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Muppet Central the Movie!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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(Okay I'll just continue where I left off)

Me: Rowlf you gotta keep up, we have to find Christy and Scooter.
Rowlf: I'm comin' my dogs are killin' me.
Me: Pun intended?
Rowlf: Not really.
Me: Oh... Okay.
Rowlf: So where do we start looking?
Me: Let's check Christy's room and check if she left anything that we can use to track her down.
Rowlf: Sounds good to me.

*I open the door to Christy's room and it's perfectly clean*

Me: Well she's not here, that's for sure.
Rowlf: Looks like no ones here, or has been here all night.

*From around the bed we here...*

Rizzo: I wouldn't say no one.
Me: Rizzo?
Rizzo: Yeah it's me. I was here doin' my rounds through all the rooms lookin' fer scraps.
Rowlf: Figures we'd find you here. Instead of Christy and Scooter.
Me: Maybe Rizzo can help us. Riz has there been anyone in here since you've been here?
Rizzo: Yeah, some chick was wit Scooter and dey took a right outside da room.
Me: Thanks Riz, you wanna come with us to look for them?
Rizzo: Ehhh, why not? Der's no food in here anyway.
Me: Cool, you ready Rowlf?
Rowlf: Sure, let's go.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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That's OK Christy, just checking to make sure that Jim will be there. Just bring him in when you're ready to reveal the surprise.

Just readin' and followin' the fun.

BTW: TogetherAgain, you wanna join us as boarders at the dorms? Contact me if interested.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Ryan 2, Rowlf and Rizzo go into room 214 to find out what happened to Christy and Scooter on the other hand......

Grover: *wakes up and streches* Ohhhhh that feels better. Wake up Herry!

Herry: What is it Grover? I'm trying to sleep. What?

Grover: I'm hungry. Are you?

Herry: Not really. I want to sleep. *hits pillow and feathers go everywhere* Opps. Ok you talked me into it. Lets go eat. *goes to the restarent*

Pepe: *waks up too and streaches* Ohhhhh this not our room. Where is we? *wakes Seymour*

Seymour: What? *rubs eyes*

Pepe: Where are we?

Seymour: In Kyle's room. Where else would we be?

Pepe: Oh that right. I forget. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.....Since we up lets eat. Hokey?

Seymour: Lets leave Kyle and the mons....*looks and see just Animal, Me and Cookie* Where's Grover and Herry?

Pepe: Don't know don't care. Lets eat.

Seymour: Come on Pepe. We can't just leave with out letting Kyle know where we are and then theres Grover and Herry.

Pepe: Meybe there in the breakfeast room. Let go. Hokey? *tugs on Seymour's arm*

Seymour: Hmmmmm let me think. *swings arms around and throws Pepe on the other side of the bed*

Animal: WHAT?! *rubs eyes*

Me: What in the world is that racket? Can I sleep? *puts pillow over head*

Animal: *throws pillow at Seymour* Go sleep! *falls back to sleep*

Pepe: Ouch. That hurt bad. Lets go eat hokey?

Seymour: Ok. Shhhhh theres still sleeping. *goes to the restreant*


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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Ryan tore through the night sky at an unbelievable pace.

Ryan: This jetpack is so flippin' awesome! Now I just need to get back to Fraggle Rock (Where it seems I already was at one time but due to a case of bad writing [my bad] I ended up somewhere else entirely).

Ryan thought about his friends Dan and Dee stuck in Fraggle Rock with all sorts of strange and unusual creatures. He began to panic. Unfortunately, the problem with jetpacks is that as soon as one panics, they lose control. Ryan twisted and twirled in all sorts of directions and suddenly found himself plunging downward towards the Earth. Ryan realized he was headed right for the roof of someone's house. He closed his eyes and expected the worse...

Doc rushed into his workshop when he heard the horrible crash.

Doc: Sprocket? Sprocket, what was that noise?

(Doc hears a muffled whimper on the other side of the work bench)

Doc: Sprocket, are you alright?

Ryan: He's fine. Luckily, he's a fluffy fella. He helped break my fall.

Sprocket: woof woof

Doc: He's not barking as loudly as he normally does.

Ryan: Ah, he'll be fine. He's a good boy. (Pats Sprocket on the head)

Sprocket: Woof! Woof!

