Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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The Count said:
*I'm looking at you Prawn and other half and other third.
Big Bird: (overhearing Ed) Gee, I'm gonna have to start learning fractions.
Telly: Goodluck.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Scooter: V-days' coming up.

Sadie: Did you watch the game, Sara?

Sara: I don't like football. I don't understand why a bunch of overpaid, burly guys would want to just about kill each other, over a ovaloid ball that's made out of Miss Piggy's cousin.

Scooter: You don't seem to just not like it, you seem to hate it actually...

Sara: It's pointless! The puppy bowl is cuter anyways!

Sadie: Until those white peraynees kept ganging up on that poor small dog. It was about as small as a chihuahua, wasn't it?

Sara: Yeah. I didn't watch much of anything yesterday to be honest. I just simply didn't like it!

Scooter: What are you going to do about V-Day though?

Sara: Just take Dad out to dinner, like we always do. His birthday's on Febuary 14th, ya know.

Sadie: Oh yes, I forgot! What is he getting for his birthday?

Sara: I have no clue at all.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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(listening to conversation)

MN: Yeah, Sara, we call it the Stupid Bowl where I come from. For the last several years when it's been on, I've usually been in my room doing homework.
Nora: Loud and clear. But some of my cousins are bowl maniacs.
Storyteller: (scribbling on paper) ...a yearly ritual in which silly creatures in brightly colored suits of armor wrestle for possession of a sacred oval-shaped object, while other silly creatures sit off to one side and partake of ceremonial dishes of fried foods...
MN: (laughing) Now you're talking, Storyteller!
Nora: About Valentine's day...what are you two doing?
MN: (snort) I've got a presentation to prepare for an English class that day, and a huge paper due in history.
Storyteller: And I'm teaching a few more classes on myths, Fraggle lore and urban legends.
Nora: Yeah...sometimes I think the day is now calculated to make singles feel inadequate.
MN: And to make the greeting card and chocolate makers feel fat and happy.
Storyteller: Oh, don't bother with them. We'll just spend time goofing off after we're all done with work that day, how's that?
Nora: Nice.
MN: Cool.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Rosita: Hmmm...somebody looks tired.
Yeah...I am.stifling a yawn
Prairie:Why don't you go on to bed,Kath?We'll let Gaffer in when she's done playing with Fatatita.
skritch...skritch....skritch at the doorGaffer:Meow?
Hmmm...psychic kitty!
Rosita:I have her.opening the doorOK ready to come in for the night?
Gaffer rubs against Rosita's legs purring,then Prairie's then hops on my lap and purrs
Such a good girl!
Prairie:There's fresh food in your bowl Gaffer. When you're done,come to bed,kitty.scratching Gaffer on the head


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Phew... I did it!
Uncle Deadly: Finally! *darts off to the fan-fic library*
Ryan: *smirks* Well, at least he wasn't too excited.
Clifford: Heh heh, it's good to see you're gettin' back to yourself Ry-guy.
Ryan: Heh, tell me about it. It's good to be coming back too.
Clifford: I bet.
Ryan: Yup, everything's starting to get back to normal...
Gonzo: Hey! Ryan!
Ryan: Yeah?
Ryan: Are you supposed to put DVDs in the toaster?
Ryan: ...No...
Gonzo: ...Oops. So... That's NOT how you burn a DVD then?
Ryan: ...Yup, back to normal.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Both the Count and I zip off to the fanfic library after Uncle D...


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: *watching TV*

And there. Done with my new DVD holder thingy.

Herry: Looks nice. Glad you got all those DVD's off the floor.

Me too.

Oscar: *pops in*

Grover: Grouchie!

Oscar: What's all the hubbub?

Finally got the living room cleaned.

Oscar: *looks* What? You had a pretty trashy place here. And now you cleaned it up?

Yep. Hows it look?

Oscar: I hate it! *walks out the door*

Grover: I love it clean. It looks a whole lot nicer.

Why thank you Grover. I'm heading off to bed. Putting that thing together sure did make me tired. Good night guys.

Grover: Good night.

Herry: Good night Kyle.

Voice Over: Muppet Dorms was brought to you by the letter "D" and by the Number "12." Muppet Dorms is a production of Muppet Central Forms. "Well since I'm only 5 years old I better go on to bed. Good night everybody."


