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Muppet Central the Movie!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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As JaniceFerSure, TuttertheMouse, Gonzo and Link were led to the light, the batting of wings grew louder. Beads of sweat formed on JaniceFerSure's forehead.
"I don't think this is going to be too fabulous..." TuttertheMouse rasped.
"Don't worry, our friends will find us," JaniceFerSure replied, channeling all the Princess Leian courage she could muster.
The Snidley hologram led the group to an open doorway and silently motioned for them to enter. Hanging their heads, the foursome went in feeling awfully dreadful. Inside the doorway, the group had entered a large, well-lit arena. (I just realized that this has all become very Phantom Menace...sorry)
Inside the arena was a large tub of purple liquid. The Spyware hologram motioned for the group to step into the goo. Gonzo, in classic form, jumped in head first only to bounce on his head.
"Hey!' he cried. "This liquid is solid!"
Link tested the surface and stepped onto the pool of solid liquid. JaniceFerSure followed and then TuttertheMouse. They looked behind them for further instruction from Snidley.
"And now, I take my leave of you. My real self will be by shortly to see how you are faring. I'm also dimming the lights. Tah!" With that, the hologram fizzled out and the four prisoners were alone in a fairly dark place.
"Well, what now?" JaniceFerSure inquired.
"I don't know, but that wing sound is really irritating," TuttertheMouse replied.
"It's got a nice ring to it," Gonzo added. The group just looked at him.
"You'd think by the sound of it that those winged creatures would be right above us," Link commented while looking upward. "There's nothing up there."
JaniceFerSure looked around, and then below. What she saw made her heart sink.
"The creatures aren't above us, Link. They're directly below us!"
The group looked down and saw an army of winged creatures swimming below, flapping their wings and glaring menacingly upward. When the group had made eye contact, the creatures made their move. They shot upward and burst through the goo's surface. The foursome screamed as the creatures flew up and around them, surrounding them and buzzing eerily.
"This is it!" Link cried and collapsed into a fetal position.
JaniceFerSure and TuttertheMouse watched helplessly as the creatures closed in.
Suddenly, JaniceFerSure was yanked by the arm. She screamed as she was quickly hoisted upwards onto a hairy beast.
"It's okay," said a friendly voice. "It's me, Christyb."
"Oh thank God!" JaniceFerSure exclaimed. "But we've got to get the others!"
Christyb swung Horse around and went after Link, Gonzo and TuttertheMouse. Christyb and JaniceFerSure managed to swoop the three up from danger just as the winged creatures had gone for the attack. Horse, with his five passengers, bolted for the exit with the creatures in hot pursuit. Christyb kept her eyes forward and noticed that the exit door appeared to be closing.
"We may not make it, the door's closing!" she cried.
JaniceFerSure looked ahead.
"That's not a door, that's a person!"
Christyb looked closer and saw that it was Snidley Spyware guarding the door.
"Don't stop, Horse!" Christyb declared. "Run him over!"
Horse kicked it into high gear and gunned right for Snidley, who just stood there smiling. As Horse and his five passengers approached, they braced themselves for impact. However, as they closed in on Snidley, there was no impact. They went right through him.
"Another hologram," JaniceFerSure pointed out.
"But at least we're free," TuttertheMouse added.
In the emotional moments that followed, everyone was too elated and grateful to even speak.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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What the. Suddenly Horse and Snidley disappeared. Snidley's voice could suddenly be heard.

Snidley: Just as a little reminder my little pawns. You're in my world still. I control EVERYTHING.

Upon reaching the other side it was soon apparent that we were still on the same platform as before with the winged creatures all around. We needed to think up a plan quick or we would soon become dinner. Then Gonzo began to think which is a scary thought. (pun intended), and came up with an unusal idea.

Gonzo: Hey Guys? I don't think those things around us are real.
The rest: WHAT???!!!
Gonzo: Hear me out. If what we're seeing is controlled by Snidley then those things can't exist. We're in cyberspace remember??
JaniceFerSure: I get it. So it's all in our heads.
Me: Tell that to my rope burn. *rubbing my ankles*
Tutter: Well only way to find out. Bombs Away!!!!
*Tutter jumps into the abyss below.*
Me: Tutter what are you thinking??????
Tutter: Go ahead guys there's nothing there!!
*everyone shrugs and jumps*
All scream: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
*lands with a thud at the bottom*

Me: *looks up* Uh Guys where are we???


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Back at the MBH........

