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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <runs inside> <runs through common room> Hi guys! Party today! Yay! Happy! See you then! <runs into room 24> <collapses on couch>

Rowlf: Where've you been?

Lisa: Services! Oh my gosh, Rowlf, this week is such a big week you have no idea!

Rowlf: So tell me.

Lisa: You know how I told you my synagogue FINALLY bought a building? And we closed on it? And I went to help pull weeds? And we had a teachers/ teachers assistants meeting there? And the whole thing with what colors to paint the walls? And the fire codes and all that? And buying all the stuff we need?

Rowlf: Of course.

Lisa: Well, guess what Rowlf? It's time! We're moving EVERYTHING from our little storage closet in the middle school INTO the building on Tuesday! Which means, today we had services in the library middle school for the LAST! TIME! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Oy, Rowlf, you have no idea how GOOD it feels to be done with that building!!!!!!!! FINALLY! Three years after graduating from it, I never have to go there again!

Rowlf: How long have you guys been meeting there?

Lisa: Oh, well um, let's see... started having services when I was in third grade, but we were at the gym of the primary building... then we went to the cafeteria of the middle school... we were in the library by my sister's bat mitzvah, which was.... <scrunches up face> now was it December or January? Must've been January... of... 1998. So, it's getting close to eight years now.

Rowlf: Wow. You must have a lot of memories there.

Lisa: Oh, I do! My sister's bat mitzvah, my mom's bat mitzvah, my bat mitzvah... who knows how many religious school assemblies, services, holidays, there was a wedding, Oy, yes, a lot of memories. But the thing is, it wasn't our space. I mean, yes, I've read from a Torah that survived the Holocaust in that room. On the other hand, it's main function is to be a middle school library. That's where I did a whole lot of painful research projects, it was drama club, it was... it's this whole other chapter of my life that I was done with three years ago. It's time to move. It's been time. And on Tuesday, we finally get to do it! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

Chef: Leesa! Luuk, I knoo yuoo're-a heppy ebuoot yuoor synegugooe-a, boot zeere's a perty here-a in zee durms tudey I'm tryeeng tu beke-a a ceke-a fur, und I knoo yuoo hefe-a tu get reedy, tuu!

Rowlf: He's right, you know.

Lisa: Right right right! Party! Ok! I'm getting ready I'm getting ready I'm getting ready!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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MC 1st Dorms Anniversary!

Welcome to the Muppet College Dorms first anniversary and anniversary party!

First the news, good or bad from your point of view.
Below, you'll find an updated copy of the dorms' current registry. Additionally, there's a list of those Muppets and rooms previously booked that are available again.
Muppet College Dorms Registry
Room #1: The Count (MC, Eduardo) and The Count von Count.
Room #2 Christyb and Gobo Fraggle and Sprocket.
Room #3: redBoobergurl (Beth) and Red Fraggle.
Room #4: Fozzie Bear (MC, Kevin) and Fozzie Bear.
Room #5: Vic Romano (Dave) and Bert and Ernie.
Room #6: katsy428 (Kathy) and Prairie Dawn.
Room #14: Beauregard (MC, Bo) and Beauregard and Bobo the Bear Guard.
Room #15: SkeeterMuppet (Kim) and Tosh Fraggle, The Beast, and Gillis Fraggle.
Room #16: RedDragon (Nyssa) and Ludo and Ambrosius.
Room #18: T-Bird Chick (Madison) and Scooter.
Room #19: Vibs (Louise) and The Newsman and Lewis Kazagger.
Room #21: McFraggle and Kermit The Frog and Sam the Eagle.
Room #22: That Announcer and Julius Strangepork, Dr. Phil van Neuter, and Marvin Suggs.
Room #24: TogetherAgain (Lisa) and Rowlf The Dog and The Swedish Chef.
Room #25: theprawncracker (Ryan) and Gonzo the Great, Clifford, and Uncle Deadly.
Room #26: Erine81981 (Kyle) and Cookie Monster, Grover Monster, and Herry Monster.
Oscar The Grouch lives in his trashcan in Floor 2's Common Room, and pals around with Kyle.
Room #29: Bear (MC, Bryan) and Big Bird, Rosita, and Snuffy.
Room #32: Harvey Towers and Johnny Fiama and Sal Manilla.
Room #33: JaniceFerSure (Diana) and Dr. Teeth, Floyd Pepper, and Zoot.
Room #38: Fragglemuppet (Kate) and Lou Fraggle.
Room #41: Docnzhoss (Ryan or Doc) and Link Hogthrob.
Room #52: radio boy (Mark) and Thog.
Room #56: G-Man (Gerard) and Rizzo the Rat.

