Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Clifford: Heh, looks like this is where notices go...

Attention Muppet Central Dormies! Yo yo, wassup ya'll? Do you wanna join the reigin' champs of the football world? If so, you best contact the New England Partiots. But if you wanna be a part of the only football team in these dorms! Contact me, your team captain, Clifford, in room 25. Right up there with Ryan, Gonzo, Camilla and Uncle Deadly. Don't be afraid ya'll they don't bite too hard.



Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Forget it girls...I'm not doing it.
Prairie:But Kathy...why? You have a beautiful singing voice!
Ha! Says who?
Prairie:Says me.
Rosita:And me too. C'mon,Kath....por favor? Join the choir. singing voice has changed over the years.I'll get laughed out of the auditorium! I can't even hit high notes much anymore.
Prairie:Kath...when I'm nervous about doing something ,what do you tell me to do?
To try.
Prairie:Right.So practice what you preach.Tell you what. Try singing a little bit of "Little Things" and me and Rosita will give you our honest opinions
Rosita:Sounds fine to me.
*sigh* :rolleyes: OK...OK...but you two are asking for it.
*Prairie plays the intro on the piano & I begin to sing*
I believe in little things
That you can hardly see
Like honeycomb and spider webs
And starfish in the sea

:then singing off tune on purpose:
I believe in little things......
Prairie:Katheeee!!! You're singing that last part off tune on purpose!:mad:
No I'm not.
Prairie: You were and you know it.Now come on.
:throwing hands in the air: OK....OK! I'll join the chorus! But remember...I need to audition first.
Rosita:And you'll do just fine,mi amiga

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Heh heh... Clifford, the reigning champs are the Pittsburgh Steelers now.
Course, that don't mean I have to like it... Yeah, they're not my fave team in that division...
Go Ravens!! Oh, and of course, Frogs too!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Herry: Since we have nothing better to do. Let's all go sign up.

Cookie M: Wait for me Herry. *runs after him* Wonder if he has any cookies?

Grover: I am going to join the Birdkteers.

Maurice: I think I will join the Birdkteers with you Grover.

Grover: Good thing Maurice. Come on.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Boober: *entering with clean laundry* Tryouts have been posted on the bulletin board.
Kim: Oh yeah? What all for?
Boober: Cheerleading, football and Big Bird's Birdkateers. Oh, and I guess Kate's putting together a choir.
Gillis: *interested* Really? Hmm, I wonder if they need a director...
Kim: Down, Maestro. Wait to see if you're asked to conduct. Until then, try out for a singing position like everyone else.
Gillis: Sorry. Guess I got a little ahead of myself.
Tosh: Kim, can we try out for the choir?
Kim: Sure; I don't see why not. I know we all like to break into song on occasion. I'm sure you'll all make it.
Boober: You're not trying out?
Betty Lou: Why not?
Kim: I don't know if I'll have the time, with work and everything. Besides, someone's gotta sit in the audience and applaud and cheer for you guys, right?
Tosh: Aw, please Kim?
Kim: You think I should?
*sings* Something has changed within me,
Something is not the same.
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game.

Too late for second guessing;
Too late to go back to sleep.
It's time to trust my instincts,
Close my eyes...and leap...

Betty Lou: So?
Kim: ...yeah, what the heck. I'll sign up too.
Gillis: Terrific! Let's go!



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Nyz: Well, I've written another chapter...but I'll wait for tomorrow to post it...

Mokey: <nods sleepily>

Nyz: *yawn* I wonder where Lisa is...

Jabber: <shrugs tiredly>

Nyz: *yaaaaaawn* Time...for.....sleep....

Ludo: zzzzzzz

Nyz: Good night everyone......zzzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Good night guys.

Grover: Did you find a job yet?

Not that I know of. The one place I tried was Goodwill. They should take me back. I just won't have that money to spend.

Grover: Do not worry Kyle.

Thanks Grover. I really miss all my friends at work.

Herry: You still have us.

I know. Don't worry about me guys. I'll make it. Well I'm tired. Good night. *sluks back to bedroom*

Herry: He's just not himself.

Grover: There has to be something we can do for him.

Cookie M: Cookies?

Grover: Not now Cookie Monster.

Cookie M: No. Me mean give Kyle cookies.

Herry: That might help but there has to be something we can do to cheer him up with.

Maurice: How about a movie?

Grover: Brillent idea Maurice! Brillent!

Herry: Yeah! Good work Maurice. We'll take him to a movie tomorrow.

Grover: Good night everyone. See you in the morning.

Herry, Maurice and Cookie M: Good night!


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Dr. Teeth: Say Diana,your arms are red.

Diana: Morning Dr. Teeth.I forgot to apply sunscreen yesterday,when I went out to the festival.Didn't realize my arms were surnburnt 'til hours later.I enjoyed myself at the festival,got to see my friend Scott,eat some ice-cream,watched families having a good time.Was a nice couple of hours.You would have like the music they played Dr. Teeth,all jazz;nice and smooth.

Dr. Teeth: Tenderly.

Diana: Exactly.

Dr. Teeth: What are your plans for today?

Diana: I'm going to see my friend Sean and hang out with him.Also,get to see our cat Sasha.

Dr. Teeth: Sweet.Have fun with Sean,I know you two always do.

Diana: Indeed we do Dr. Teeth.What are you all up to today?

Dr. Teeth: No plans as of late.Guess we'll find time to make time for whatever the day brings us.

Diana: Well put.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: I'm going to go to church today.


LITTLE BIRD: What are we going to do after church, Peter?

PETER: How about we go have lunch at Everybody Eats

ZOE: And why don't we go swimming

PETER: And after swimming, we play football

BABY BEAR: Sounds good on a Sunday, Peter!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: Guys guys guys! I got a new cell phone!

Camilla: Bawk, baguck byuck byuck naw...

Me: Camilla...Uh...Where are the others?

Camilla: Uuh...Gonzo bawk buck buck byaaawk. Erm, Cluckford buck buck, Doodly bawk buck.

Me: Um...Okay...*frowns* Well...I think I'll go ahead and uh...Do my homework...Um...Bye...

Camilla: Bawk baaaawk. *goes to sign up for Birdkateers*
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