*Doing a few midnight checks on the residents... Finds Gonzo tied up and under guard in the basement office. What the... Oh well, so long as Uncle D's got everything under claw...
*Moves on and feels he should check the lobby. *Finds Alex snoozing on the lobby couch and hears a bit of muffled protestation, though not so loud that it wakes her up.
Hmmm... Lemme see... *Checks out the scene and fishes Pepe out from under the sleeping lady.
Come on now, we don't want to have squashed prawns, it's better to have prawns with squahsh. And after last time, bruised prawn left a bad taste in your mouth too.
*Lets Pepe scurry off to Floyd and Animal, before covering Alex with a spare blanket.
MC Dorms were brought to you by the letter M for moon and midnight, and by the number 3.
Night folks.