Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *sitting at table drinking mug of hot tea* Well Uncle D...
Uncle Deadly: We made it through another year my fiend.
Ryan: *nods* That we did. Now we're looking to this one with open arms, minds and bodies.
Uncle D.: Indeed, and hopefully fan-fic notebooks as well.
Ryan: *smirks* You know Uncle D., you're the roomie I've had the longest.
UD: Yes, I know.
Ryan: And I fell like you and I can talk about anything, everything actually. I can't talk about serious stuff with Gonzo and Clifford, and Camilla I can't even understand. Which is why I'm glad I have you Uncle D.
UD: And I'm glad I have you too Ryan. *grabs mug of tea* *lifts it in toast* To 2007, and to friendships that were, will be, and still are.
Ryan: Here here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Red: Hey Ernie, it snowed last night while we were celebrating New Years.
Ernie: So it did! Hey, let's go play in it!
Red: Sounds good! Hey Bert? Wanna go play in the snow?
Bert: Huh? Oh no, I'm going to watch this video called the Wonders of Oatmeal.
Red: The Wonders of Oatmeal? What's so special about oatmeal?
Bert: What do you mean? Oatmeal is only the most perfect food known to man! Why, without oatmeal we wouldn't have such hearty, healthy breakfasts every morning!
Red: Ok...I'm still going out to play in the snow
Ernie: Let's make a snowman
Red: And go sledding!
Ernie: Oh boy!
*they leave*
Bert *looks at video and looks outside*: Hmm, well, the snow does look awfully pretty. *hesitates* Hey Guys? Wait for me, I'm coming too! *runs out the door*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Leaves a wrapped present for Abby from the Count: Happy Secret Santa and a vonderful 2007. Here are some DVD's, Seasons 1 and 2 of The Winks Club, vhich I hope a cute little fairy like you vill enjoy.
*Another basket of bat-shaped ginger snap cookies hangs on Room #6's doorstep with a note: From Ed and Fatatatita, from one pretty kitty to another, happy Secret Santa and mewrry Kitmas.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Abby: Look, I got a present from the Count!!
Beth: Why yes you did!
Abby: Can I watch them now?
Beth: Sure!
Big Bird: I got some neat binoculars from Little Bird. Now I can do more bird watching!
Beth: That's great Big Bird!
Big Bird: I can't wait to show these to Bryan when he gets back!
Abby: I'm going to color a picture for the Count to thank him for my present
Beth: That's nice of you Abby
Abby: Hey Telly, when I'm done you want to watch these dvd's with me?
Telly: Sure! I just gotta feed Chuckie Sue first. How're you doing Chuckie Sue?
Beth: All is well in 2007 so far.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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We're back!

Grover: We are in our cute little dorms again.

Herry: *sees two presents* Look at what someone brought us.

I see. *opens the door* Bring them in.

Oscar: *trashcan walking passed the door to his usaual spot*

Herry: *picks them up* Oooo one is heavy.

Maurice: I wonder who there for?

*puts stuff down* Let's see. This one here looks to be yours Maruice.

Maurice: For me? Wow! Can I open it?

Sure. And this one here is from you Herry.

Herry: Wow wee. *opens it* It's a....what is it?

It's a pedometer.

Herry: What's that?

It's what mesures how much your work out.

Herry: Cool! This is so cool. *goes to Peter's room, knocks* Hey Peter. Thanks for the pedometer. That is so cool.

What did you get Maurice?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
*Another basket of bat-shaped ginger snap cookies hangs on Room #6's doorstep with a note: From Ed and Fatatatita, from one pretty kitty to another, happy Secret Santa and mewrry Kitmas.
opening door
Hey...look at this girls! Ed and Fatatita left us some gingersnap cookies with this note.showing Prairie and Rosita
Prairie: Oh...that was so nice of them!
Rosita:Sure was.We're lucky to have them as friends.
That's very true.
Gaffer paws at me and walks near the plate of sugar cookies Prairie's mom made.
Hey idea! OK...let's an idea
wrapping half the cookies up in red Saran wrap,putting a green bow around themand putting a note: Happy New Year to our friends in Room One from your friends in Room Six!
Prairie:Good idea Kath..but where's you-know who? We gotta make sure the cookies don't get stolen.
He's away with Kyle and the others for a few days.We're safe.
putting the cookies on Room 1's doorknob

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*A few moments elapse after Kathy's little excursion to the firm face of Room #1.

The door opens and we come out to examine what's been left there. Hey, some nice little sugar cookies.
Count: Mmm, a pleasant little gift from Kathy I suspect.
Yep, thanks gals. And the blue furry cookie-eater's back, he just arrived a few moments before. No worries, we're here now and I'm sure Kyle has some goodies to keep his furry fratmate occupied. Have a happy New Year's Day, and thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: So we are into 2007 (thanks Herry for the pedometer!)

BABY BEAR: I hope Maurice liked that Muppet Show poster that i gave him

LITTLE BIRD: And Big Bird loved those binoculars that i gave him

ZOE: And Elmo loved those Crayons

PETER: And that is good!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Bored!
Gonzo: *pulls out 2x4* Board! Ha ha!
Robin: Ryan, where's Lisa?
Ryan: Got me... I know she's around, she's just not at the Dorms yet.
Robin: *sigh* I just miss her... And I still have to give her her Christmas present.
Ryan: *smirks* Don't we all?
Robin: Heh, yeah I guess.
Ryan: Now whadaya say we watch a movie?
Robin: Oh boy! Yeah!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Maurice: *putting it up on the wall* This is cool. Kermit has been my hero ever since I got to work with him.

That's cool. Have you thanked Peter?

Maurice: I was just about to do that. *jumps down from his bed, picks up phone and calls Peter* Hey Peter. Sorry. Hope i'm not calling to late. I wanted to thank you for my seceret santa gift. Thank you so very much. Good night. *hangs up phone*

Grover: *walks into the room* Ooooo you have froggy hanging in your bedroom.

Maurice: Yes I do Grover. He's been my hero ever since I was a little monster.

Grover: When I found out that I Grover was going to get to work with him. I was thrilled. I could not believe it. He is now one of my best friends.

Maurice: Same here with me.

Both monsters look at the poster with their arms around each other
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