Rosita: Aww, poor Kathy. I hope she is alright.
Big Bird: Yeah, I can relate. I know what it's like to have someone you love so much die. Mr. Pooper was like a grandfather to me.
Bry: That's Hooper, Big Bird, and I think we should do something for her.
Rosita: Ohh, I can make a pretty card. I have some markers and crayons but am out of paper. I will go down to the front desk and grab some extra paper from the printer. I'll be right back!
Bry: Sounds great, Rosita. What about you, Big Bird.
Big Bird: I dunno. I was kinda thinking I wanted to paint a picture.
Bry: Good, you have always been a great artist.
Big Bird: Thanks.
Rosita: I'm back with the paper!
Bry: Agh! Rosita, what is that awful smell?!
Rosita: Oh, this? (Holds up a smelly old fish wrapped in newspaper and tied with a string) It's from Oscar.
Bry: That's from Oscar?
Rosita: Yeah, he may be a grouch, but it's sweet to know that he is always thinking of other people.
Bry: Yeah...wait, don't bring it in hear.
Rosita: Well, why not?
Bry: Because it smells like a dump. Here. put in it this paper bag and keep it closed.
Rosita: Okay, well I am going to make my pretty card.
Big Bird: And I am going to paint my picture.
Big Bird: All done! Bryan, come and see what I did.
Bry: Wow! That's great, Big Bird.
Big Bird: Yeah, I decided to paint a picture of all our friends, so that she remembers that we all care for her.
Bry: Aww.
Rosita: That is beautiful, Big Bird. Oh, but come see the card I made. See on the front I drew a sun and flowers and on the inside i wrote "Warm and fuzzies. Love, Rosita".
Bry: Well, what is this letter "I" and "U" that are on there?
Rosita: Oh, I was eating my alphabet cereal and spilled a little. I will try and clean it up right now.
Bry: Wait a sec. Just draw a little heart between the letters and look what it says.
Rosita: Oh, "I <3 U" Bryan, you are muy intellegente.
Bry: Well, muchas gracias. Okay, lets put your painting and card in these envelopes. Big Bird, don't forget to sign your picture. Okay, and I made some bird seed cookies and picked some flowers from our window garden.
Big Bird: Umm...Bryan? She's not a bird. I don't think she eats birdseed.
Bry: Hey, its all we have in the kitchen. Someone forgot to go to the store. Besides, they will be fine. Rosita, you are in charge of that stinky fish thing. Let's all carry this stuff down to Kathy's room. Come on, guys!
(Going down and leaving the cookies, flowers, Big Bird's painting, Rosita's card, and Oscar's fish by the front door. Knocking and then quickly leaving to go up to the room)