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Muppet Central the Movie!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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Docnzhoss shuddered an awful shudder.
"You all right?" Christyb asked him.
"Yeah, just an eerie chill is all," Docnzhoss responded. "Say, all this fear and excitement has made me kind of hungry. How 'bout you guys?"
Animal was the first to answer, "SUPPER TIME! SUPPER TIME!"
Everyone else nodded in agreement.
Docnzhoss nodded. "I'm gonna make a food run, get us all something to eat. You wanna come, Link?"
Link piped up, "Well I would if I were there."
"What do you mean, if you were here, you're right...Link? Link?"
"I'm in the computer!" Link cried.
Everyone present gasped in horror. Christyb ran to the computer monitor.
"Link! Link, are you okay?"
"I feel kind of funny, and now that it's been mentioned, I'm pretty hungry."
Kermit approached the monitor.
"Can you tell us what you are seeing?"
"Oh, it's terrible! There's a hideous creature floating in the distance, but it looks like he's headed this way!"
Docnzhoss' stomach tied itself in a knot.
"Link!" He shouted. "Don't let the creature get you! It might be one of Spyware's minions!"
"Don't say that," Link said with a cracked voice. "I'm all alone in here!"
Christyb called out to him, "Link, can you find an exit?"
"I don't know," Link answered. "It's awfully dark in here. Oh wait...the creature...it's getting closer!"
"Run Link!" Everyone shouted collectively.
For a few brief moments, there was some commotion from within the computer. Link screamed a few times and Christyb could swear that she saw the monitor shake. At one point, the noise stopped and there was an eerie silence.
Docnzhoss spoke first. "Link? Link are you there?"
No answer. Kermit hung his head low, fearing the worst. However, he soon perked up when a familiar voice spoke.
"Whoopee!" It was Gonzo! "You're no match for Gonzo the Great! I've wrestled alligators, gorillas and cheeses, you've got nothing on me!"
The "me" was unusually stressed, as though Gonzo had exerted himself at the end of his sentence. Before anyone had time to realize what was happening, a loud "thonk" was heard inside the computer monitor.
"Gonzo!" Kermit cried. "Gonzo, what happened?"
"Well, Kermit, I'll tell you. I was flying around, exploring the deepest regions of cyberspace, when I heard our friend Link cry out."
"You really saved my neck there, Gonzo!"
A huge wave of relief rushed over the group at the Muppet Boarding House upon hearing Link's voice.
Gonzo continued, "I flew over to see what was happening and that's when I saw this lizard-dragon thing trying to attack Link. I utilized my terrific wrestling skills and now I think I've killed the creature!"
Link was heard to say, "Better him than me."
"Good work, Gonzo," Kermit declared. Then he added, "I just hope our other friends don't encounter those creatures."
From the back of the room, Dr. Teeth responded, "Too true, too true."



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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At the airport......

Me: (goes to the Airline Attendant) Yes I was wondering? Have three blue monsters come off that plane yet?
Airline Att.: Sir I would have to ask you, are you nuts?
Me: Uh....NO! I really mean what I said mama.
Airline Att.: Sir you need not to scream at me.
Me: Mama, I'm sorry but could you see if there around here somewhere?
Airline Att.: What are their names? (Can't believe I'm doing this)
Me: Cookie Monster, Herry Monster and Grover Monster.
Airline Att.: Your pulling my leg! *giggles*
Me: No mama. Thats a dog. Mama, could you please contact them?
Airline Att.: Could we have three monsters by the names, Cookie Monster, Grover Monster and Herry Monster. Please come to the Airline ticket lane. There are you happy?
Me: Thanks Mama.
About that time Grover, Herry and Cookie step off the plane....
Me: There ya'll are. Glad ya'll could make it.
Grover: I'm glad to help out Kyle.
Cookie M: Me hungry.
Herry: Same here. Plane food just doesn't cut it for me.
Me: I'll have to agree w/ you Herry. Let me make a call to the MBH. *payphone* Ring Ring Ring Ring. Hello there. This is Kyle.
Christyb: Kyle who?
Me: Erine81981.
Christyb: Oh that Kyle. Whats up?
Me: I wanted to call and tell ya'll me and Monsters are coming over. Got that weird email. Could you tell me whats going on?
AT THE MBH........
Christyb:....and thats whats been happening around here.
Me: Man! This really bites the dust. Glad you guys haven't gotten zapped in.
Grover: Hey there foggy babie! *slaps Kermit on the back* Glad to see you again friend. We've got to do something or Spyware will take over compelatey and we'll never hear of our fans and friends.
Kermit the Frog: Hey there Grover. Glad to see you too. Haven't been on SS since Disney bought us. *lifts his foot w/ a disney spimble* See? Glad to have you guys here. Kyle are you hungry?
Me: Sure. I'll take whatever you got Kermit.
Cookie M: Me hungry too.
Herry: Cookie Monster! You needed to eat before we got here.
Me: Herry its ok. Go eat whatever you can eat Cookie.
Cookie M: COWABUNGA!!! *runs up stairs*
Animal: COW-A-BUNGA! *runs up stairs again*
Me: Docnzhoss? Have you got anything on those ceatures?
Docnzhoss: Nope. Nothing.
Me: Here let me try. *gets on computer and types, pulls up some pictures of the creatures* Here it is. It says here that theses creatures are only deadly when found in a computer. It also says they have a weakness.
Chrityb: What is it?
Me: You won't believe this.
Docnzhoss: Tell us.
Me: Their weakness is....
Kermit the Frog: Yes....
Me: Their weakness is....
Christyb: Yes....
Me: Their weakness is....
Grover: Just tell us. :mad:
Me: Ok sorry. I love play with drama....its cookies.
Cookie M: Did someone say cookies? Me want some! Give me give me give me!
Link: Cookies? I have some cookies here. *pulls out cookies but they disappare*
Me: Not those type of cookies Cookie Monster and Link. Its a type thats in the computer.
Link: But my are in the....were in the computer.
Docnzhoss: Link!
Link: Yea?
Docnzhoss: Just be quite.
Cookie M: Uh shucks. *kicks a tin can* Me really want some.
Scooter: There should be some up in the kitchen. Here I'll show you. *both go upstairs*
Me: Does anyone know what do w/ those cookies?



