Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 13, 2002
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BEAR said:
Bry: Hey, Kathy! Welcome back. (gives her a hug). We had a great time with Prairie. It's always nice having her around. She's...(notices Gaffer hiding in Hoots' nest) Gaffer!
Gaffer: Meow!!
Bry: What are you doing in Hoots' nest? I've been wondering all weekend where you were. Well, it's good to know you're safe.
Gaffer: Meow!
Bry: (picks up the cat and gives him to Kathy) As I was saying, Prairie and Gaffer are welcome here anytime.
*taking Gaffer in my arms*Gaffer...what am I going to do with you?Sheesh! Anyway,Bry..thanks so much again for letting Prairie & Gaffer stay here.When you need to go out of town,your crew is always welcome to stay with us.Now...let me take this furry little girl back to my room.Bye!*giving him a hug*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Uh Bry... You mean "her" fright? *Aside to Bryan: Gaffer's a girl cat.

Oh Matt... The dorms will close down about a week before the anniversary. They'll reopen when we're ready to have our celebration. As for keeping your roommates...
The current register will be wiped clean and you'll have to submit an application... But I don't want to give away all the stuff that'll take place at that time. Don't want to worry anybody who's currently living here at the dorms.

Will make an announcement and let everybody know the dorms' rules when we get to that moment in time. For now, just enjoy yourself and what's left of the summer.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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The Count said:
Uh Bry... You mean "her" fright? *Aside to Bryan: Gaffer's a girl cat.
Ooopsy. I did mean "her".:embarrassed:

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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No worries Bry...
Thanks for explaining that Kath.

Think I'll just go and work on my little ones for a while. LMK if you need me guys.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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BEAR said:
Ooopsy. I did mean "her".:embarrassed:
It's OK Bry.Gaffer will just leave you a little "present" on your bed the next time for mistaking her for a boy.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Katzi428 said:
It's OK Bry.Gaffer will just leave you a little "present" on your bed the next time for mistaking her for a boy.
Aaah! Oh no! Haha!:stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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*stretching out on the couch* Ahhhhhhhhh...
Prairie*handing me a glass of peach iced tea & a brownie*How's your toe?
It'll get better*taking the stuff Prairie brought to me*Thanks.I'm probably going to buy new sneakers soon.That's probably what's causing the problem.
Prairie:Hopefully new sneakers will be the solution.Did soaking your feet help?
A bit.That,plus a fresh band-aid.Maybe I'll go down to the hot tub tomorrow and soak my foot there. *taking a bite of the brownie*Mmmm...this is tasty!
Prairie:Thanks!Rosita and I made brownies for Bryan and the others. I kept one aside for you because I know how much you like them.:wink:
You know me very well!*sipping the iced tea*Delish!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hey, Big Bird. How ya doin'?
Big Bird: Oh, I'm fine, just fine. I have a question for you though.
Bry: What's that?
Big Bird: Beth just got married, right?
Bry: Beth got married, yes.
Big Bird: Who'd she get married to?
Bry: I don't know.
Big Bird: Oh. Is she moving out?
Bry: Moving out? I don't think so. Big Bird, what's with all these questions?
Big Bird: Well, I was just talking to Oscar...
Bry: Uh oh.
Big Bird: ...and he was saying that since Beth is married, she will be moving in with her new husband and then Red and Mokey will be left all alone and sad because no one will be there to read them stories or tuck them in at night. Is that true?
Bry: Oscar told you this?
Big Bird: I wouldn't just make that up.
Bry: Someone should go talk to Oscar. I'll be right back. (starts to leave but runs into Telly who is coming in) Hey, Telly.
Telly: You will never believe what Oscar told me. Oh, it's just awful!
Bry: Let me guess. He said that Beth is moving out deserting her roommates.
Telly: She is!?
Big Bird: What did Oscar say to you?
Telly: He told me that Beth's husband is moving in making it too crowded for Red and Mokey forcing them to move out.
Bry: Ugh! (falls over backwards)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Red: Uh, Beth? We've got a problem
Beth: What's that?
Red: Oscar's telling everyone that since you got married you're moving out and leaving us
Beth: Oh no! You guys understand that I can be both places right?
Mokey: Of course we do! It sounds like Oscar is getting Big Bird all hyped up again though
Beth: Oh that Oscar
Red: Bryan's going to talk to him
Beth: All right, that's good. I think I'll go see if Big Bird's all right *goes up to Bryan's room*
Beth: Hello? Anyone here? Hey Big Bird, you don't have to worry. I'll still get to play with you guys here and see my husband too. I can spend time both places because this place is very special. Everything is all right. *heads back to room 3*
Mokey: Did it help?
Beth: I sure hope so!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh heh heh... Guess he didn't learn anything from being with Martha Stewart yesterday. BTW: You can ask Beth, but I think her husband's name is Nate.

Think I'll watch MWoO... The DVD makes it more enjoyable than the original TV airing, more complete this time. Though I did enjoy it when it first aired, and I thought they captured most of the original story of the Wizard of Oz quite well.
Just... Kyle or Bryan, don't let Oscar hang out with this rube named Jim Hill... This guy's done more to ruin the Muppets name than Lloyd Gault, Miss Nancy, and Eli Takashi put together.
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