Bryan: Bert, would you please have Bernice send a note down to Ed?
Bert: Sure! (gives Bernice a message to take to Ed in room 1)
Snuffy: Why don't you just call Ed?
Bryan: *blink* I guess I could have done that...
Cookie: Can me have snack?
Bryan: Sure. There's some rice cakes in the pantry.
Cookie: Cake? Ooooh! Oh boy oh boy! (grabs a rice cake out of the pantry sniffs it and munches it down) Blaech! It taste like cardboard! That not cake. Where frosting and sweet fluff texture?
Bryan: Sorry, Cookie Monster, but that's what you're getting. No sweets.
Cookie: But these things boring!
Bert: Boring? They're delicious!
Bryan: To each his own, I guess.
Big Bird: Hey, Bryan? Can we carve pumpkins for Halloween?
Bryan: Sure, Big Bird.
Big Bird: One of my favorite parts is eating the pumpkin seeds. You might like that, Cookie Monster. We can roast them.
Cookie: Hmmm...sounds exotic.
Big Bird: I dunno...they're just seeds, but they're yummy.
Bryan: We'll pick up some pumpkins next week.