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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*a knock is heard at the door to room 3*
Red: I'll get it! *opens door to find Rosita with an overnight bag*
Rosita: Hola mi amigos! I've come to stay for a little while!
Beth: Yep, I talked to Bryan and told him we'd love to have you! Come on in!
Rosita: Gracias
Mokey: How are you today?
Rosita: Great! How are you?
Mokey: Good! Here's the airbed, Cantus is the last one who used it, he said it's really comfortable
Rosita: All right! I'll just leave my things here for now.
Beth: So, is Bryan all right Rosita?
Rosita: Si, he is just really busy right now
Beth: I understand how that goes!
Red: Did you like our letter and number of the day last week?
Rosita: Si! You were great! We'll have to do that while I'm here.
Red: Sounds great!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*knocks on door*

Who could that be? :wink: Grover can you answer it?

Grover: Sure thing Kyle. *opens door* Big Bird? Snuffy? Telly?

Big Bird: Hey there Grover.

Grover: Hey there Big Bird.

Snuffy: Why hello there Grover.

Grover: Kyyyyyle?


Grover: Why are Big Bird, Snuffy and Telly at our door?

Because Bryan is going away and They are going to stay with us for awhile until Bryan's gets back.

Grover: For real?!

Telly: Yes. That is right Kyle.

Oh I'm glad to have ya'll abored here.

Big Bird: Us too. Right Snuffy?

Snuffy: Right Bird. Now where do I put my stuff?

Right over there will be alright.

Snuffy: *throws down suitcase* BOOM!

Herry: *comes running in the room* What was that?

Grover: Only Snuffy throwing down his suitcase.

Snuffy: Sorry 'bout that Herry.

Herry: No no it's alright. I was just concern.

Cookie M: Dum de dum de dum...WHOA! Me see big yellow bird and big shaggy elephant.

That's right Cookie. It's Big Bird and Snuffy.

Cookie M: What they doing here?

Big Bird: Staying the night. Bryan away.

Telly: *comes back with Chuckie* And last but not least my hamster, Chuckie. *sits the caged down*

Ok. Guys I really don't have nothing to do today but if ya'll want to clean house with me or whatever. That will be fine.

Big Bird: Me and Snuffy are going to go out and play.

Snuffy: My mom says I need to play more. Strong bones makes the Snuffledoc stay away. Doh ho ho ho ho....

Ok guys. Ya'll be careful. Don't talk to strangers.

Big Bird: *yelling from down the hall* We won't!

Ok. Are you monsters ready to clean?

Monsters: Yea!

Ok. Let's go!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Getting back to the dorms... Well, looks like a few residents are making plans for their roomies to be taken care of should they happen to leave for a while. Good, at least we know who'll be looking after...
*Opens door. Hello Count?
Count: Yes?
Everything OK here?
Count: Yes, just setting up the nest...
Count: Yes, vhile Bryan's away, I wolunteered to look after Hoots. He is after all, a creature of the night is he not?
*Me, in Dr. Teeth voice: Too true, too true.

Listen, are they ready?
Count: The spiders are finishing the last touches now.
Splendid, I'll take them up then. Be back in a bit.

*Leaves to go upstairs and...

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Heads on up to Room #22 and leaves the following for ReneeLouvier's roommates. Hope they like them, thought it'd be the fitting present to them... Seeing as how Renee's given us so much with her stories... And we wish her well with her pending hospital visit/stay.

Jim Henson Muppet has a mountain mauve robe, with shaded lilac sleeves. The robe features lilac trimming, "Jim" written in Kermit green on the front right chest area, an inner pocket for his sketch/songbook, a small rainbow clip attached above his name, "The Country Trio" embroidered in dusty green across the back, and a brown shoulderstrap and case for carrying his banjo.
Frank Oz Muppet has an oceanic breezy blue robe, with foam washed white sleeves. The robe features foamy white trimming, "Frank" written in furry monster blue on the front right chest area, a few Muppaphone ornaments clinging round both ends of the sleeves, "The Country Trio" embroidered in sudsy blue across the back, and a couple of brown straps and backpack for carrying his washtub base.
Jerry Nelson Muppet has a distinguished dark gray robe, with earthen brown sleeves. The robe features brown trimming, "Jerry" written in light Transyl-violet tones, a pocket for his tape recorder radio and headphones, candle ornaments clipped round the waist, "The Country Trio" embroidered in chalky violet across the back, and a brown shoulder strap and case for carrying his guitar.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Up in room 26.........

*watching some tv*

Big Bird: Kyle? Kyle? Oh Kyyyyyyyle?

What is it Big Bird?

Big Bird: I was wondering, can you make a birdseed milkshake?

I don't see why not.

Big Bird: Are you sure you can?

I've made them before. *goes to the kitchen* Ok. One glass. Poor 5 1/2 cups of milk. Right?

Big Bird: Yep. *humming*

Then you add 2 1/2 cups of birdseed. Am I right?

Big Bird: Your making it the same why Bryan makes mine. Your good.

I did learn from the best and he did leave me a recipe. Ok Now I will mix them togther. *mixes drink* There you go. Taste.

Big Bird: *slurp!* That is one good birdseed milkshake. *urp* Excuse me.

That only means that it was good.

