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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Big Bird and Snuffy walking to the video store

Snuffy: Uh Bird?

Big Bird: Yea?

Snuffy: Can we sing the Map song on the way?

Big Bird: Sure thing Snuffy.

(music starts)

Big Bird: When theres some place
you want to be but your not quite
sure where your going

Snuffy: Oh yea!

Big Bird: It's so easy to look and see
on a map

Snuffy: This a way. *points his snuffle*

Big Bird: On a Map. If were here I bet
that great big square is the dorms right
across the street and beside it on our
map right there is the bike shop

Snuffy: Wow! This is neat.

Big Bird: On the corner is a bus stop sign
Here it is just like the picture says
If was turn and walk in a stight line
Well find the tire shop stight ahead

Snuffy: YEA! *scatting*

Big Bird: When theres some place
you want to go but your not
quite sure how to get there
Here's a tip thats so great to know
Use a map

Snuffy: Use a map!

(music stops)

Big Bird: Look. It's the video store!

Snuffy & Big Bird: We did it! *laughs*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Knock on the door to Room #1.
Yes, who is it?
*Opens door to find...

Scooter: Hi Ed... Renee sent me down here for the time being.
Oh hey Scooter, come on in.

Scooter: So what you up to chief?
Well, just taking a break fright now.
Hoots is sleeping in his nest, and I think Uncle Deadly's off reading one of Renee's stories, he loves them so.
Scooter: Yeah, I think I know why.

Scooter: So, any plans?
*Holding out clipboard and taking notes.

Yep... Let's see what we've got to do.
TV shows this afternoon and of course on Saturday morning.
Take care of my nails and beard and shower, hopefully later today.
Keep working on the Muppet Listing, the S file is next, that's the backbraker at 400 entries or more.

Scooter: Uh huh... Mmm, why are your figures set down on the shelves like this?
Oh, that's part of the to-do list as well. Gathering the equipment to photograph the whole thing all over again.
And then there's a certain counting project I'm working on from time to time, but I keep ramming my head against it.
Scooter: Why's that?
Cause... Each time I get something going, my mind feels unsatisfied and I wreck what I've done to start anew.
Scooter: Uh huh, I see. Well, why don't you simplify and tailor them to...

Shhhh, the Count's coming back. Don't want him to hear bout this, a surprise of sorts for whenever it's ready.
Scooter: Gotcha boss.

*Still relaxing, knock if you guys need me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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Hey guyes, I'm a little late but hopefully I have not missed too much fun...

Anyway, me and my roomie Emmet Otter enter threw the main doors, chatting away marrily. Exept when we enter, my voice seems to echo off the walls and I get embaressed 'cause I seem to loud... I bite my lip and look down at Emmet for a second before I notice the main desk.
...And there is no one behind it...
So we continue talking and reach the desk then we think for a second.

"What should we do?"

Emmet suggests that I should ring the little bell and so I do with a sly smile.

Now all I have to do is sit back and wait...


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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A song breaks out

(Residents of the Muppet Dorms, featuring Pops, Scooter, Rizzo, Grover, Lew Zealand, Rowlf, Swedish Chef, Sam the Eagle, and most of the Electric Mayhem, Kermit, Gonzo, Pepe, Oscar, Big Bird, Snuffy, Mokey, Red and others welcome Daughterdeadly and Emmet Otter )

Pops: *pops up* HEY! Somebody's checking in!

The Dormies: (emerging from their rooms): Somebody's checking in????!

(Music commences)

Pops: Oh there's a fire in the fireplace there's carpet on the floor
If you try to order dinner, please hope you order more
But if the road's been kind of bumpy and you need to rest a spell

The Dormies: Well, welcome home, to the Muppet Dorms Hotel.

(Dialogue) Pops: Where do you guys want to live?
daughterdeadly: What are our choices?
Pops: A) Room 2, b) room 8, c) Or the others that I didn't name off?
Emmet: We'll take "c."
Pops: Very popular choice.

Scooter: If you got luggage keep it handy but you're runnin' out of luck
Cause the bellhops ain't too organized and the elevator's stuck

Rizzo: So if you don't mind friendly animals and can learn to stand the smell

The Dormies: Well, welcome home, to the Muppet Dorms Hotel.

