Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well... That's one exam down and one more to go. Looking forward to getting back to the dorms though.
And the best thing of all is that I finally have decided on the surprise for my roomie. Oh, and you guys are invited to watch the Muppet Christmas specials I got this weekend if you want. And good luck with the play.


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Sep 18, 2003
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Sure, I'll bring along my recently bought copy of Emmet Otter, unless you already have a copy.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Bring it anyway if you want G-Man. Got the unedited version in the library, along with unedited Christmas Toy and almost complete MFC.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Telly and Rosita, you are joining Hoots in that Baby Jesus pageant thing?
Telly: Yeah, they needed people so we decided to help out.
Bry: Okay, cuz you know that Prairie is going to write a new play and I said I would help her write some of it. You are all welcome to join that one too.
Rosita: Oh boy! So many plays.
Telly: I love culture.
Rosita: Hehe!
Bry: Hey, I was just thinking how fun it was having Red and Mokey stay with us over the weekend.
Big Bird: Yeah, I like them a lot.
Telly: I just can't believe they didn't know about Christmas!
Bry: Well, different people celebrate different things, Telly. Remember Mr. Hooper? He was Jewish and celebrated Hannukah.
Big Bird: That's right.
Telly: Oh yeah!
Hoots: But as far as I know, whatever we all celebrate during this time, they all have something in common.
Telly: What's that, Mr. Hoots?
Hoots: Being together with those you care most about and celebrating joy and peace.
Rosita: That's right!
Big Bird: Well, whatever it is, I think those Fraggles have their holidays messed up. I just found a colored Easter egg in my nest.
Telly: Hey, I did too!
Rosita: Si, me too!
Hoots: Yep! And it looks like Stinky's got one too.
Stinky: It's so nice to be included, but I hope they didn't feel obligated.
Bry: Hey, you know, I got one too, but this isn't an Easter egg.
Telly: What is it?
Bry: It's a pebble.
Big Bird: A pebble?
Bry: Yeah, I think this is a Fraggle pebble. They must have left them for us.
Rosita: Muy bonito. It is very pretty.
Telly: I think Zoe has one of these, but it's not as colorful.
Bry: That's because what Zoe has is just a rock.
Hoots: Hehehe!
Bry: But anyway, these pebbles are part of a special Fraggle tradition that they have during the holidays. You should ask them about it sometime. Well, anyway...let's go get some lunch.


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Jan 31, 2005
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Red *standing outside of Bryan's room giggling*: I can't wait to tell Mokey that they found our pebbles! I'm going to have to ask Big Bird what an Easter egg is now though. Oh well. *skips back to room 3*


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <sigh,> Six finals down, and one to go! Rowlf, I don't suppose you'd wanna help me study for psychology?
Rowlf: At the moment, I'm a little busy, but-
Lisa: That's okay! I should pack. Oh, and do laundary! And wrap presents, and... sheesh, how does this time of year always get so hectic?
Chef: Vell I knoo ixectly hoo! Ell zeese-a sveets und treets und cekes und cuukeees und yoommy-yoommeees I hefe-a tu beke-a fur zee huleedeys, und iferybudy vunts zeem fresh und sufft und guuey und hutsy-tutsy frum zee oofee! <shakes head>
Lisa: Aw chef, not everything has to be fresh from the oven when it's served! ...It's usually better then, but it doesn't have to be! We know that, there's only so many ovens... try to relax a little.
Rowlf: Well you're certainly relaxed, Lisa.
Lisa: Of course I am! I'm done with most of my finals! Of course I still have other responsabilities to take care of, but... <shrug> It's life, it gets done... I should actually start packing though... <pulls out suitcase>
Robin: <comes in> Hi guys! Look what I made in Frog Scouts!
Lisa: Lemme see, Robin- Wow, what a cool wreath!
Rowlf: Hey, we should hang right here under the window.
Robin: That'll look great!
Lisa: Well, I'll let you two take care of that... <goes back to packing and starts singing> La da da da da da, da da, Yai dai dai dai dai dai! La da da da da da, da da, la dada dada da... The promise of excitement, is one the week will keep. After all, there's only two more sleeps till pre-con!
Robin: Pre-con?
Lisa: Pre-con! Pre-Convention! What convention? International Convention! Me and a whole huge ginormous group of my fellow jewish teenagers from all across the US and Canada, all spending a total of a week in Philedalphia! It's going to be so awesome... I've told you about it, haven't I? That's why you guys are gonna be with Prawnie for a while...
Rowlf: Yes, you've told us... I thought you were upset about missing Christmas with your family?
Lisa: I am. But I'm also SO excited about spending a whole week with my youth group! It's gonna be so much fun, there's gonna be ruach and davening and food and dances and random bursts of crazy teenage enthusiasm!!!!!! And there won't be any sleep, at least none worth mentioning, and they'll be trying to brainwash us like they always are. That's part of what makes it fun! But in the meantime, I need to get good and grounded in reality- Let's watch MCC.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ah, tis good to be back home at the dorms. One exam down, one left on Friday to go. And then I'll be free, for a couple of weeks anyway.

Hey Count?
Count: Yes?
What say we do some decorating 'round this place.
Count: Thought you'd never ask.
And maybe we can sing a little counting song as well.

*Music starts in the background.
*Taking out box of Muppet ornaments from last year...

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree.
*Hangs wreath around the door's outer peephole.

