Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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MJMuppet said:
Can someone please pm me which muppets are available for roomates? thank you!
Me: *walking in from the pool* Oh, hey there! Are you looking for a room? Well if so, you need to PM The Count, he's the around here. He'll let you know what rooms and Muppets are available!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Oh hi MJMuppet. Are you interested in joining us as a resident of MC Dorms?
Well... Sorry to say, but we're gearing up for the anniversary, which'll be in a couple of weeks. So I'm sorry to say we're not accepting any new residents at this time.
However, once the anniversary is upon us and the new rules for joining are posted, you can come back and join up as a new resident or contact me about it then.
Hope this helps and have fun exploring the rest of the campus, and surrounding town of Hensonville.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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MJMuppet said:
Can someone please pm me which muppets are available for roomates? thank you!
PLEASE come back and play with us--it's fun to live in the dorms!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Catherine: Piggy--have you seen my cell phone?
Piggy: (reading a fashion magazine) Little silver flip top? Plays a song?
Catherine: That's it. Where is it?
Piggy: Haven't seen it today.
Catherine: (ruefully) Thanks, Piggy. That helped a lot. THis sure has been the week for lost things--phone, keys, glasses, notebooks. I feel like Dorothy in the cyclone--the house keeps moving around me this week.
Piggy: (singsonging) Burn the candle at both ends and get burned twice.
Catherine: Okay, okay--I'm going just as soon as I call my....
(Melody plays)
Catherine: Um, not to be rude or anything, Piggy, but your dorm robe has just burst into song. Would you care to look in your pocket?
Piggy: (surprised) Not at all. I don't know what--wait, this isn't my phone. This is yours.
Catherine: (pocketing it with relief) Thanks--now I'm off to bed!
Piggy: But wait--I don't know where MY phone is.
Catherine: Little silver thing? Flip top?
Piggy: That's it--where is it?
Catherine: (airily) Haven't seen it today.... (dials number) Couch begins to play "Brick House" and Piggy retrieves her phone.
Piggy: Oh--thank goodness.
Catherine: Better call Marty--he's probably been trying to reach you. G'night!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Hey there Cookie Monster! *give him a hug* How was Bryan?

Cookie M: Me and Bryan played tag and other games. Oooo and he gave me cookies! Oooo they were good!

Glad to see you back. It was a nice thing for you to do for Bryan. His roomies are away for a while.

Cookie M: Me know that. They at Sesame Street.

Grover: Hey Cookie Monster!

Cookie M: Me and Bryan saw your skit today.

Grover: You mean my charlie's restaurant. Oh I was so happy to be working with Mr. Johnson. He is a good actor.

I saw that. You were great too.

Gorver: Do not make me blush.

Herry: Oh and Cookie's world was great!

Cookie M: Me enjoy that. Bob said me did great.

You did! I was impressed. And you eatting all those cookies?

Cookie M: *sees my expression*

You did a great job on pretending to eat all those cookies.

Cookie M: Me not pretend. Me really eat them all.

Grover: You had me going.

Me too.

Herry: Same here.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (coming in late from rehearsal and sees Big Bird asleep in his nest and Telly and Rosita in their beds. Whispering...) Oh, good they're back.
Hoots: Yeah, but they're sound asleep.
Bry: That's okay. I'll talk to them in the morning. I'm just happy they made it here safe.
Hoots: How was rehearsal for your show?
Bry: It was alright. I'm tired though. I gotta get some sleep. But before I do...the dorms were brought to us today by the number 4, for for slumbering and snoozing roommates.
Big Bird: (snoring) Quablequablquabl...
Rosita: Zzzzzzzzz...
Telly: Zzzzzzzz...
Snuffy: ZZZZZZZZZ...
Hoots: And for the letter Z for those jazzy Z's they seem to be catchin'.
Bry: Well, I'm sure they need it. By the way, I am hoping you will all help me clean up and get things packed away for when the dorms close down for the anniversary.
Hoots: I'll mark that.
Bry: Thanks, dude. Goodnight!
Hoots: Night!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *muttering* Stupid school...Why does today have to be the first day...Don't they know I've got fan-fic to write.

Cliff: Aw, cheer up dude, at least you'll get to see all your friends and teachers again!

Me: Meh, alright I guess so...At least it's a half day...I can write more of my story when I get home...

Clifford: That's the spirit! *goes back to sleep*

Me: Hey, where are you going?

Cliff: Back to bed dude! I don't have to go to school!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Awake in Room #1... Well, at least I have today's episode to put something positive in my spirits.
Count: Vhat's the matter Ed?
*Sigh, transportation woes, compounded by all the extra errands I need to take care of. Not easy when almost all my options are already out on the street, mostly my family doing their own things.
Count: Vell, if you need... I could.
Thanks buddy. But uh, I might need something, more tangible. Maybe the taxi service can help, if my brother proves to blow it altogether.

Just one of those days, and it's been a familiar feeling this entire first week.
But come on, let's go get some cereal and get ready for the new episode.

Muppet Matt

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
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Matt: I know how you feel Prawnie. I'm not looking forward to school either.
Dr. Teeth: Your home schooled though.
Matt: I know, but who do you know eho likes school?
Dr. Teeth: Got me there.
Lips: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Animal: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: While i'm away on Saturday to Tuesday, I'm going to send you to spend the day with Bryan and the roomies

ELMO: oh Cool, Elmo gets to hang out with Telly and Rosita

LITTLE BIRD: And Big Bird and Snuffy are there

ZOE: And Hoots is going to be there, Peter i hope you have a great time camping!!!!

PETER: This is going to be the time of my life!!!
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