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Grr, my coffee maker isn't working right
Cookie: Me sorry to hear that. Me like coffee too sometimes
Beth: What don't you like Cookie Monster?
Cookie: Hmmm, that a tough question
Wanda: Well, I suppose we could go out for coffee
Red: Coffee!! Yes!
Beth: Red, you don't need any caffeine, you're always energetic enough
Red: Aww, come on
Beth: Ok everyone, let's go to the coffee shop and we'll see what we can get there
Red: Yes!
Cookie: Sound good to me
Wanda: Yeah, I could go for some java!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Java you say? Certainly. *Trumpets start up a festive fanfare, as the hallmark song plays to the tune of some Dancing Slinkies stepping on each other's toes.
So I guess you're off to Jim's Coffee House then... Kinda surprised Cookie likes coffee, since he told Ernie he prefers cookie juice in that song they did when the monster was invited to the basement dweller's apartment for breakfast that one time. Oh well, guess he's acquired a taste for it, nothing bad with that. See yo guys around.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(Catherine dashes into the room, runs to the kitchen and starts a cup of tea in the microwave. She shucks off her jacket and drapes it over a recliner as she passes, and is taking off her tennis shoes at a dead hop/run. She disappears into her room, re-emerging approximately 15 seconds later wearing dress pants and a sweater, which has--from the look of her hair--just been hauled hastily over her head. She had a new stack of books in her hands, her purse and a canvas bag full of...something that bounces and jolts against her legs.) She drops these things on the recliner as well, runs to the kitchen and pours milk and sweetener into her tea and gulps it halfway down in one big swig. She throws open a cupboard and hauls out mixing bowls and measuring spoons, then digs through the pantry for assorted foodstuffs. For about four-and-a-half minutes, she mixes and measures like a maniac, then pours what she has created into one bowl. Carefully, she layers a crust over the top of the vegetable pie and wraps it in plastic wrap. She snatches a note from the magnatized notepad on the fridge, scrawls "Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees" on it and slaps it onto the plastic wrap, pushing the whole thing into the fridge. She gulps the rest of her tea, puts the cup in the sink, and runs to put on her coat, pick up her purse, her books and her satchel. She dashes for the door but pulls up abruptly at the sight of Kermit, Fozzie and Piggy all looking at her formidably, blocking her exit from the room.)

Catherine: (a little nervously) Um, hi guys. What's, um, up?
Kermit: (crossing his arms across his chest and looking at her sternly) Your roomies would like a word with you.
(In spite of the serious look on his face, Catherine cannot help throwing Piggy a "isn't he darling when he's taking charge?" look, which Piggy answers with a smug, "Yep, and he's all mine" look.)
Kermit: (irritably) Stop doing that!
Catherine: Doing what?
Kermit: That whole...girly thing where you talk to each other without talking. It''s disconcerting.
Fozzie: Yeah--what he said.
Catherine: (putting on a serious face with effort) Okay. I'm listening. What do you all want to tell me.
(Kermit looks at Piggy, who nods slightly, and at Fozzie, who bobs his head up and down, then turns back to Catherine.)
Kermit: This is an intervention. You're--you're working waaaay to hard. You're taking too many classes, we never see you, and you're going to wear yourself down to a frazzle.
Fozzie: Um, aren't those the little people who live underground?
Kermit: Not now, Fozzie.
Piggy: Can it, furbrain.
Catherine: Oh, guys. Look--I'm really sorry. This wasn't exactly planned. I didn't mean to take on these extra classes but it just sortof happened. Aren't you finding the casseroles that I'm leaving for you? ANd I'm trying to pick up a little when I come in at night--
Kermit: That's not the point! We're certainly capable of feeding ourselves in a pinch.
Piggy: Speak for yourself, frog.
Fozzie: And it's kindof eerie that way food just keep appearing in the fridge. (He looked around nervously.) It's like we have pixies or something.
Kermit: (giving Piggy and Fozzie exasperated looks) And some of us could certainly do more than we're doing to contribute to the state of the room, (Piggy and Fozzie look away innocently) but that's not what this is about.
Catherine: It's not?
Kermit: NO! We don't miss you because you cook and clean--
Piggy: And help me iron my clothes--
Fozzie: --and find my stuff--
Kermit: --and organize our notes and pack us lunches and--
Fozzie: (very quietly and wistfully) kiss us goodnight.
Catherine: Oh, Fozzie...guys....
Kermit: We--we miss you, and we've been sortof worried about you. Your burning the candle at both ends.
Fozzie: What candle?
Piggy: And those bags under your eyes need some serious attention.
Catherine: Well, I....
Kermit: Tell me what your schedule is like for the next week. We'll help you get things more organized, and then I want to see some changes around here. I want you home for dinner with us, and watching movies with us.
Fozzie: And snuggling on the couch with us.
Piggy: And making us popcorn.
Kermit: Piggy!
Piggy: (wounded) I was just trying to be helpful.
Catherine: (a little misty-eyes) You guys...gosh.
(Fozzie is the first one to rush in and hug her, then Kermit and Piggy come over and put their arms around her in a great big, frog-pig-bear-snuggle. After a long moment, everybody sighs, then begins to giggle.)
Catherine: I'm sorry--this has been such a crazy start of my year. I...I'll do better, I promise. I still have the Friday night class, but it will get better from here, I promise. Okay?
Kermit: Okay. Okay with you guys?
Fozzie: I'm okay with it!
Piggy: Moi is okay with it, too.
(Everybody stands there hugging for a minute more.)
Piggy: Um, somebody's on my foot.
Kermit: Oh, sorry.
Catherine: Can I, um, go to class now? (She pats Fozzie, who is still holding on tightly.)
Kermit: Um, sure. But no more new projects, okay?
Catherine: (hastily crossing her fingers behind her back) Um, I'll try.
Kermit: (sternly) Try hard.
Catherine: (saluting) Yes sir. (looking at Piggy) Geez, he's cute when he's authoritative!
Piggy: (sighing) I know....
Kermit: (blushing) Aw, sheesh. Go on--go to class already! (Catherine disappears around the door and Kermit goes and looks after her.) But I expect you home for supper, Missy! Got it?!
(Kermit turns around to see Fozzie and Piggy looking at him. Fozzie pats him on the back. Piggy kisses him on the head.)
Piggy: You did good, Mon Capitan.
Fozzie: Yeah. Good job.
Kermit: (grimly) Thanks. I just hope it works.
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