*The trio had already left, to Beth's room. But Scooter stayed behind, waiting.*
Scooter: Do I still need to go, Renee? I mean, cause Ryan won't be here and everything..
Renee: Yeah...um....maybe you can go and see if Ed or Count might need some help. You know, stay in our room, but um...I just won't be here for too long this week. Going back and forth to the hospital and everything.
Scooter: All right! I'll go see if Ed or Count needs any help with anything!
(OOC: It's just to clear some stuff up and everything. It might be a week or more before I post again in this thread. I'll be lurking around MC, but probably not much posting will be done. Sorry for saddling you with Scooter Ed. If you don't want him, that's fine by me.

Just couldn't think of anyone else to take care of him, unless Beth would be so bold as to watch over him as well. But she also has that churchy thing too. So...I was just at a loss.)
(OOC, Edit'd: Beth did agree to watch over the Trio for me, but she has the church thing, so I doubt she'll be here a whole lot. So the Trio will be off at a music festival or something. And Ed, once more, could you perhaps watch over Scooter for me?)