Lisa: <sigh,> Six finals down, and one to go! Rowlf, I don't suppose you'd wanna help me study for psychology?
Rowlf: At the moment, I'm a little busy, but-
Lisa: That's okay! I should pack. Oh, and do laundary! And wrap presents, and... sheesh, how does this time of year always get so hectic?
Chef: Vell I knoo ixectly hoo! Ell zeese-a sveets und treets und cekes und cuukeees und yoommy-yoommeees I hefe-a tu beke-a fur zee huleedeys, und iferybudy vunts zeem fresh und sufft und guuey und hutsy-tutsy frum zee oofee! <shakes head>
Lisa: Aw chef, not everything has to be fresh from the oven when it's served! ...It's usually better then, but it doesn't have to be! We know that, there's only so many ovens... try to relax a little.
Rowlf: Well you're certainly relaxed, Lisa.
Lisa: Of course I am! I'm done with most of my finals! Of course I still have other responsabilities to take care of, but... <shrug> It's life, it gets done... I should actually start packing though... <pulls out suitcase>
Robin: <comes in> Hi guys! Look what I made in Frog Scouts!
Lisa: Lemme see, Robin- Wow, what a cool wreath!
Rowlf: Hey, we should hang right here under the window.
Robin: That'll look great!
Lisa: Well, I'll let you two take care of that... <goes back to packing and starts singing> La da da da da da, da da, Yai dai dai dai dai dai! La da da da da da, da da, la dada dada da... The promise of excitement, is one the week will keep. After all, there's only two more sleeps till pre-con!
Robin: Pre-con?
Lisa: Pre-con! Pre-Convention! What convention? International Convention! Me and a whole huge ginormous group of my fellow jewish teenagers from all across the US and Canada, all spending a total of a week in Philedalphia! It's going to be so awesome... I've told you about it, haven't I? That's why you guys are gonna be with Prawnie for a while...
Rowlf: Yes, you've told us... I thought you were upset about missing Christmas with your family?
Lisa: I am. But I'm also SO excited about spending a whole week with my youth group! It's gonna be so much fun, there's gonna be ruach and davening and food and dances and random bursts of crazy teenage enthusiasm!!!!!! And there won't be any sleep, at least none worth mentioning, and they'll be trying to brainwash us like they always are. That's part of what makes it fun! But in the meantime, I need to get good and grounded in reality- Let's watch MCC.