Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks for the link to the party JFS. Going there next to catch up on the happenings and see if Kermit and Piggy already had their little chat.

Hi guys, let's see what we got.
*Opens fridge and finds bag.
Ah here we are, OK then.
Chocolate chip cookies will be here next to the hot chocolate for whoever wants them. The bag's in the fridge.
Hope you guys like 'em.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Well as an update on Kermit he's awaiting Piggy's reaction (Boy did I get myself in a hole that time huh?)

*side note:
So the role play thread is the party. Boy could that get confusing for me err...Kermit. LoL. So I won't be at the party but Kermit will be. So if I get character confused between the two be patient with me.

Things are starting to look great around here. You can really start to feel the peace of the season (ok so I stole that from Kermit).

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh, don't worry about that Christyb. Since I have a copy of the register available at the lobbby's desk, and the latest updated version memorized, there's no worries of getting the boarders here mixed up with any other games they might be playing at the campus's varying locals.

Just remember to have fun here at the dorms, and recommend us to any friends interested in signing up for the dorms.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Happy Hannukah

<EM sings>:

Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah
The sweet celebration
Around the feast we gather
in complete jubilation

Many are the reasons for good cheer
Now that the Season of Lights is here
Many are the reasons for good cheer
Now that the Season of Lights is here

Together we'll weather
whatever tomorrow may bring
So hear us rejoicing and merrily voicing
the Hanukkah song that we sing
[font=arial, helvetica]So hear us rejoicing and merrily voicing
the Hanukkah song that we sing[/font]

Oh Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah
The Festival of Joy
A holiday, a jolly day
for every girl and boy
Whirling dreidels all week long
Eating latkes, singing songs
[font=arial, helvetica]Whirling dreidels all week long
Eating latkes, singing songs[/font]

Now light them, tonight then
The candles all in a row
Retell the story of God in his glory
and dance by the flickering glow
Retell the story and God in his glory
dance by the flickering glow

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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On Moishel, On Hoishel, On Shlomoe!
Hannukah Harry is here!

Delivering toys
To Jewish girls and Jewish boys.
Hannukah Harry is Here!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Uh Ed? I wanted to ask you if Garfield, Odie, Nermal and Arlene could stay, while the monsters are away at the Muppet Christmas Party. Is that ok?See Jon asked me if I could take care of Odie and Garfield while he's away. I figured that he would of stowed away but he didn't seem to mind staying w/ me. On then Jon's folks asked me if I could keep Nermal since they would be going away for the christmas w/ Jon and Dr. Liz. So I said I'll see what I could do but they left before I could tell them that I might not be able to keep them. Then Arlene came over and heard that Garfield would be here and thats where I've been stuck ever since. Sorry for the ramble.

*looks at Ed w/ puppy eyes*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Removes glasses and looks at Kyle with air of Jack Nicholson impersonation.
Well... I'll tell you what pal.
Since there's no other option, and the cat's folks already split town...
And since the cat and I are old friends...
The cat and his friends can stay, just make sure you keep 'em under control. Oh yeah, and make sure it's just those four. No sneaking in the Buddy Bears or the gang from the farm, comprende?
Now come on, let's get to the party HQ and help out BethC with the festivities.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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The Count said:
Heh, don't worry about that Christyb. Since I have a copy of the register available at the lobbby's desk, and the latest updated version memorized, there's no worries of getting the boarders here mixed up with any other games they might be playing at the campus's varying locals.

Just remember to have fun here at the dorms, and recommend us to any friends interested in signing up for the dorms.
(Further elaborating on my side note) - Thanks Count. But I was talking about confusing myself. So If I start typing in that I'm Kermit here well...Forgive me and be patient. I'll probably realize it soon and remedy it.

*back to the game though....

Alright guys here's my stocking- red and fuzzy on the bottom with a white trim (you know traditional looking) but with coffee cups and muppet characters embrodiered on the border.

:wink: : And here's mine. Traditional like Christy's but also with computers and clipboards on the trim.

Why am I not surprised? Welcome to the Dorms Garfield and Friends. Hope you enjoy your visit.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Aw, that's a nice couple of stockings you guys got there.
Well, gonna get ready to leave for the last class of the semester. Have fun here at the dorms!
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