(Dialogue) Emmet: Y'know, I may be mistaken but the bellhops look like bats.
Count Von Count: You should see the chambermaids!

(a couple of bats fly by)

The Dormies: Welcome home (welcome home),
Welcome home (welcome home),
No matter where you wander you will never do as well

Grover: Okay, the lobby's looking cute and it's got a nice set up

Big Bird: And the whole place was build by Sully and Biff.

Mokey: Still the management is cheerfull and the whole place isn't still

The Dormies: Well, welcome home, to the Muppet Dorms Hotel.

(Dialogue)Daughterdeadly: You guys live here?

Floyd: Yeah, but only between classes, so that means we've been here this time...what?...three years?

Ed: Uh just about but we're still trying to get our Jacuzzis back.

(Animal takes this opportunity to scream and growl furiously: RARGHHH!)

Emmet Otter: What's wrong with that guy?

Daughterdeadly: I think he's mad about the jucuzzi too.

Emmet Otter: Oh.

Count Von Count(with Frida & the Bats):
Oh, there are fraggles (there are fraggles)
And there are monsters (there are monsters)

Red: Sure, we have our little problems but you'll never have to wait.

Daughterdeadly: You got every kind of critter,

Emmet Otter: You got every kind of pest,

Kyle: But we treat 'em all as equals just like any other person

The Dormies: Though you're cleaner than the others, still as far as we can tell, You'll fit right in at Muppet Dorms Hotel!

Daughterdeadly and Emmet: We'll fit right in at the Muppet Dorms Hotel!!

(music ends)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Wow Kyle... That was great!
Count: Yes... But who's Frida?

Hey daughterdeadly, welcome to the MC Dorms. Come on, I'll show you to your room.
*Grabs key from marble number 8 and leads new residents past set of double doors.

Just gotta go through this set first... There's a stairwell down to our right, thinking of having it replaced though. And now, through the second set of double doors, and we're in the hallway of the second floor. You see that big room in front of us? That's the common room. Carpets with different patterns tell you which floor you're on, think this one has white chickens on it. Oscar's trashcan is in the back left corner and a furnace in the back right.
*We head towards the furnace... This furnace's how we get around... See, there's a dumbwaiter elevator inside.
*All get inside and ride downstairs. OK, here we are on the first floor or basement floor as we call it. Just a turn to the right, and your room's the first one on our righthand side.
*Hands the key to Emmett. OK guys, your bags will be here shortly... If Aaron brings them down, if not the bats will do so. Don't forget to post a descript of what your room looks like, according to each of your tastes... And when you get the chance, please send me the design idea for your dorm members robe, one for you daughterdeadly and one for your roommate.

Hope you have fun and welcome to the MC Dorms!

Oh yeah... You might want to indicate extraneous or non-verbal actions by marking that bit of text with a * as I've done above.
Again, welcome!
*Walks off to Room #1.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Hey guys, is everyone comfortable here with all the moving around and stuff?
Red: We're fine!
Rosita: Yes, I've been sleeping on the airbed and Cantus is sleeping on the couch
Cantus: Since I come and go quite a bit I thought I'd just crash over there to make things easier
Beth: Well, I'm sorry I haven't been here much for you guys, I've been crazed with the show!
Mokey: We understand, don't worry!
Rosita: Yeah, we've been doing fine
Beth: Glad to hear it. I hope Ryan and Bryan will be back soon, but this works out kind of nice, Red and Mokey have some company while I'm in and out this weekend!
Red: Yeah, it's pretty cool!
Beth: So did the swim meet get moved again?
Red: Yeah, with so much going on we thought we'd try again next weekend
Beth: Cool! We were going to have the Country Trio here with us too while Renee's in the hospital, but I guess they went on tour
Mokey: Oh that's too bad, the more the merrier around here!
Beth: Well, it certainly seems everything here is under control so I will not worry about anything!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK guys... Gonna be working here on the list, painters might be in tomorrow and don't know if I'll be able to get to the computer. If so, we'll just go on a bit of a trip to some other place.
Scooter: Here are the tickets boss.
Thanks Scooter.
UD: Ah, that boy seems to take care of the dorms just as well as the theater.
Scooter: Yeah, shame my uncle doesn't own this place, but...