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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*Meanwhile- in his computer with JaniceFerSure and Gonzo*

Yes, the boredom really is getting to them...

Me: ........
Gonzo: ........
Dee: ................
Me: ........ cough
Dee: ...... Bless you
Me: ..........Thank you....
Dee: ....You're welcome
Gonzo: ...... cough
Me: .... Stop it
Gonzo: ....Sorry....
Dee: .............
Me: .......Oh, I know! Why did the chicken cross the road?
Gonzo: ....... I don't know
Me: ....Neither do I....
Dee:.... sigh....

*The trio sing Cabin Fever*
There you go, Dee!! I bet you never thought you'd be singing Cabin Fever with me trapped inside a computer!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Dee: Cabin Fever is right Dan.So now it's you,me,Link & Gonzo stuck in here.
Link: This is terrible.
Gonzo: It's not so bad,if only I had my mildew collection.
Dan: We're gonna be stuck in here for awhile mates. Maybe we should play a game,to unbore us.
Dee: What kind of a game Dan?
Dan: Let's start playing muppet ABC,played like muppet cat;but just name any muppet starting with the next letter,I'll go first.
Link: I don't think I'll be good at this game.
Gonzo: Just give it a try,ok Link.
Link: Ok,don't expect miracles.
Dan: Apple
Dee: Bert
Gonzo: Cookie Monster
Link: Um,<thinking hard> Doglion



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Back in the MBH Lab.......

Me: We still don't know what to do with theses cookies?
Cookie M: Me going to eat them.
Me: No no no Cookie. Computer cookies.
Cookie M: Oh.
Me: Scooter? Scooter!?
Scooter: Yes Kyle.
Me: You can figure this out can't yea?
Scooter: I'm trying!
Kermit the Frog: Kyle! Quit it! Scooter has to conentrate.
Me: Sorry Scooter. I seem to be acting like a idiot.
Scooter: Don't be down on yourself.
Me: Thanks Scooter. I just don't know what to do?
Grover: Its ok Kyle. We just need to believe in ourself. We'll get throught this.
O.C.Link: That....was...so......beautiful. *a tear drops and she blows her nose*
Docnzhoss: What in world am I watching?
Christyb: I enjoyed that. (looks to camera) We needed a little drama in this movie.

Continued....(sorry if I didn't make any since I just couldn't think of anything. This might make a good delated sceen LOL)


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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*Side Note: Yes, Kyle that scene is a good deleted one since I didn't see how it fit. Funny none the less.

Giving up on the computer I get up and start to pace the floor. Back and forth, back and forth muttering to myself hoping that some sort of idea would come to my head. I sit down in a corner and sigh. Everyone was upstairs eating and trying to have a good time. As for me I couldn't eat. Now that I knew that something else was in there with our friends...I just had to think of something.
*Fozzie walks quietly in and sits down beside me*
Fozzie: Kinda quiet down here.
Me: Yeah. Easier to think.
Fozzie: So how long have you been a fan?
Me: Since as long as I can remember why?
Fozzie: Just wondering. Besides you should eat something. *hands me some food*
Me: Thanks Fozzie you're a sweetheart. *Hugs Fozzie*
Fozzie: I remember the time we saved Gonzo from those government agents...
Me: Yeah that was a good movie.
Fozzie: No what actually happened.
Me: What are you getting at??
I look at Fozzie wondering what his point was. Then suddenly....

Me: Fozzie that would never work!

Fozzie: Well the only way we could save Gonzo was to go to him and...
Me: You mean go in there? *points to computer*
Fozzie: Yes.

By this time the others had returned to the basement. I looked up at the others as wondering if they had heard our conversation. There was no way it could work. But then again what had we to lose??

*Side note: If this was a Muppet Movie we'd break into song somewhere in here.LoL :big_grin:.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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Meanwhile, the guys inside the computer are starting to get restless as Dan begins to show off his stupidity!!