Uh guys? We seem to be missing someone or something?
All together: CHRISTY!!!!
Doc: Shes gone!
Fozzie Bear: She was enjoying a nice sandwich too!
Everyone looks at Fozzie
Grover: No Cookie, no cookies are being harmed. Those are computer cookies. Not real cookies.
Cookie M: Oh me see. *muching down on more cookies*
Me: This guy has to be stopped.
Kermit the Frog: Where's Bunsan and Beaker?
Bunsan: Right here Kermit. Me and Beaker are making ya'll some gagets for ya'lls trip!
Kermit the Frog: What trip?
Bunsan: The Computer Trip. What else?
Beaker: Meep meep meep mep meep computer.
Bunsan: Your right Beaker. The "Trasnformsliceanddicesender!" Yes we can use that.
Grover: (glup) Slice and dice? Are you sure about this thing?
Cookie M: Me not want to be food for computer!
Herry: We're going in the computer? Isn't that what Spyware wants?!
Doc: Herrys right. We can't go in there. We still haven't figured how to get the others out and Chrisy is no where to be found.
Bunsan: Animal seems ok with it.
Doc: He don't even know what two plus two is.
Floyd Pepper: What do you mean he don't know man. Animal? Whats two plus two is?
Animal slams head on table four times
Doc: Sorry didn't know but thats not the point here. We need to findout where Christy went off to.
Bunsan: I think I might be able to figured what happen here. Beaker get me the "Finderwhater."
Beaker: Meep meep meep meep.
Bunsan: Thank you Beaker. Now Beaker. You going to be my guniepig.
Beaker: :eek:
Bunsan: Beaker?!
Beaker: Meep'k. (meeps under breath)
Bunsan: Ok this Finderwhater should be able to findout what happen to Christy. *points to gun at Beaker, Beaker beings be trasnformed into Christy*
Beaker/Christy: Meep christy.
Bunsan: This is the wrong gun Beaker.
Beaker/Christy: Meep sorry.
Bunsan changes Beaker back to Beaker himself
Me: This better find her.
Bunsan: Ok here goes something......



Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Meanwhile in Cyberspace...

Our new surroundings were odd to say the least but it seemed as if we were safe for now. Looking about, I found out that I and my companions were in a big cavern of some sort. All that seemed to be going by us was 1's and 0's. The numbers were rushing by us at phenominal speeds. Typical computer language. It didn't take long for us to figure out that we had landed in the heart of the internet world.
Me: Oh man, Guys if we get outta this in one piece it'll be a miracle. *I moan and rub my neck)
Link: So uh. You wanna tell us what went on back there? I mean how on earth did you get in here?
*My cellphone rings*
Me: What the??? One moment link.

(Camera cuts to Muppet Boarding House where Scooter is on the phone)
(Camera cuts back to us in cyberspace)
Me: Hello??
Scooter: Christy, Hey Christy were did you go? This is no time to be taking pleasure walks.
Me: Scooter, look in the stupid computer. When I left you could see everything going on in here from there. If you still can you should be able to see that I'm NOT pleasure walking!
*I get electrically shocked from Bunsen's finding invention*
Owwww!!! Hey cut whatever you're doing out. I'm in enough pain here.
Gonzo: Isn't it wonderful???
Scooter: Huh?? Wha??
Me: Scooter, put me on speaker.
(camera cuts back to Muppet Boarding House)
Scooter: HEY Everybody! *room silences*
* I suddenly appear in the MBH*
Me (the hologram/Beaker): Uhhh....This is weird.
JaniceFerSure: So how does it feel to be in two places at once??
Me: Very odd.

To elaborate while Scooter and I had been on the phone Bunsen kept experimenting. Since I was now in the computer Bunsen was able to transport me or at least my voice and image to the Lab. I was still in Cyberspace but able to communicate with our friends in the Boarding house. (side note: I never said this movie was logical)

Link: Now can we find out what happened???
Me (and the hologram me): Well I was eating my sandwich that Fozzie so kindly gave to me when....


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Technically how this is working we are just writing bits and pieces of what happens. Go back to the beginning (The story started around page 4) and read the storyline up till now. Then add what you feel should happen. By all means bring in whatever Henson characters you wish. But this really isn't a role playing game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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The gang in the Muppet Boarding House listened intently to Christyb's story. When she finished, everyone started talking excitedly.

"Whoa, whoa!" Docnzhoss declared. "Everyone quiet down, we've gotta come up with a way to get them out. They're all together and at the moment out of danger. Bunsen, any suggestions?"

Bunsen placed a finger on his chin. "Well, it seems to me that if they are indeed in the heart of the internet, they could possibly plant a virus that could in theory infect Snidley Spyware's own software, thus disabling it long enough to get our friends out in one piece."

Docnzhoss nodded his head. "So why not do it?"

Bunsen answered, "Because it would in fact infect every computer in the entire world and every advancement the internet has ever made could be lost forever."

Christyb's image stepped in. "So there's nothing we can do that won't affect the world?"

Bunsen looked at her. "Well, if I worked out a proper formula I could indeed invent an antedote of sorts, that could heal the global internet after such an operation. However, it would also enable Spyware's software to operate again."