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me.
Count: 2 turtle doves.
Me: And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
3 French hens.
Count: 2 turtle doves.
Me: And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Count: 4 calling birds.
Me: 3 French hens.
Count: 2 turtle doves.
Me: And a partridge in a pear tree.

*Musical interlude as garlands are tacked to the walls inside our room.

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Count: 5 golden rings.
Me: 4 calling birds.
Count: 3 French hens.
Me: 2 turtle doves.
Count: And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
6 geese a-laying.
Count: 5 golden rings!
Me: 4 calling birds.
Count: 3 French hens.
Me: 2 turtle doves.
Count: And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Count: 7 swans a-swimming.
Me: 6 geese a-laying.
Count: 5 golden rings.
Me: 4 calling birds.
Count: 3 French hens.
Me: 2 turtle doves.
Count: And a partridge in a pear tree.

*More music as the Muppet figurines are added to the boughs with winter white ribbons.

On the eigth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
8 maids a-milking.
Count: 7 swans a-swimming.
Me: 6 Geese a-laying.
Count: 5 golden rings.
Me: 4 calling birds.
Count: 3 French hens.
Me: 2 turtle doves.
Count: And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Count: 9 ladies dancing.
Me: 8 maids a-milking.
Count: 7 swans a-swimming.
Me: 6 Geese a-laying.
Count: 5 golden rings.
Me: 4 calling birds.
Count: 3 French hens.
Me: 2 turtle doves.
Count: And a partridge in a pear tree.

*The Christmas lights are added, nine in total of course, to the wreath outside our door.

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
10 lords a-leaping.
Count: 9 ladies dancing.
Me: 8 maids a-milking.
Count: 7 swans a-swimming.
Me: 6 Geese a-laying.
Count: 5 golden rings.
Me: 4 calling birds.
Count: 3 French hens.
Me: 2 turtle doves.
Count: And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Count: 11 pipers piping.
Me: 10 lords a-leaping.
Count: 9 ladies dancing.
Me: 8 maids a-milking.
Count: 7 swans a-swimming.
Me: 6 Geese a-laying.
Count: 5 golden rings.
Me: 4 calling birds.
Count: 3 French hens.
Me: 2 turtle doves.
Count: And a partridge in a pear tree.

*Candy canes are placed by the hooks outside our door, near some of the sprigs next to the bats' cubicles, and some are placed in a bundle for handing out later.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
*The verse goes on as usual, but with some friends standing outside...

Link: 12 fiddlers fiddling.
Hoots: 11 pipers piping.
Telly: 10 lords a-leaping.
Prairie: 9 ladies dancing.
Rowlf: 8 maids a-milking.
Grover: 7 swans a-swimming.
Mokey: 6 geese a-laying.
Piggy: 5 golden rings!
Uncle Deadly: 4 calling birds.
Gonzo: 3 French hens.
Dr. Teeth: 2 turtle doves.
Count and me together: And 1 partridge in a pear tree.
*Music ends and we turn around to find... Hey! Great to see everybody, hope you have a happy holidays.
*Starts handing out candy canes. BTW: The Muppet ornament/figurines are the ones from last year's MC Christmas party.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Renee: *Comes back inside the dorms after an emergency weekend away at her parents. She sees the robe hanging on the lamppost outside her door, she picks it up smiling.* Aw. I have to thank Count for such a beautiful robe!! *Sees Miss Piggy has already gotten her own robe.*

Piggy: "Well, you're finally back...took ya long enough didn't it?"

Renee: "My Grandparents have gotten sick Piggy. I told you already. But they're better now."

Piggy: "That's good."


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Elmo and Zoe, are you Okay!

ELMO: It's too bad we didn't get to be in a part of a play, but I'm okay

ZOE: Me Too!

PETER: I'am too busy with other things, all sorts of stuff

ELMO: That's Okay, We Still Get to Watch the pageant (Elmo feeds Dorothy)

ZOE: Peter, Me and Elmo got you a early christmas present

PETER: What is it?

ELMO: Open it

PETER: Okay!, whoa Jelly Belly jellybeans

ZOE: You must like Jelly Bellys

PETER: and Zoe, Elmo and I got you this present

ZOE: Thanks Peter, oooh!, it is a pair of ballet slippers and a Nutcracker DVD

PETER: You must love Ballet, Zoe and you remember everything,

ZOE: Yeah

PETER: and Elmo, me and Zoe got you this present

ELMO: Thanks, Peter, whoa!, a Boston Red Sox jersey, it says Big Papi! David Ortiz, yeah and a baseball hat saying the Red Sox and Oh My Word, Peter, you got us tickets to opening day at Fenway Park.

PETER: Cool!, maybe you can do an Elmo's World segment on baseball

ELMO: (laughs), oh Peter, you're so funny

PETER: Night Night! Elmo and Zoe

ZOE: Night Night! Elmo and Peter

ELMO: Night! Night! Zoe and Peter!

EVERYONE (ELMO, ZOE AND PETER): We're in the Festive Mood!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Gonzo: Ryan, what are you doing?

I'm trying to flush my biology book down the toilet.

Gonzo: Finals huh?


Gonzo: Well, I'd give up on the toilet thing, I mean, I'm about the same thickness as your book, and I tried to flush myself once and it didn't work.

Good grief...Well, look at the bright side, Rowlf, Robin, and The Chef are coming to stay with us on Thursday.

Gonzo: And people say I'm insane...

Well, Cantus is leaving Thursday too, so we'll room...
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