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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Gonzo: Wow! Cool firework.

Yeah pretty neat. Man this was a great party! But I need to get back upstairs and write some more fan-fic.

UD: Ahh, yes, and a beautiful story it is Ryan.

Thanks UD.

Clifford: Hey man, you gonna stand here all day? Or write some more?

Lew: Hey Ryan wait a minute!

Yeah Lew what is it?

Lew: We're all leavin'!

Mahna Mahna: Mahna Mahna!

Ed: Bye dude!

Ok, well it was great you guys could make it! Hey where's Eduardo?

Lew: Oh, his typing is in white.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Rosita: Hey, Pepe is moving in?? Yay!!! Hello, Shrimpy! I am so glad you are heere! (Grabs Pepe and squeezes him really tight to her chest and petting him) I love you...*Smoooooooch* hehe.
Bry: Umm, Rosita...let the guy breathe.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <walking by carrying another laundry basket> Yes, wonderful fire works. And yes, prawncracker, you SHOULD go write and POST more fanfic!

Rowlf: Lisa?

Lisa: Yes?

Rowlf: Can't you keep your nagging to the fanfic threads?

Lisa: Well I could, but then it's not nearly as effective. Now if you'll excuse me, I have clean clothes to put away and a paragraph to write on why Edgar Allen Poe's The Black Cat is a gothic tale. <walks away>

Chef: ...vhy dues she-a hefe-a tu vreete-a a vhule-a peregreph? Duesn't zee fect thet it's by Idger Ellee Pue-a prufe-a thet it's derk und scery?

Rowlf: Beats me.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey, here's an update for the dorms registry and robes...

Room #56: G-Man (Gerard) and Rizzo the Rat and Pepe the King Prawn.
And here's the missing robe descript.
Pepe the King Prawn has a fiery red bodied robe, with sparking yellow sleeves. The robe features sparked yellow trimming, a few rings of orange flames round the tops of the shoulders, a cross maracas emblem on the front chest area, the phrase "I'm Not a Shrimp, I Am a King Prawn, Hokay." in burning black lettering across the back, and an inner pocket for hiding his deck of marked playing cards.

Hope to hear from the rest of you... Nyssa, Beth, and Kate respectively soon. Have a good night.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Hey Ed, sent you a PM with a robe idea for Mokey (assuming it's still ok she moves in with us).
Red: I'm so excited to have you live with us Mokey!
Mokey: I'm glad to be living with the both of you!

Red: Do you know Prairie Dawn? She's my real good friend here, you'll really like her.
Mokey: I've seen her around. I can't wait to meet her.
Red: I don't suppose you want to be on the cheerleading team?
Mokey: Oh Red, you know me, I'd rather write for the school paper or maybe join the Art Club
Red: Just thought I'd ask
Beth: So ladies, do we have all of Mokey's stuff here?
Mokey: I think we got everything. Now I just have to unpack.
Beth: Oh it could be a long night...better put some popcorn on!
Room description coming tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*bullhorn* HELLO OUT THERE IN DORMS LAND! TIME FOR THE PLAY! *talks normal* Everyone to their spots!

*anything muppets come and set the stage and get the music and curtains up and ready*

Does everyone have their costumes ready?

Grover: Cheak.

Herry: Cheak.

Ernie: Cheak.

Bert: Cheak.

Cookie M: Cheak.

Oscar are you ready?

Oscar: Nope!

Why not?

Oscar: I hate this play!

*takes bullhorn out* GET OUT THERE AND LEARN YOUR LINES!

Oscar: Ok. *slams trashlid and runs out to the deck/stage*


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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The deck/stage is set and ready!

Ok Prairie were ready.

Prairie: Ok Kyle. *starts the piano music*

“Welcome, oh welcome to our little play we are so very glad that you joined us on this very special occasion today, to celebrate our 1st Muppet Dorms, Anni-vers-ary . So come with me and my worker friend Herry to the site of the old building.”

“We are the contractors who look at old buildings, to see if they need work done to them.” says Herry and Prairie.

“Here we are, Prairie.” says Herry.
“It is old and rotten and falling apart.” says Prairie.
“Yea, you can even say it is not to well down.” says Herry.

(Ernie plays the building He’s has a cardboard cut of a building. Its on his face)

“You must be the workers who are here to help me, to make me all handsome and nice looking.” says Ernie laughing.

“Oh yes we are and were here to help you but first we must clean you through and through and through and through and…..,” said Herry.

“That’s enough throughs Herry.” says Grover.

“Ok.” says Herry.

“Clean, clean, sweep, clean, clean, sweep.” says Prairie.
“Now on to painting. Which we will bush and stroke so to make you look very hot.” says Herry.
“Hot?” ask Prairie.
“That is only word that rhymed.” says Herry.

“Hurry Bert and Cookie Monster.” says Prairie.

“Coming.” says Bert.
“Yea coming ha ha ha..”says Cookie Monster.

(Cookie and Bert come dressed in painter clothes)

“We are the painters, who paint old buildings. We paint them like old, we paint them like new.” says Cookie and Bert.
“Just watch out behind or we might paint you.” says Cookie painting Bert’s face. “Ha ha ha ha ha…”
“Ohhhh Cookie.” says Bert.
“Sorry Bert.” says Cookie Monster.

“Close the curtains Grover.” says Herry.

(curtains close)

“So now it has been a year in a half, and the old building looks like new,

“Open the curtains.” says Prairie

with new doors, (Herry
windows, (Grover)
and kitchens too.” (Cookie Monster)

Prairie: We've even added a trash can for our only grouch
Oscar: *from inside the can* Don't make me be nice or I'll make you go "OUCH!"

*Prairie rolls her eyes at what Oscar said*

Prairie: Dormies were added in 2004
From Muppets & humans...even Fraggles galore!
From Count von Count & his human dormie Ed
To Beth and her Fraggle friend Red
There's Kyle with his friends Grover, Herry & Cookie
And Kathy who rooms with ME!*giggle*
Lisa shares a room with Rowlf & the Chef
But this isn't all the dormies that I have left
Too many to mention, I regret to say
But everyone's special in their own way!
Happy 1st Anniversary to everyone in the dorms
Now let's all eat while the food is still warm!!!!!

*piano stops*

Good! Great! Grand! Something a freind of mine says. From a comdey movie. Ya'll all did great. Glad to have all of ya'll here to help out. Thanks again guys, monsters and grouch.

Oscar: No one ever thanks a grouch! *groans and slams lid*


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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That was a great play, Kyle. Vary creative. I especially loved Oscar's:
"Don't make me be nice or I'll make you go ouch." although you probably didn't plan on that. Lol, who said Grouches couldn't be commedians?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bo: *grabbing hat and magnifiying glass*
Beau: What are you doing?
Bo; Looking for TA.
Bobo: Together Again?
Bo: No! That Announcer.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Update regarding roomies and robes.

Room #3: redBoobergurl (Beth) and Mokey Fraggle and Red Fraggle: Senior Members.
Mokey Fraggle has a light moss green bodied robe, with soft pink sleeves. The robe features soft pink trimming, her signature red radish pendant hanging around her neck, a front left pocket bearing two straight pencils for storing her paints, blue music notes across the sleeves, and blooming flowers across the back.
Red Fraggle has a cheery red robe, with darker brown-reddish sleeves. The robe features brown-reddish trimming, a front right pocket for storing radish bars, sunny yellow polka dots throughout its entire body, trails of knobblies down the sides of the robe's body, and splashed waves running across the body itself.

Hope you like 'em, and glad to know Mokey will still be here albeit with a new roommate.
See you guys later and have a good day.
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