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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Hand me the mop, I'm going to clean the floor over here
Red: I hate cleaning
Wanda: I don't hate it, but I don't love it
Cookie: Me would rather eat
Beth: Sorry guys, we have to do it, the dorms are closing for the new semester tomorrow, as soon as we finish we can go to Claudia's party though, it's her birthday.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Restrainedly rushes over to give Beth a welcome back hug. Need to talk to you about the dorms' new term... And MopFam as it looks like there'll be a new season starting up about, nowish.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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Alex: Pepe, how's your packing going?
Pepe: Marvelous hokay! *tosses all his clothes into a suitcase and tries to jam it shut*
Floyd: I'm all ready to go! *sets his suitcase, music equipment and boxes neatly by the door*
Alex: Animal, how's it goin over there?
Animal: *slightly tangled up in a mixture of bed sheets and clothes* SALLRIGHT! *gives thumbsup*
Alex: Good! Let me know if you need help!
Animal: KAY! *finds his picture of Joan Jett and kisses it*


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Claudia: *Lays on the bed happily watching the two pack their things* You guys should have packed yesterday. Early bird gets the worm and...*Sees a worm* well...and holds it. *Holds little worm*

Bunsen: You're right, I should have because I am starting to feel a pain on my back. *puts his flasks carefully in the case*

Claudia: You're just getting old. *Teases good naturedly*

Bunsen: Look who's talking.

Claudia: seventeen...soon...AHAHAHA! *SOB* *Decides to help her friends with the packing*

Beaker: *Shrinking Bunsen's experiments* meemeee meeemee! *humming*

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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(Erin deposits a set of presents at Claudia's door: one copy of "Weird Science," a book on the history of The Twilight Zone, and one iridescent metallic-knit shawl.)

(in room 7)

Storyteller: (rummaging through boxes) Nora! Have you seen my copy of Die Fliederfraggle?
Nora: (staggering under weight of box full of kitchen supplies) The what?
Storyteller: Never mind. Tell Erin that her tape recorder's gone into that one box over there.
Nora: Well, she's mostly packed...so what are you going to do now?
Storyteller: Oh, visit a few friends until it's time to move back in. You?
Nora: (sigh) Go home and put up with my family.
Storyteller: Now, Nora, I'm sure they're not that bad.
(Erin re-enters)
Erin: Okay, good, everything's coming along...pass me a box, I need to pack up the rest of my books.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *still doing homework*
Clifford: You're still doin' homework?
Ryan: Yup.
Clifford: Same stuff?
Ryan: Mmhm.
Clifford: You're not just doin' your homework so we have to pack everything, are ya?
Ryan: Pft, no, of course not.
Clifford: *smirks* Uh huh, sure.
Ryan: I'll be done sometime tomorrow.
Clifford: I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Robin: Hey Lisa, Lisa, can we go out and play? Look, it's BEAUTIFUL out!
Lisa: <sigh> It IS beautiful out, Robin, but-
Rowlf: Shouldn't we get this place packed up, and start heading for the roof again?
Lisa: Well-
Chef: Um de packedy packen de kookin de hoppity do!
Rowlf: Beg pardon?
Lisa: Guys, I would LOVE to go outside and play, and I would LOVE to get packed up, but I have over a chapter of reading to do for tomorrow AND I need to start writing a paper!
Robin: Reading?
Lisa: Yes.
Robin: Oh, well then- could you read it to me?
Lisa: ...Well, I... suppose... <ahem> Das Kartenspiel, bei Peter Bichsel. Herr Kurt sagt nichts. Er sitzt da und schaut dem Spiel zu. Die vier legen ihre Karten auf den Tisch, die Asse und die-
Robin: HUH?
Lisa: ...A guy named Kurt is watching a card game, not saying anything, um...
Rowlf: You could've mentioned that it was German reading.
Lisa: ...Remind me next time.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Leaves a wrapped up copy of the Moonwalker video game, a birthday card for Claudia, box of creamy chocolates, and a picture frame picked out by the Count himself which holds a large photo of the MC family along with a few namesake Muppets as well at Room #44's doorstep as presents for Claudia.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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<Leyla is sprawled out on her bed, dead to the world. Her treasured and angelic roommates Hilda, Wanda, Jimmy, and Robots Kermit and Piggy are gathered around her. Jimmy (AKA Jim Henson Muppet) has a hefty tree branch in his left hand>