Ryan: See?

Doc: Oh, Sprocket ol' boy! I thought you were really hurt!

Ryan: Say, you're Doc! You're the man with the entry to Fraggle Rock!

Doc: Well, yes. Those strange creatures have really been at it...

Ryan: Nevermind that. I need to get in there.

Doc: But you're much too big...

(Doc is silenced when Ryan merely walks up to the hole and wanders in without so much as getting on his knees)

Doc: This has been too much excitement for me, Sprocket. I need a vacation.

Sprocket: Woof!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Statler and Waldorf hand Doc the phone number for Ma Bear at Grizzly Farms.

Statler: Tell her we'll drop in later.
Waldorf: Wake me when this movie ends.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Meanwhile...down at Fragle Rock...

"It's horable!"

"It's disgusting."

"It's deadly."

"It's just a broken Dozer stick, men, get back to work..."

And zooming out from the doozers and their problems, we head to the computer caves where certain Silly Creatures and Muppets have bigger problems...

To be continued...

(A waste of a post, I know, but I thought it was funny)


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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"Good Morning," said a dark and evil voice, as the hologram finished forming into the dark and evil form of King Agrippa. His skin was hick, and hardened as though from years of manuel labour. His eyes black, and his hair long. He wore a black-iron crown on his head, and snarled, and growled, showing his teeth.

"Er, hi there, good morning to you to sir," said Red, snapping off a salute. "And what can I do for you today, your Majesty?"

Boober grabbed Red and pulled her back. "He is doom itself, stay back."

Dee folded her arms. "I have had enough of this nonsence. First Snidly Spyware, now you, this is no longer funny."

"Guys!" That was Dan. "We have a little prob pals."

"Where?" B. Regard ran towards Dan, where he could see a green fungus growing rapidly out from the internet-connection hub of the computer cave.

King Agrippa started shouting with laughter. "It is too late, the virus is already entering your precious caves."

"We have to stop it," Gobo called, dashing towards the others. "It will ruin our home!"

The fungi was thick and drippy, rapidly growing acors sthe walls now. Sparkles of comuter code flashed and dazzeled around it.

"It looks like I was too late," King Agrippa said. "Too Late to Stop You letting it in, it already is in!!!"

"Not yet it isn't," Mokey said. "We can beat this, right guys? Um...guys?"

To eb continued


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Side note I forgot about Lips being in our room too. Just let everyone know Lips is still asleep too in our room with the rest of us.
Me: *wakes up* YAWN! Thats was some good sleep. *kicks Animal* Get up.

Animal: No. Sleep.

Me: Come on Animal. Get up Lips. Come on Cookie.

Cookie M: Me not.....*snoring*......want to.

Lips: *gets up and goes to the bathroo*

Me: We have to get going. Its 12:00 in the afternoon. Its late. *sees note* "Gone to the restaurant to eat breakfest."

Everyone takes a hot shower and goes to the restaurant.....

Down at Fraggle Rock....

Ryan: Oh my head. I should off watched out for that pipe. *tumbles down a tunnel into the great hall*

Dan: Hey there Ryan. What brings you back?

Ryan: *gets up brushes self off* Hey Dan. I heard about that king guy who was...

All of a sudden King Agrippa shows himself

King Agrippa: I see that ya'll thought you could seal up that computer tunnel huh? We'll think again because I'm here to take over Fraggle Rock. No wait hold on. Does anyone have the scripted with them?

Dan: Not really. We're still in the making of it.

King Agrippa: I just know there was something else I was spoused to do.

Ryan: Just get back to movie.

King Agrippa: Ok. I'm going to steal Fraggle Rock from all the fraggles. Now no one can stop me now. *evil laugter is heard all the way through out the computer tunnel*

Over in Cyberspace ....

Christy: What was that?

Scooter: What? I didn't hear anything.

Christy: I heard something. It sounded like B. Regard's evil side of himself. King Agrippa!

Scooter: Who?

Christy: He's one of our members from MC that had a funny thing he used to do but I know that laugh from somewhere. Sindly must of made King Agrippa from the mind of B. Regard.

Steve: Hey kid.

Christy: Hey Steve.

Steve: Whats wrong?

Christy: Nothing.