Me: What do you mean, no?
Gonzo: I think I should know!!
Dee: He's right
Me: But there is
Link: No there's not
Me: There is definitely a muppet called Spongebob!!
Dee: That doesn't even begin with an 'E'
Link: I agree whole-heartedly

Just then; the foursome were given an awful shock. A hologram appeared before them, and it was indeed the scary face of Snidely Spyware!!

(BTW, I wonder which human guest star is playing Snidely. Personally, I vote Richard O'Brien of Rocky Horror and The Crystal Maze!!)


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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Snidley's hologram loomed over JaniceFerSure, TuttertheMouse, Gonzo and Link. "Hello, my friends. I suppose you think that your situation is hopeless. It is! Ha ha ha! You are stuck here as my prisoners and no one can help you. I am, however, a reasonable man, and I feel that you deserve the opportunity to free yourselves. Two of you (motioning to Link and Gonzo) have already met one of my pets. The others have not yet had the pleasure. But don't worry, you will! Ha ha ha! If you would be so kind as to follow me, I will lead you to your one chance of escape. If you choose not to follow me...stay here and rot!"

The hologram turned and walked away and the desperate foursome felt compelled to follow. They secretly figured that Snidley was leading them into a trap, but they felt that if they kept Snidley occupied, it might give someone time to help them out. The Snidley image led JaniceFerSure, TuttertheMouse, Link and Gonzo toward a beacon of light in the distance, and JaniceFerSure felt certain she could hear a flapping of wings...


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Meanwhile In Muppet Labs....

The computer screen suddenly glowed and showed the inside. Not the hardware inside of the monitor but the internet itself. This was the first that Janicefersure, Tutterthemouse, Gonzo, and Link had been seen since their appearances. Everyone suddenly crowded around the screen to see what was happening to their friends. After trying to implore their friends not to follow, our Muppet friends and MC guests realized that their last communciation line had been cut off.

Then there was a eerie aura that entered the room. A feeling that you could feel straight down to your bones. Something that your gut would have told you was pure evil. Being human I couldn't resist turning around to see who or what had entered the room. This time it was not Uncle Deadly.

Snidley was standing behind them gloating. No words needed to be said his demeanor said it all. He was not leading the trapped ones to safety at all. However, leading them too their impending doom. Snidley did nothing but smile for a time. Then a voice could be heard in my head. I looked around at the others who were still arguing with the computer. Either I was going batty or somehow Snidley had entered my head. For not a single soul had noticed a change in the room I chose the batty option...

Me: Oh boy. Either I need some sleep or coffee.
Doc: Huh? What did you say?
Me: Turn around and tell me what you see.
Doc: *turns around* I see Cookie and Grover arguing over what the term "Computer Cookies" mean.
Me: Ok so I'm going nuts.
Doc: Huh?
Snidley: No you're not. I'm actually standing here. The others simply cannot see me.
Me: Doc, Kyle. Please tell me Snidley's not standing right there.
Doc: He's not there Christy. Are you ok??
Me: Ok. I'm offically freaked out now.
Snidley: You should be. You see my dear girl...
Me: Never call me that again. The name's Christy.
Snidley: You're making things worse for youself. As I was saying...You see I don't like how you've been going behind my back. Any longer and I believe you would have figured out my plot. Since I like to keep things intresting my dear girl...
Me: Christy...I'm not your dear and I'm definately not your girl.
Snidley: *glares at me* You are now "IT". Hmmm...I'll keep you in a special spot my little tech wizard. I like to have a little fun now and then so.......

With a rush of wind I suddenly disappeared from the boarding house. I had no idea where I was but I was hanging upside down from a cliff. I had to give this guy points for orginality. How on earth did he know I was afraid of heights?? Then I felt something drop outta my pocket. He had left me my cell phone! I wondered how much good it would do me though.

Me: Too bad Kermit isn't here. It's almost as if I should be singing "Love Led Us Here".
Me: SOMEONE GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!! DOC, KERMIT, SCOOTER, Can you hear me?????

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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It was quite unnerving for Christyb, being tied to a cliff and being tied upside down. The blood rushed to her head adding just the faintest tint of red to her already panic-stricken face. The cold cyberwinds chilled her down to the bone, exacerbated by her sudden bout of acrophobia. But then in the distance the clear clarion call of a trumpet was heard resounding in the distance of the internet realm. The music grew louder as the familiar character clad in Canadian reds approached. His blonde hair and baby blue eyes gave him away almost instantly. Christy knew it had to be him when he proclaimed in his distinct high-toned voice "Chriiiisty!" Yes, it was Dudley Doright of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He knew that his eternal nemesis had been up to no-good and general badness. Dudley set to untieing Christy while gripping her firmly, so as that both rescuer and damsel would not plunge into the blank cyber-casms below. As soon as Christy was seated on Dudley's faithful horse, Horse, an Acme dynamite plunger was pressed. It seems that Snidely had employed Wile E. Coyote as a spy keeping a constant watch over his captive. Fortunately, Christy was able to ride out of view, racing to find her MC frie3nds. Unfortunately, Dudley was blown downwards along with the hapless coyote.
Christy then marshalled her remaining strength and set out to find JFS, TuttertheMouse, and the others.
