<grins> At this point, Hilda dear, you shouldn't be thinking... you should know!

<There's a knock at the door>

Jimmy: Get that, will ya?

Leyla: Yay! Vistors! <Leyla peeps out the door for a while... then she steps out entirely. When she returns moments later, she is dragging a cello and a bouquet of flowers.> Wow... look at this!

<Jimmy and Hilda approach... even Wanda drudges up a little interest out of her cesspool of break up misery>

Hilda: What on earth is that thing?

Leyla <happily> Oh, this large four stringed wooden instrument that resembles a violin with a large spike?

Hilda: Yes, that.

Leyla: It's my cello! Gonzo ran off with it a while ago, goodness knows why.

Wanda: <impatiently> Never mind the thing! Tell us about the flowers!

Leyla: Well, I don't know... they were just there, beside my cello... Oh! There's a card! <reads> You are the treasure of my heart... from your secret admirer...

Wanda <instantly giggling> Oh! I bet it's Wayne's way of apologizing to me! Oh, he is soooo sweet!

Jimmy: Well, I think them flowers are fer me! From that little sister of yours... what's her name... Laura, Leah...

Leyla: Lisa! And you stay away from her! I'm sorry Wanda... these are for Hilda.

Hilda: <surprised and flattered> What? For me? I have a secret admirer? Well... I... I don't know what to say.... <horrified expression>
They were with the cello Gonzo stole? Oh no! You don't suppose Gonzo's my secret admirer, do you?!

Leyla: Well... I don't know for sure... he DID have my cello... but... these might not have come at the same time. Besides, Gonzo's very happy with Camilla...

Wanda: <sulking> He's a weirdo! And, as our lovely neighbour says, a masher! He's got a roving eye! <sniffling> And I don't care if Wayne didn't send me flowers anyway, so there! I wouldn't even had looked at them!

Hilda: <miserably> I'm doomed...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *writing* Oh Hilda, Oh Hilda, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways, one, two, three, four? Yes, four. Hmm...That'll never do. *tosses poem in garbage*


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Back from the moives (which we never got to see)

Grover: Sorry Kyle. We got you all dressed up for nothing.

Oh it's alright Grover. Maybe we can go tomorrow.

Herry: We feel bad. We got your hopes up to go see a movie and it's wasn't there.

Maurice: We could of saw another one.

Cookie M: Sorry Kyle. Me not get no cookies. *looking sad too*

Nah...don't worry about guys. I'm fine. Just let it be. I'm going to go take a bath.

Oscar: *bangs open the door* I heard Kyle's out of a job. *see's me sluk through the halls to the bathrooms* That's my kind of guy!

Grover: Oscar?! That is not very nice.

Oscar: I was just meaning. He would be good for me to talk to him.

Herry: You would do that for us Oscar! *hugs Oscar*

Oscar: Get off of me! Now I didn't mean it that way!

Grover: Come on grouchie baby!

Oscar: Don't call me that. I'll see what I can do. Jeez! The things I do for others. *to the Monsters* Don't let anyone know I'm helping Kyle.

Monsters: Got it! *slams the door on Oscar's can*

Oscar: Watch out! *falls over and starts rolling down the hall* Heh heh heh type of ride. *rolls off towards the bathrooms*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm, think I'll wait till Kate starts the Quire auditions. Not sure if I want to join, got a busy schedule. But I would like to at least sing something I've been wanting to sing for a while now.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: How's your room coming, Nora?
Nora: I've finished the last coat! How about you?
MN: I'm just putting the finishing touches on Hampstead Heath, and then I'll be done! (pokes head out) How's it coming, Storyteller?
Storyteller: Well, I've decided to shift my hut from the tropical theme to a decidedly stonier feel, more in keeping with the Rock. And I'm getting ready to add on an extension to the library; Gobo made copies of his uncle's postcards and he's given them to me.
Nora: That's cool, keep archives on all the silly creatures.
Storyteller: Yes...oh, that Matt. Such a daring, romantic Fraggle... (Nora and MN cackle with laughter) Oh, now, now! Nora, I've noticed you making eyes at young Scooter...(Nora promptly quiets, MN continues laughing) and as for you, little Miss Erin the Reporter's no different from you and that Hunt person!
MN: (snicker) Oh, come on, Sara's got me beat in the "biggest crush on Richard" department. I'll concede that. Now come on, it's time to start in on the bathroom. We're going to need the chrome, the bronze, the cobalt blue...good grief, sounds like I'm reading off the Periodic Table.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Boy, did I sleep in! What say we just go to Everybody Eats for lunch?
Lou: Where were you? I didn't here you at all last night!
Sorry mom.
:rolleyes: But I was a bit late finishing my erands last night, and I didn't want to disturb you guys, so I just crashed in the common room. Thank goodness for that couch!
Gobo: So how is membership going?
Well, let's see. So far I've got Beth, Kim, Gilis, Tosh, Boober, Betty Lou, and Kathy. Oh, and of course all of us. Ed said he might be interest, and I'm holding another session this afternoon at 4-00 (EST) so I wonder who else'll show up.
Wembly: Oh boy, I can't wait to see who else comes!
Neither can I; this is really exciting for me! Well, I'm starving; let's go eat!
Wembly: Sounds good to me.
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