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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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I wonder how Grover is doing?

Herry: Probably better then us. Having people wait on him and stuff.

Cookie M: Me have that before. Me order cookies and a man brought them to me. They good cookies too.

I'm glad your taking this so well Cookie.

Cookie M: Me have to. Me not want to be a cry monster and get me way all time.

Herry: Your one happy monster, Cookie.

Cookie M: Me have good friends. That why. *hugs us all*

Oscar:*outside of door* Hey?! What's going on in there?

We're hugging each other. Come in and get some.

Oscar: NO WAY! I hate hugs!

*opens door* Not us tho.'

*we all hug Oscar*

Oscar: *while still being hugged* This is what happens to a grouch if he live with happy people. *groans*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Are you guys ready to go to Emeril's?
Rosita: Si, I am so excited!
Telly: Hey, we should call Elmo to see if he is riding with us. Grover left the other day.
Rosita: I will call their room. (calls Elmo's room) Hola, Elmo. This is Rosita calling, and Telly and I were wondering if you were going to ride with us to the Emeril Show. We are leaving today. Call us back. Bye!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <hanging up phone> Holy shnikes... Hoooooooooooooooly shnikes and mosquitos....
Robin: Is something wrong, Lisa?
Lisa: <rubs head> Mm... yeah, yeah, something... oy....
Chef: Vhet's zee metter?
Lisa: <sits down> A, uh... a friend of... uh... <deep breath> A good friend of my family was... I guess he was on his motorcycle today and uh... a deer jumped out in front of him, and... he hit the deer, which... well, a motorcycle and deer is, uh... well, it's a bad combination, so... He's in the hospital, I- I guess he's okay, but he's pretty banged up and... and kind of... out of it, I guess, he doesn't remember being- on the motorcycle, or... anything... um. They're not really sure what's wrong, they're doing a CAT scan... and, uh... that's all I know.
Robin: But he's gonna be okay, right?
Lisa: I... I think so. .....Dang it, why.... <throws pillow> HAVEN'T THEY HAD ENOUGH BAD LUCK?!? For crying out Pete...
Chef: Vhy, vhet oozeer bed loock hefe-a zeey hed?
Lisa: Just, like... oy! A few... meh, more than a few years ago, but... He already had a bad car accident and ended up getting... basically kicked out of a partnership because of it, then they had a, a business, and they had to close it a couple years ago, their daughter just had a car accident last week- EXACTLY a week ago! And that was a couple thousand dollars damage and the kid who caused it was a jerk about it and- WHY? I mean they're such... ugh, the whole... "why do bad things happen to good people" stuff... <sigh>. I... I don't mean to yell, I just... gotta vent, I guess...
Rowlf: <coming in> Hey guys- woah. Something wrong?
Chef: One-a ooff Leese's femeely's freeends ves oon hees muturcycle-a und he-a heet a deer. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!
Rowlf: ...A dear what?
Lisa: ...Rowlf?
Rowlf: Not the time, I know. Just trying to lighten the mood.
Lisa: <nods> Well... Dad's on his way to the hospital... <sigh> And I guess all I can do is hope for the best, and go on to do my homework like nothing's happened. ....<gets up and paces room> <picks up stress ball> This stinks. ....This STINKS! <throws stress ball against wall> <blink blink> <sigh> I gotta do my homework...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Lisa... At least your friend was lucky enough to survive. Saw something on the news the other day about deer crash fatalities... They're saying to be extremely careful now in November, since it's mating season. And those dumb bucks will do anything to get as much, well you know... Even running clear across a four-lane highway causing all sorts of havoc.

It'll be OK, I hope. And you got friends here to talk to if you need it dear.
But a dear what? And why's there so much mail for this Bill guy?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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baba said:
*baba walks to brys room and knocks on door

baba:can i come to the emeril show with pops and sweetums
Bry: Hey, Baba. Actually, Rosita, Telly, Elmo and Grover were invited as guests to be on Emeril Live this Friday, so that is why they are going. Sorry. I hope you will watch on TV with the rest of us here at the dorms.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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LISA!!! I have just the cure! Lisa, meet Cantus Fraggle,

Cantus: I am Cantus, and I'll be playing you a song for feeling better,

Every place I go,
No one seems to know,
Everything is always the same.
Still I need trust,
In the best of us.


Can't we change the rules of the game?
It's time for everyone.
Time to live as one.
Watching here and there,
No one seems to care.


We could tear the whole thing apart.
Can't we pay the price?
Make a sacrifice?
Know we're different right from the start?


It's time for everyone.
Time to live as one.
It's time for everyone.
Time to live as one.


Needle fights the thread,
Baker works the bread.
Wind and wave make war and sea.
Nature knows the way.

Shows it everyday.
To join us though we still disagree.


It's time for everyone.
Time to live as one.
It's time for everyone.
Time to live as one.
It's time for everyone.
Time to live as one.

I hope that made you feel better Lisa! Man, I love having a musician in my room!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <runs around and gives everyone a hug or two or ten> Thank you, Danke, Merci, Gracias, and Todah! I would keep thanking, but I'm out of languages. That is exactly what I needed! ...Well, that, and my favorite teddy bear, of course. <Aside to Ed> Glad someone still remembers ol' Bill... here, have an extra hug for that. <hug>


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Rosita: Well, I guess Elmo already left. Oh well. We'll see him over there with Grover. You ready, Telly?
Telly: As ready as I'll ever be!
Bry: You guys have everything you need?
Telly: Yep! All packed! I'm even bring my triangle cheese grator.
Bry: Okay, have good time.
(hugs them)
Big Bird: Yeah, we'll be watching!
Telly: Thanks. Bye, everyone!
Rosita: Adios!

(watching the monsters off)
Snuffy: Well, they're off.
Bry: It sure is gonna be quite around here without them...even for a day.
Big Bird: Yeah.
Stinky: (shouting as usual) You said it!!
(all 3 turn to Stinky)
Snuffy: Oh, dear...

Big Bird: Well, anyway...I'm gonna go see how Lisa is doing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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I am going to give you even more hugs. I just can't think of what else I could say. [{*******HUGE HUGS ********}]
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