Scooter: Wait a moment - Big Bird is inviting Sam the Eagle to a Birdkateers meeting?
Erin: (reading "A Wrinkle In Time" on the sofa) You heard correctly.
Nora: Oh, dear...they're in for a bit of a surprise at the meeting.
Beige: So what's Sam going to show them? A long treatise on how all the Muppet Show cast members are complete weirdoes?
Scooter: And then he'll stop in his tracks when he remembers that he himself is in the Muppet Show cast.
Erin: That's right, show him a bit of logic and he'll completely lose his train of thought.
Storyteller: Has everyone read the end of that wonderful story by Ed?
Beige: (meaningful glance at Scooter) Oh, we have.
Erin: Word of warning, Nora. Sara's a little bit jealous of you.
Nora: She is? (blushes) Oh, dear.
Erin: But it's cool; she liked the story a lot. (goes back to book) Which scene should I do at the book reading - the creepily organized town or the big rescue scene at the end?
Scooter: Oh, go for the rescue scene. I'm going for the flight of the Weasley twins.
Beige: When is the reading again?
Erin: October 1, down at Nelson Square.
Storyteller: Think they'll like a reading of "Tales from the Cuddle Caverns?"
Nora: (making a face) "Tales from the Cuddle Caverns?"
Storyteller: Oh, it's a full volume of slightly scandalous love stories.