Robot Kermit: <devious look at Robot Piggy> This is gonna be fun.
Robot Piggy: <eyeing Jimmy and his stick> If you say so.
Jimmy: Aww, she looks so cute, all tuckered out like that. Do we really have ta wake'r?
Wanda: <looks hestantly at Hilda> I... I guess so. We're moving out of the Dorms today, aren't we?
Robot Piggy: But moi thought that was tomorrow.
Robot Kermit: <wraps a spindly arm casually along her waist> Tomorrow's the deadline, but Leyla's got a job interview tomorrow and won't have time to pack.
Wanda: <peering over Leyla> It's awfully late in the day to be sleeping. Are we sure she's not sick? Or ... <pokes sleeper to no effect> dead?
Hilda: No, no. She is not dead. Just tired, and it's her own fault!
Leyla: <mutters incomprehensibly and turns over>
Hilda: You heard me! It's YOUR OWN fault!
Leyla: <opening eyes blearily> N'uh uh!
Jimmy: <frowning> Does this mean ah don't git to poke her with mah wake up stick? <Robot Piggy takes this opportunity to snatch the stick away from him> Oh... ah'll take that as a 'maybe so'.
<Irritated, Robot Piggy looks at the stick, then looks at Jimmy, then looks at the stick again, but Robot Kermit kisses her cheek and she subsides>
Hilda: You've been staying up lining with Toga again haven't you?
Leyla: Um...
Hilda: Haven't you?
Leyla: <hides head under blanket> <mumbles>
Hilda: Pardon me?
Leyla: It... depends on your definition of late.
Hilda: I've seen the time. I'm pretty sure it fits anyone's definition of late.
Leyla: Well... sooner or later, it turns into early, and I think-
Hilda: *I* think I should tell you that we are *all* waiting for you to get up and get moving... and that Robot Piggy has the better part of a small tree at her disposal.
Robot Piggy: <smiles angelically> I know how to use it too.
Robot Kermit: <gives her an impressed look> She does.
<Leyla, who has been living with Robot Piggy for quite sometime now, considers this, but not for long>
Leyla: Okay! Okay! I'm up! <she does, indeed sit up, then looks around at her roomies> Um... so... why are we all here?
Jimmy: Ah, the meanin' of life... now there's an interestin' question that ah have given much deep pondering. there are many schools a thought on the subject, so it might help to start off with a detail ay-nalysis of..."
<he trails off as he realises they are all staring at him> What? I been lurnin' at the college here too.
Hilda: <very slowly> ...riiiiiiiggght. Um... so... yeah. It's moving day for us. We gotta pack.
Leyla: <stretching casually> Oh, what's the hurry? We've got more than a week to go.
Wanda: Um... how... long HAVE you been asleep? It's Sunday. Dorms close tomor-
Leyla: WHAT? Oh gosh, where did the TIME go? Ahh! I haven't even lined up a place for us to STAY! <She leaps up, but tangles in the blankets and manages to land gracefully on her face> Oh, I'm so sorry, guys!
Robot Piggy: <haughtily> Guys? Have you forgotten that the majority of the residents of this particular... domicile... are women?
<Leyla opens her mouth to reply but RK beats her to it.>
Robot Kermit: Aw, c'mon Piggy. She didn't mean it that way. Don't you remember when she and Prawnie and Lisa were talking about the lack of, and need for more gender neutral pronouns in English, Thursday?
Robot Piggy: <squirms> Um... no. REmember... Thursday, we... had that... teensy little argument, and moi left the Dorms.
Robot Kermit: Oh... oh yeah. Well.... water under the bridge! Say... just for curiosity's sake... where did you go, anyway?
Robot Piggy: Um... do vous remember um... Beau?
Robot Kermit: <surprised> Beau... MC Beau?
Robot PIggy: Mmhmm...
Robot Kermit: You went to see him? Alone? ...you were gone a long time.
Robot PIggy: Oh, Kermie... don't be so jealous! Nothing happened...
Robot Kermit: Yeah, but... still! You're my girl! You can't just go-
Robot Piggy: <angry> Vous don't own me! I can go anywhere I want to!
Robot Kermit:<suddenly very uncomfortable> Well... yeah... you can. But uh, about that whole ownership thing... y'see, technically... You being a robot and all, and you were kind of a present for me, so...um... techinically...uh...
<He trails off nervously as Robot Piggy stares at him for a long time>
Leyla: <whispered> Maybe we should start packing before things get ugly.
Hilda: <whispered> Maybe we should wait until everything is in smaller pieces for easy packing>
Wanda:<extremely whispered> Maybe you should have programmed the robots without free will.
Jimmy: <not so very whispered> This'll be good. Where's ma popcorn popper?

Robot Kermit: Um... Piggy... Piggy honey... I just, uh... You're... totally free and everything... and I shouldn't have said...

Robot Piggy: <very quietly> Am... I... a robot?

<the loudest silence possible, thanks to Jimmy and the popcorn popper>

Leyla: Um... we, uh...we'd better pack, hmm? And uh... talk about this later?

Hilda: Oh, yes! Good idea! Uh, Wanda, Jimmy! Come help me with the closet. It's a MESS in there! Oh, and Leyla, you don't have to worry about a place to stay! Lisa and Prawnie have invited us to the roof!

Leyla: Oh, thank goodness for my other whole! Thanks Hilda. <gets to her feet and gently touches Robot Piggy's shoulder> We... really have to go. We'll talk later, okay?

Robot Kermit: <worriedly> Piggy?
Robot Piggy: ... yes.... packing.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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(meanwhile, in Room 19...)

Kim: How goes the packing, guys?
Boober: Shouldn't you be writing?
Kim: Boober, it's more important that we get out of here on-time - especially if I wind up being called in to work tomorrow.
Tosh: Would they really call you in on the second week of school?
Kim: Tosh, I really wouldn't put it past them. Especially since one of my fellow subs got called in to work last week.
Tosh: Oi.
Gillis: So what's the gameplan during the break? Same as we did last year?
Kim: If that's what you guys want to do. Betty Lou, your folks will be picking you up from my house right?
Betty Lou: That's the plan.
Kim: Okay. Well, I'd say we're maybe about...halfway there. Why don't we take a break for supper?
Boober: And writing.
Kim: *sighs* Yes, Boober. And writing.

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