Rooms 7 to 13, 17, 20, 23, 27 and 28, 30 and 31, 34 to 37, 39 and 40, 42 to 51, 53 to 55, and 57 to 59.
All these rooms are currently vacated.

Boober Fraggle.
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew.
Miss Piggy.
Mokey Fraggle.
Pepe the King Prawn.
Robin the Frog.
Telly Monster.
Wembley Fraggle.
All of these previous Muppets registered as dormhouse roomates have become available for roommate status once again.
They, along with all others found in my Muppet Listings 15.0 thread, not already taken as roommates are available for roommate status for whoever decides to come in and register as a new boarder at the dorms.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK... As I understand it, seems Kyle and his friends have a surprise for us here at the party today. So, I turn the proceedings over to him in hopes of some good entertainment.
Kyle, take it away.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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*a car pulls up with Christy driving, Sprocket sitting shotgun and Gobo in the back*

Me: Whew, I think for once we made it guys.

Gobo: Well we would have been here earlier if it hadn't been for a certain hungry dog, eh?

Sprocket: *Barks and whines*

Me: No, Sprocket you didn't need that hamburger.

Gobo: Hey, can we stop by our room first? I think my guitar is in one of those boxes.

Me: Sure thing. Just make sure we put it in the car before heading home.

Sprocket: woof, woof! *whines*

Me: I wonder why you have a stomachache? *rolls eyes* Come on guys let's go.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Take the deck/stage.........

We might have to move the play a little later on today. Prairie and Kathy are still helping set up the stuff. But the Monsters have some stuff do. If we can have Electric Mayhem set up that would be great. *looks behind him* Oh I see ya'll have already have. Ok Grover and Herry. Take it away.

Grover and Herry walk out on deck/stage with Blue Brothers suits and sunglasses on while the Electric Mayhem starts the song "Soul Man"

*turned around until the singing starts*

Herry: Comin' to ya on a dusty road
Good lovin' I got a truck load
And when you get it you got something
So don't worry cause I'm coming

Herry and Grover: I'm a soul monster!
I'm a soul monster
I'm a soul monster
I'm a soul monster

Herry: Got what I got the hard way
And I'll make it better each and every day
So honey don't you fret
Cause you ain't seen nothing yet

Electric Mayhem: We're a soul group

Herry and Grover: I'm a soul monster

Jaince: Like play it Floyd!

Herry and Grover: I'm a soul monster
I'm a soul monster

Herry: Listen
I was brought up on sesame street
I learned how to love before I could eat
I was educated from good stock
When I start lovin' I just can't stop

Herry and Grover: I'm a soul monster
I'm a soul monster
I'm a soul monster

Herry: Come on everyone. Sing it!