Docnzhoss asked him, "How long would it take to develop such a virus and its antedote?"

Bunsen answered, "Hard to tell. It could take a few minutes, or it could take weeks."

"Get on it," Docnzhoss ordered. "What do you need us to do?"

"Well, Beaker and I will need to be on the computer to develop the virus. Someone will need to distract Snidley Spyware long enough to allow us to work."

Docnzhoss did a double take. "So we would, in theory, be distracting him anywhere from a few minutes to a few weeks?"

Bunsen chuckled lightly.

"Great," Docnzhoss said sarcastically. "Well, I guess you only live once. What can we do?"

Animal suddenly got excited and began jumping up and down. "Blitz! Blitz! Blitz! Blitz!"

Floyd struggled to restrain him. "Down Animal! There's no football today!"

"Can't add two and two," Docnzhoss said with a grin. "Animal, you're a genius!"

A collective "huh?" came from the group.

"Well," Docnzhoss explained. "We can't beat Snidley with our computers, so we have to go after him physically. Dr. Teeth, fire up the bus...we're taking a trip!"

Dr. Teeth took keys from his pocket. "She'll be primed and ready, Doc...looks like our next stop's gonna be Muppet Central central!"

The gang excitedly followed Dr. Teeth up to the bus, leaving Bunsen, Beaker, Scooter and Christyb's image to work out the virus/antedote that could, in theory, save the day.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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*Where am I at the minute, I want to post the next bit with me in!!

Dr. Teeth fired up the hippy-painted bus and drove off, while two suspicious old men watched at the window. One was tall, thin and almost totally bald. The other was shorter with white hair and a moustache.

Statler: Hey, there going to go and save their friends
Waldorf: Well, it was too late to save the movie!
Statler: Hey, we've used that one before!
Waldorf: You're right...that was bad.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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In the computer....

Gonzo: So what's going on.
Me: Beside being shocked??? I think they are going to Muppet Central's Headquarters.
Tutter:But that doesn't make sense. If they can't distract him won't he just send them in here with us??
Me: Oh my goodness that's right!!!

While the conversation had been going on Diana (i.e. JaniceFerSure) had been exploring. To her surprise she discovered The entrance to Muppet Central.

Janicefersure: Hey guys come look at this!!

We all crowded around what looked like a small window. Much to our amazement we could see Snidley and the Main Control room and hear him as well. We kept completely quite, due to the fact we weren't sure that he could see or hear us.

Snidley: Where on earth are they! Those little idiots were here just a minute ago.
*Snidley was seen typing furiously on the computers. Sliding back and forth from monitor to monitor. Searching furiously for his captives*

Me: Guys! This is our big break. He has no idea where we are. Give me a sec and I'll tell the others. Yeowch!

*camera cuts to Electric Mayhem bus.*

Me/hologram: Guys you won't believe this.

I go on to explain what us "captives" had just discovered.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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In a cave far away lived the fraggles.......

Red and Mokey were on the computer in the shed w/ Sprocket
Red: Look at this Mokey. Somethings up with "Muppet Central."
Mokey: Oh this is terriable.
Red: We have to get to Gobo and tell him. Lets go!
Mokey: We'll be right back Sprocket.
Sprocket: Arf woof arf woof arf!
*Red and Mokey jump off the chair and run to rock*
Red: GOBO!? Where are you?
Mokey: GOBO!? Where is he?
Red: *sees Wembley* Have you seen Gobo?
Wembely: He and Boober went to Gorgs garden. Whats wrong?
Red: Can't talk right now! *runs off* Come on Mokey!
Mokey: Coming Red! See yea Wembley.
Wembley: Ok.

Red and Mokey get to the Gorg's garden
Red: There he is. Gobo!?
Gobo: What is it Red. Don't you see were getting raddies!
Red: This is more important! Come on!
Boober: I'm not going to stay here and get raddies by myself.
Mokey: I'll stay with you Boober.
Boober: Thanks Mokey.
Red: Come on Gobo!
Gobo: Ok coming Red! This better be important!

Gobo and Red run back to the Doc's shed
Gobo: Whats wrong?! Whats meaning of this?
Red: *points to the computer* See!
Gobo: *looks at computer* (GASP!) There seems to be something wrong with "Muppet Central!" Whats wrong?
Red: Someone by the name of Spyware has took over it and trapped our fans and Muppet friends in the computer.
Gobo: We have to save them. Some how?
Red: Isn't there some caves that you haven't explored yet?
Gobo: No. What you getting at?
Red: Some could lead to the computer world!
Gobo: Your being silly.
Red: Come on Gobo, listen to me for once please?
Gobo: Ok Red. You better be right.
Red: Lets take Sprocket!
Gobo: :smirk:

So Red, Gobo and Sprocket go into the rock to explore more of the caverns