Uh guys, let's concentrate on getting some lunch.
UD: Doubts about the castle again Ed?
How'd you... Yeah, but looking at the names I have stored and the way I want them to look in my mind... Think I'll try to keep going. Besides, it gives me something to aim over at the Palisades boards.
Count: Aren't those dead now?
UD: Someone say "dead"?
No, those boards are active, just wanna see if I got what it takes to get 100K posts and gather all the titles.

Oh well, come on let's get some lunch.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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AHHHHHH*collapsing on my bed* I'm tired.
Prairie:I wonder what it is about bowling that tires you out so much?
Dunno *sigh* The ball's so darn heavy,that's the truth.
Prairie:Can't you get a lighter ball?What size do you use?
In answer to your first question,if there was one available I'd get it. Normally I use an 8 pounder.But lately there's only been 10 pounders. So I use a 10 pounder. That's the answer to question 2. I bowl 2 games.In the first game I do great!But by the third frame of the second game I start fading out..
Prairie:Awww. Why don't you take a rest for a bit?
Yeah...I think I will.See ya later


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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*Looks to the kind...bats who helped bring up me stuff*

Daughterdeadly: Um,thanks...

I guess I'll post the desription now.

First of all the walls are white, but to dress it up a bit there are retro turquoise, blue, and light green circles drilled onto the walls so that they stick out and put you in a 70s like mood.
Anyway,when you first enter, from your place at the doorway, there are (on your right) mine and Emmet's beds. The sheets on my bed have retro flowers with blue and light green circles over lapping and seeming almost 3D all over. On top my bed right now is my cd player with a small yellow bag like thing containing all my cds next to it. Also my oldest stuffed animal, Foofer the blue dog sits on my pillow.
Emmet's bed has red sheets with dark blue lines going criss cross through it, it looks retro but still has that country feel.
In beetween our beds is a small rug with nutreal red,tan,and dark blue colors in it's design. That is where we usually keep our slippers, on that rug or beside it.
Beside each of our beds there is a wooden table with a pull out drawer. On top of mine is my laptop with the screen being a picture of Kermit singing "Rainbow Connection" in the swamp. Next to that on the table there are two picture frames. One has a tall frame and it's wooden with a picture of moi in it...and the other is a small heart shaped one with pink, purple, and light blue jewels decorating it. Inside of it there is a picture of me and the group of P.A.S.T.E...aka a bunch of muppet obbsessed freaks who...write stories.
Inside the drawer I have a sketch book, tons of pencils (with chewed tops...),about 3 throw away cameras and one video cam that also takes pictures., and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Emmet's drawer is alot more organized. On top of it he has a picture of him, his pa, and his ma...no doubt it is an old photo though, seeing that...pa is in it. He also has a copy of the bible with a cross necklace on top of it wich is his mom's. Inside his drawer he has pictures of his friends and some paper,a guitar pick or two, and a small flash light that he uses to read with at night.
Anyway on the opposite wall there is a large chest of drawers pushed all the way to the left hand corner where we keep our clothes. On top of it are some of my scrap books and a record player (just to show how up to date me and Emmet are...)
A few feet away from that and in the middle of the room is a small table with a tv on top of it. It's the kind where you can insert tapes and dvds into the bottom of it. On top of the tv is a stack of only some of my movies. Then a few feet from that is the closet. Also on the wall opposite of the doorway there is a small work table with a lamp. And last but not least, closer to Emmet's bed there is a window with a window seat so that I can sit beside it and draw by the light of the sun.

That's pretty much it I guess...exept for we have bean bags and different colored blankets in the middle of the room to lounge on.

Alright now I'm done...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Well, life is finally back to normal for me now that the show is over!
Red: Did you have fun though?
Beth: Yeah, I'm just glad to be back to normal
Mokey: Did you see that there are new dormies?
Beth: Yeah, Emmet Otter and Daughterdeadly right?
Mokey: Right!
Rosita: We should do something nice to welcome them, we could have a fiesta!
Beth: While that would be nice, I don't think we've got time to throw a party
Rosita: Ok, how about we bring them some cookies?
Beth: That sounds good. Hey, where's Cantus?
Mokey: Out and about somewhere as usual
Beth: All right, I hadn't seen any signs of Ryan being back yet so I thought I'd ask
Red: So, should we go make some cookies?
Beth: Sure, let's go!
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