I'm a soul mosnter

Well grab the rope and I'll pull you in
Give you hope and be your only monster friend
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Everyone: I'm a soul monster/man/group
I'm a soul monster/man/group
You're a soul monster *points to each other*
I'm a soul monster/man/group
I'm a soul monster/man/group
I'm a soul monster/man/group

*music ends*

Herry: Thank you.
Grover: Thank you.
Herry: We were really good.
Grover: Yep. You are one soul monster Herry.
Herry: So are you, Grover. Thank you too Electic Mayhem. Ya'll are one soul group.
Grover: Thanks everyone. We will be back later to do another Blues Brother song. That is me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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This is such an exciting day!
Red: Yea Monsters! Great song!
And look Red, Christy and her roommates made it!
Red: Yea! I'm sad to see that Mokey isn't going to be living here anymore.
Well, maybe someone will want to move in with her now.
Red: That's true.
Anyway, looks like more fun is on the way!
Red: I'm so excited!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Rosita: Well, I am glad we made it for the song.
Snuffy: Yeah we could have gotten here sooner, but Bird couldn't decide what tie to wear. I don't think this is a formal event, Bird.
Big Bird: Yeah, but I almost always wear ties when I go to parties.
Snuffy: Why?
Big Bird: Huh, I dunno...
Bry: Come on, guys. Lets find a place to sit. Hi everyone!
Rosita: Oh no, Bryan!
Bry: WHat's wrong, Rosita?
Rosita: Our friend Telly lost his roommate. That explains why we never see him. Can he live with us?
Big Bird: Yeah can he? Please please please!!!
Snufy: Oh...dear....


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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A bus pulls up in front of the dorms.........

Grouch Bus Driver: This is it. Everyone who's getting off get off now!

Maurice Monster: Come on guys. Cookie, Grover and Herry should be here.

Cookie Mom: Oh good. Me son doing well in collage.

Cookie sister: Yea for Cookie!

Grover's Mommy: I can not wait to see my son.

Frazzle: Groajdfasaejadjfjadgjkasdj.

Maurice Monster: You got that right Frazzle.

Herry's Dad: This is going to be fun.

Herry's Mom: I brought his favorite dish. Monster Hash.

Herry's Grandma: Wait for me. I'm not like I used to be.

Herry's sister: Wait for me too. *runs after them*

Grouch Bus Driver: Glad I'm not...I mean I hate to be here..I don't know? *drives off*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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That was...
Count: Vonderful!

Yes... And it looks like Christy's arrived. And Ralph CrammedOn just left a bunch of other SS monsters here for a visit.

Hey Red, just cause Mokey's no longer got a current roomie that doesn't mean she won't be living at the dorms anymore. Just means she's looking for someone new to be her roommate. Guess Beth could always take her in if she wanted. Oh well...

May I direct your attention to the buffet tables... There's chicken a la king biscuit sandwiches, 7-layer salad, cole slaw from Prairie, meatloaf from Bryan, rice and beans from Rosita, clam chowder from Bert and Ernie, drinks in the cooler, and cookies from Kyle and Diana, and fudge spiders from my own ovens... Not to mention the ice cream Beth and Red have provided.

Now then... If we're ready...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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It's time for what you've all been waiting for!
*Eduardo and the Count take their place on the deck/stage, with a trail of wardrobe hangers.

Time for the grand unveiling! First of all, I want to thank all of you who've made the MC Dorms a lasting success, and those of you who've decided to stay on for another year.
Some of you may remember the old hot tubs we had here at good old MC. Alas, they've been converted into the new TV studio where they film the Moppet Family and that TKO show.
Well, as a token of my gratitude to you guys, I've come up with designer dorm members' only robes based on your own ideas/submissions. Also, for each group of Senior Members, we have a second surprise.
Now then, please come up and take your robes and/or second surprise as I call out your names.
We'll start in order and get to all the dorms' residents that way.
*Gives white wrapped box to the Count.
Here are our own robes.
Room #1: The Count (MC, Eduardo) and The Count von Count: Senior Members.
Eduardo has a crimson red bodied robe, with light smoky black sleeves. The robe features smoky black trimming, a gray storm cloud buckle round the waist, and two midnight black bats on its sleeves.
The Count von Count has a sandy brown robe, with chocolate brown sleeves. The robe features chocolate brown trimming, a black batty bat buckle round the waist, and numbers from 1 to 13 in white jumbled
throughout its entire body.
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