Rosita: Gosh, I hope I didn't offend RedDragon back there.
Telly: (passing by Rosita in the hall) La de dum dum dum...Oh hey, Rosita! We were wondering what happened to you.
Rosita: Hi, Telly. I'm fine. Just doing my rounds.
Telly: Does it really take that long to hug everyone in the dorms. Not that many people here ya know.
Rosita: It's not just the people, Telly. It's everything around us. The trees, the flowers, the air around us. Even the cute little lint balls on your fur. The little things too that we always take for granted. So...I got a bit distracted is all. Now, who is next on my list...(pulls out peice of paper).
Telly: have a list??
Rosita: Of course, Telly. I can't remember everybody in my head. Oh, Ed and the Count are next, and then Prawnie and his roommates.
Telly: Pepe?
Rosita: No, Ryan, but Pepe will get his turn. Hehe. (knock on Ed and COunt's room) *knock knock* Hey Eduardo! (gives Ed a big hug) Thanks for the great party. You are good at keeping everything organized around here. And Count, I have a special present for you. (gives Count a hug and then starts to kiss him on the cheek a bunch of times...) uno beso, dos besos, tres bessos...
Telly: Uhh....Rosita, I think that's enough. You will be here forever!
Rosita: Oh right. I will stop at three. Adios!! Next...Ryan's room. You wanna come too?
Telly: Oh...umm...I'd love to, Rosita but that Uncle guy that lives with him kinda creeps me out. err...umm....I'll see you back at the room. (goes back to rm 29)
Rosita: Hmm...ok. (peeks into RYan's room) Anyone here? Hi, Ryan! Just thought I'm just dropping by to give friendly greetings to everyone. Hi, Clifford, Hi Gonzo, hi Uncle Scary Man! (Hugs all of them at once) Ryan, I hope you are coming along with your stories. Lisa is expecting some good things to read from what I hear. No pressure, mi amigo. Have a good evening, boys! (exits)