(We both laugh)


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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ZOE: Boy!, Peter that was some fun

ELMO: Yeah

PETER: I liked that movie, Will Ferrell was awesome and

ELMO: We went Bowling and Elmo got a strike

ZOE: I'm very good at bowling and Elmo's good at it

ELMO: Are you good at bowling.

PETER: Yeah! and we bowled those Candlepins which are popular in New England

ZOE: Wow!

ELMO: What are we having for Dinner

PETER: I can call for pizza!

ZOE: Yeah!, i would like Pepperoni

ELMO: Cheese

PETER: Pepperoni and Linguica.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Jim: These are wonderful robes, we gotta go and thank Count for these!

Jerry: Yeah, they're beautiful!

Frank: Really nice.

Scooter: He did a great job, like he did on mine!

Renee: *She's talking on the phone right now, and frowning.* ...are you totally sure? ....alright, thanks.

Scooter: *He notices Renee's worried tone of voice, and he pats her on the shoulder.* What's the matter?

Renee: Well, in two weeks, I'll have...to go to the hospital. So...Scooter, you're going to be with Ryan, and Jim, Jerry, and Frank? You'll be with Beth for a week or so.

Jim: When are you going to be leaving?

Renee: Whenever they get the....stuff I need for it. Could be tommorrow, could be in two or three weeks. I don't really know.

Scooter: We'll be waiting for you, you know!

Jerry: We'll also think of you the entire time, that you're in the hospital.

Renee: Thanks, guys. Why don't we go and play some music, liven up everyone's spirits around here?

Everyone: YEAH!

*Renee, Scooter, and The Country Trio, all head out down to the main living room, still in their bathrobes, and they start are a full out-and-out concert. Just for anyone to hear, lively music, and a roaring happy noise.*

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: *enters her room, notices Gillis on the computer* Whatcha up to, Gil?
Gillis: Oh, just reading Renee's latest fic. *reads some more* You know, this Richard chap she keeps mentioning seems awfully familiar...
Kim: ... Think about it, Gillis.
Gillis: *thinks* Oh! Oh, I see! Yes; rather nice of her to do that.
Tosh: *opening the room door and closing it* Wow, Renee and her roommates sure have a heckuva concert going out in the lounge.
Kim: Yeah, they're pretty good aren't they?
Boober: Hey, we're no slouches in the music department, either!
Kim: *sighs* Now, I never said that, Boober. Seriously, put your paranoia on simmer sometime.
Betty Lou: You guys sing?
Boober: We've been known to burst into tune on occasion.
Kim: Yeah...like now.
(slow tempo) I sing the body electric,
I celebrate the me yet to come.
I toast to my own reunion
When I become one with the sun!

Fraggles: (faster tempo) And I'll look back on Venus,
I'll look back on Mars.
I'll burn with the fire of 10 million stars

All: And in time, and in time,
We will all be stars!

Betty Lou & Tosh: I sing the body electric,
I glory in the glow of rebirth.
Creating my own tomorrow
When I shall embody the Earth!

Gillis & Boober: And I'll serenade Venus,
I'll serenade Mars.
I'll burn with the fire of 10 million stars.
And in time, and in time
We will all be stars!

Kim: And I'll look back on Venus,
Tosh & Betty Lou: I'll look back on Mars.
Gillis & Boober: I'll burn with the fire of 10 million stars.
All: And in time, and in time, we will all be stars!

Betty Lou: That was fun!



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Ok. Is everyone comfortable?

Big Bird: Glad you could move my nest, Herry.

Herry: That's why I'm the strongest monster here. Your welcome Big Bird.

Grover: This room is full of monsters.

One bird.

Big Bird: One Snuffleupagus.

Cookie M: One human.

Telly: And one hamter too.

How many is that all togther?

Snuffy: Uh.....*thinking*...one, two, three......uh...

Big Bird:..four....

Herry: Five, six.....

Grover: Seven.

Snuffy: Is it Seven?

Your right Snuffy. Good job. *pats Snuffy on head*

Telly: That means that the todays number is the number 7. *holds one up* Oh I have to go tell Oscar. *gets up and runs out of room*

Telly! Get back here! I don't want to hear him get mad. *runs after Telly*

Snuffy: Bird?

Big Bird: What Snuffy?

Snuffy: I wonder what Bryan and Rosita are doing right now?

Big Bird: Probably having a fun time.

Snuffy: Yep and thinking of us too.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hoots, getting back to the room...: Hee, hee, hee... That's what I call one rocking good time. Jamming with Renee and her band like that. They oughta come down to Birdland some time and perform... Hey, wait a sec. This isn't Bryan's room, what's going...
Count: Ah hello Hoots, and greetings from the Count von Count! Bryan vill be away for a vhile and I said it'd be OK for you to stay vith us here in Room #1 for the time being.

Hoots: Oh, all right... I'm down with that. Think I'll just grab me some liquid libation and fly on out again.
Count: Certainly... Just remember to be back before that nasty morning sun rises. Your nest's set up over here above the window, apart from vhere our bats stay.
Hoots: Bats? Well, makes sense you two dudes would have some of those nighttime boppers. OK...
*Drinks glass of water. Thanks Count, check back with you in the AM.

Count: And a pleasant night to you as vell Hoots.
*Watches the owl leave the same way he came.
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