Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Fuzzhead said:
PS (it's hard for me to see what Big Bird is saying)

(Sorry, I was afraid that might be the case. That is why for the longest time I used a light orange for Big Bird's color instead so it was easier to read, but then recently switched to yellow. Kyle always uses yellow when he has Big Bird in his room. I want it to be easy to read however, so I think I will just switch back to the orange color.)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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theprawncracker said:
Ludo: Hey Ryan?

Me: Yeah Ludo what's up?

Ludo: The sky, but that's not the point. When's Nyssa coming back?

Me: Got me...

Ludo: You don't know?!

Me: ...Should I?

Ludo: Yes! You should pay attention to dates!

Me: Heh, I've been trying that for 15 and a half years...And I'm still date-less!

Gonzo: *runs in with a bowl of dates* Here you go Ryan! Now you're not date-less anymore!

Me: Not quite what I meant Gonzo...
*ba-da-da da-da-da ding!* (a penguin runs in with a cue card saying "laugh" and a laugh track is heard)


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2003
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That's OK. Don't change the color for my sake. I'll just highlight it like Bill said. Thanks for that tip by the way, Bill.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (grunting and murmering while trying to push an upright piano into our room)
Prairie: Right there against the wall. That'll be just fine. Thank you!
Bry: You know, Prairie, I do have a keyboard here in my room you can play.
Prairie: I know, but you have to understand the relationship one has with their own instrument. And besides, your keyboard's a dud, no offense.
Bry: Yeah, you're right.
Rosita: Say, Prairie, what do you need your piano for anyway?
Prairie: So that we can rehearse.
Big Bird: Rehearse what?
Prairie: The play I wrote. And you are all going to be in it!
Big Bird: Really? Oh boy!
Rosita: Sounds fun. What is it about?
Prairie: It is about summertime.
Bry: That's great, Prairie. I've missed your little plays. Whatever happened to them.
Prairie: I dunno. Umm...hiatus?
Bry: I guess so.
Prairie: And since I know you have been looking for acting jobs, I wrote a special part just for you.
Bry: Gee thanks.
Prairie: You're welcome!
Bry: Hey, anyone seen Telly?
Snuffy: I saw him out in the garden earlier, maybe he's still there.
Bry: He was being so strange last night. I dunno why he didn't want to meet Fuzzhead and Jen.
Rosita: Yeah, they were so nice.
Bry: Well, I'm gonna go find Telly. I'll be back later.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Did I sleep good today.

Grover: Hey there Kyle.

Hi Grover. I couldn't get to sleep last night.

Grover: You should of woke me up.

What for?

Grover: I am the best putter to sleep monster.

What could you have done? Tell me to count sheep.

Grover: No. I have one speical way that my mommy taught me.

What's that?

Grover: Close your eyes.

*falls over on floor*

Grover: Look. He finally asleep. I knew it would work.

Muppet Matt

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
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Dr. Teeth: Do you guys want to go swimming tonight?

Matt: Sure!

Lips: Sounds great!


Matt: Lets go then!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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UD: *at computer* Hmm? What's this? *reads* Ryan!!

Me: *grinning* Yeeees?

UD: What is this?? *points at computer screen*

Me: Why that's a computer Uncle D.

UD: *glares* What's on the screen?

Me: Dust?

UD: You nincompoop! The fan-fic! YOUR FAN-FIC!

Me: Oh you noticed?

UD: *chuckles* Yes, I noticed, and it is lovely my friend, now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish reading.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Why don't we go swimming tonight!

ELMO: Okay Peter!

ZOE: I'm going with you Peter

LITTLE BIRD: Hi-Ho the Dairy-O a Swimming we will go!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (in room 29 sitting on Telly's bed) Come on, Telly. It's okay.
Telly: Are you sure?
(Big Bird and Prairie come in)
Big Bird: Hey, is Telly okay?
Bry: He'll be fine.
Telly: No, I'm a wreck!
Bry: Telly didn't want to go with us to meet Fuzzhead and Jen last night because he was too shy.
Big Bird: Too shy? I've never known Telly to be shy.
Telly: Yeah.
Prairie: Oh Telly. There's no need to be shy. If we were shy all the time we would never have the opportunity to meet and learn about interesting new people.
Telly: I dunno...
Bry: No really, Telly. Prairie's right. I mean, you and I would never know each other if we hadn't met and we're good friends, right?
Telly: Well...that's true.
Bry: Yeah! It's okay to be shy. I get shy sometimes too.
Telly: Bryan, get shy?!
Bry: All the time! But there are ways to get over it. You know what I do?
Telly: What?
Bry: I say...
(music starts)
How do you do?
Hold out your hand.
Smile and say "Glad to meet you".

Telly: Uuuh?
Bry: Hope you are well
Happy you're here
Thoughts I feel when I greet you
People know you by the little things you do

Telly: They do?
Bry: Show someone you care, watch them care for you
Telly: Wow.
Bry: Say, how do you do?
Right from the heart
Hand in hand for the very first time
So very nice to meet a brand new friend of mine!

Telly: That's it?
Bry: Yeah. Doesn't seem so hard, does it?
Telly: I guess I could try it.
Bry: Why don't you practice on us.
Telly: I'll try.
Uuh... how do you do?
Hmm... Hold out your hand.

Bry: Uh huh...
Telly: Smile and say "Glad to meet you".
Prairie: Good, Telly!
Telly: (sings) Hope you are well.
Bry: I am, thank you.
Telly: (to Big Bird) Happy you're here.
Big Bird: Thanks!
Telly: Thoughts I think when I greet you.
Bry: Wonderful!
Prairie: People know you by the little things you do
Big Bird: Show someone you care
Watch them care for you!

Telly: Yeah.
Bry: How do you do?
Right from the heart

(Telly joins in) Hand in hand for the very first time
So very nice to meet a brand new friend
Of mine!

(song ends)
Big Bird: How do you feel now, Telly?
Telly: You know what? I think I feel a little better.
Bry: Do you?
Telly: Yeah, I think I'm ready to meet our new friends.
Prairie: Horray for Telly!
Bry: I'm so proud of you!
Telly: And you know what else? As a special welcoming gift, I'm going to give them each one of my triangles.
Bry: That sounds very nice of you.
Telly: What are we waiting for? Let's go guys!
Bry: Well,'s great that you are excited to meet them now, but I think it's a little late. Maybe you can wait til tomorrow.
Telly: Okay.
Rosita: (comes in with a box) Hola, everyone! I found this box of costumes and props in the storage room for the play.
Bry: Oh no. Prairie is going back to her own room tomorrow when Kathy comes home.
Rosita: We won't be able to do the play?
Prairie: No, we can still do it. Hey, great art takes time. We can keep working on it and do it later. Besides, I am sure Kathy would like to see it. Don't worry, Rosita, we'll keep working on it. In the meantime...*yawn* I'm sleepy. Think it's time for me to go to sleep.
Big Bird: Me too.
Bry: Well, I'll be in bed in a minute. Just gonna get finish reading this story with a cup of tea. (goes to open cabinet to find a small Muppet Letter T holding a spoon next to a sugar bowl)
Letter T: One lump or two?
Letter T: (holds out a sugar cube shaped like the number 1) Here ya go!
Bry: Umm...thanks...
Hoots' voice heard "off stage": Muppet Dorms were brought to us today by the Letter T and by the Number 1. Sleep tight!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Good Night everyone! *shuts the door*

Oscar: *pops up* I love it when he does that. Good night you rotten dorms. Heh heh heh heh...*slams trashlid*
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