Steve: Come on you can tell me.

Dave: Whats going on?

Steve: Don't know. I can't seem to get her to tell me.

Dave: Lets just leave her alone right now. Maybe she'll come and tell us later.

Steve: Ok. Talk to you later kid.

Chirsty: Ok. Scooter?

Scooter: What?

Christy: I want to go and save my friends but I don't know what to do?

Scooter: This is your dream. Why leave now.

Christy: I'm having the time of my life but I know that my friends need my help. We have to find away out of here. Are you with me?

Scooter: You know I am. I'm by your side.

To be continued...


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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Ryan, Dan, B. Regard, Dee and the Fraggles glare at King Agrippa as he paced confidently in the dark caverns of Fraggle Rock.

Ryan (whispering): Hey guys, I might know a way of beating this guy.

Boober: Oh yeah? How?

Ryan: Gobo, could you lead us to the Gorgs?

Boober: Oh No! The Gorgs?! That would be suicide!

Gobo: But it makes sense. They're always after us Fraggles, maybe they'd be just as interested in that funny looking creature.

Red: By golly, that just might work!

Boober: If you don't mind, I'll just stay here and wash my...

Mokey: Wash-smosh, if we're going, we're going together. (Pulls on Boober)

Wembley: So what do we do when we get to the Gorgs?

Ryan: Well I haven't really thought this out.

Dan: Perhaps we can hide from them in the turnip patch?

Dee: And when King Agrippa comes through the rock, we can all make a bunch of noise so the Gorgs come out and see him there.

(Everyone collectively agrees with this silly idea)

Gobo: But what about that virus?

Ryan: Well, with King Agrippa out of the way, there will be no one to stop us from stopping it.

Red: Good!

Boober: Can't I just stay here?

Everyone: NO!

Ryan: Wait...yes you can!

Boober: Yay!

Red: Why does he get to stay?

Ryan: Well, there's no guarantee that we'll not get caught by the Gorgs ourselves. I don't know about you guys, but I'm willing to risk getting caught for the greater good.

Gobo: Me too!

Red and Mokey: And us!

Wembley: Count me in!

Dan: I'm going!

Dee: Sounds exciting!

B. Regard: I'm...

Boober: Wait! If you're all going, I'll just get scared!

B. Regard: Okay, I'll stay here with Boober and make sure we get that virus cleaned up.

Ryan: So it's settled. Gobo, lead the way.

Gobo: Right! Everybody follow me!

(The group takes off down the caverns and King Agrippa watches them flee)

King Agrippa: There is no escaping me!!! (Takes off after them, leaving B. Regard and Boober alone with the disgusting virus dripping into the cave)


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Meanwhile in cyberspace

Scooter and I had managed to sneak off. We were crouched underneath the stage trying to pry open a door we had spotted. Then an eerie feeling came into the room.

Me: Scooter, we got company.
Snidley:Just thought I'd check up on my little pawns.
Scooter: Since when were we your pawns.
Snidley: Let's just say your friends have provided an excellent challenge for you.
Me:*horrorified* I don't want to say it but....What has happened?
Snidley: You'll meet him. My little virus. Just as a warning you have oh....a short time to find your friend and get out of here. You don't want to be in here when all of technology crashes.
Scooter: Lemme guess. You're taking over the world.
Snidley: *evil laughter* In about 24 hours, I will have taken over.

Scooter and I looked at each other. I immediatlely began to dial Ryan's cell phone. Only for my cell phone to explode in my hand.

Snidley: See how quickly it destroyed that little gadget? Now I'm not going to blow it up. Everyone will come begging to me. Now I leave you on your own.

With that Snidley disappeared and the door opened. Scooter and I fell through the door. After a crash landing that would have made Gonzo proud. We sat up and dusted ourselves off.

Scooter: Now where are we?
Me: *looking down* I know 70s style clothing was coming back...but not like this!
Scooter: Nice outfit.
Me: *rolls eyes and looks around* I know where we are! I think I've died and gone to heaven. Or I will in a moment.
Scooter: What on earth are you talking about?
Me: Follow me.

We head up the stairs and I ring the doorbell. A bedraggled creative genius opens the door and greets us.

Jim Henson: May I help you?
Me:Scooter, meet your creator and welcome to New York City.